From d7d089e8f519da46e659f2eaa2ced563e1866d92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Monnerat <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 23:58:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Replaced dictionary per simple list of regex (Lucas) Improved
 the code style (Rafael and Lucas)

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/Document/ | 692 +++++++++++------------------
 product/ERP5/tests/ | 273 +-----------
 2 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 679 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/ b/product/ERP5/Document/
index 949be0dbf4..95938c267f 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/
@@ -36,437 +36,273 @@ from Products.ERP5.Document.Coordinate import Coordinate
 import re
 class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
+  """
+    A telephone is a coordinate which stores a telephone number
+    The telephone class may be used by multiple content types (ex. Fax,
+    Mobile Phone, Fax, Remote Access, etc.).
+    A telephone is a terminating leaf
+    in the OFS. It can not contain anything.
+    Telephone inherits from Base and
+    from the mix-in Coordinate
+    A list of I18N telephone codes can be found here::
+  """
+  meta_type = 'ERP5 Telephone'
+  portal_type = 'Telephone'
+  add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
+  isPortalContent = 1
+  isRADContent = 1
+  # Declarative security
+  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+  security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation)
+  # Declarative properties
+  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
+                    , PropertySheet.SimpleItem
+                    , PropertySheet.Telephone
+                    )
+  # This is a list of regex.
+  # Each regex into the list handle a single (or should handle) input.
+  # The list is a priority list,
+  # be carefull to add a new regex.
+  regex_list = [
+    # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
+    # +33(0)2-27224896/999 or +33(0)2-27224896/ or +33(0)2-27224896
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(0\)(?P<area>\d+)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
+    # +81-2-27224896/999 or +81-2-27224896/ or +81-2-27224896
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)-(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Missing area
+    # +33(0)-27224896/999" or +33(0)-27224896/ or +33(0)-27224896
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(0\)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
+    # +55(2)27224896/999 or +55(2)27224896/ or +55(2)27224896
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
+    # +221-2-27224896/999 or +221-2-27224896/ or +221-2-27224896
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)-(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Missing country
+    # +(0)2-27224896/999" or +(0)2-27224896/ or +(0)2-27224896
+    "\+\(0\)(?P<area>\d+)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Missing Country and Area 
+    # +(0)-27224896/999" or +(0)-27224896/ or +(0)-27224896
+    "\+\(0\)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Area, Number Extension*
+    # Area between parenthesis.
+    # (22)27224897/333 or (22)27224897/ or (22)27224897
+    "\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Missing country
+    # +(2)27224896/999" or +(2)27224896/ or +(2)27224896
+    "\+\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # Country, Area, Number and Extension*
+    # Country space area space number slash extension or not
+    # +33 2 098765432/1 or +33 2 098765432/ or +33 2 098765432
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)\ (?P<area>\d+)\ (?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
+    # This regex is to handle two inputs very similar
+    # but with different behavior
+    # 631 22 43/999 or 631 22 43 or 631 22 43 
+    # will result in {'area':'', 'number':'631 22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'}
+    #
+    # 631-22 43/999 or 631-22 43 or 631-22 43 
+    # will result in {'area':'631', 'number':'22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'} 
+    "^(?:0)?((?P<area>\d+)-)?(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    # Area, Number, Extension*
+    # It is a common input in France 
+    # and in Japan but with different behavior.
+    # 047-336-5411/999 or 047-336-5411/ or 047-336-5411
+    # will result in {'area':'47', 'number':'336-5411', \
+    #                  'ext':'999 or empty'} <= France
+    # will result in {'area':'047', 'number':'336-5411', 
+    #                  'ext':'999 or empty'} <= Japan
+    # so we have here two regex:
+    # To France: "^0(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    # To Japan: "^(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    "^0(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    # Area, Number, Extension*
+    # It is a common input in France and in Japan but with different behavior.
+    # 047(336)5411/999 or 047(336)5411/ or 047(336)5411
+    # will result in {'area':'47', 'number':'336)5411', 
+    #                  'ext':'999 or empty'} <= France
+    # will result in {'area':'047', 'number':'336)5411', 
+    #                  'ext':'999 or empty'} <= Japan
+    # so we have here two regex:
+    #To France: 
+    # "^0(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    #To Japan: 
+    # "^(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    "^0(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
+    # Missing area
+    # +55()27224896/999" or +55()27224896/ or +55()27224896
+    "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)"
+  ]
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'fromText')
+  def fromText(self, coordinate_text):
+    """ See ICoordinate.fromText """
+    method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('fromText')
+    if method is not None:
+      return method(text=coordinate_text)
+    if coordinate_text is None:
+      coordinate_text = ''
+    # This regexp get the coordinate text 
+    # and extract number and letters
+    input_regex_without_markup = '[0-9A-Za-z]'
+    input_without_markup = ''.join(re.findall(input_regex_without_markup,\
+                                              coordinate_text))
+    # Test if coordinate_text has or not markups.
+    if len(coordinate_text) > len(input_without_markup):
+      number_match = None
+      for regex in self._getRegexList():
+        possible_number_match = re.match(regex, coordinate_text)
+        if possible_number_match not in [None]:
+          number_match = possible_number_match
+          break
+      if number_match == None:
+        from zLOG import LOG, WARNING
+        msg = "Doesn't exist a regex to handle this telephone: ", \
+                                                               coordinate_text
+        LOG('Telephone.fromText', WARNING, msg)
+        return
+      number_dict = number_match.groupdict()
+    else:
+      number_dict = {'number' : coordinate_text}
+    country = number_dict.get('country','')
+    area = number_dict.get('area','')
+    number = number_dict.get('number','')
+    extension = number_dict.get('ext','')
+    if ((country in ['', None]) and \
+        (area in ['', None]) and \
+        (number in ['', None]) and \
+        (extension in ['', None])):
+      country = area = number = extension = ''
+    else:
+      # The country and area is trying to get from dict, 
+      # but if it fails must be get from preference
+      preference_tool = self.portal_preferences
+      if country in ['', None]:
+        country = preference_tool.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber('')
+      if area in ['', None]:
+        area = preference_tool.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultAreaNumber('')
+      country =  country.strip()
+      area = area.strip()
+      number = number.strip()
+      extension = extension.strip()
+      # Formating the number.
+      # Removing any ")", "(", "-" and " "
+      for token in [")", "(", "-" ," "]:
+        number = number.replace(token, '')
+    self.edit(telephone_country = country,
+              telephone_area = area,
+              telephone_number = number, 
+              telephone_extension = extension)
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setText')
+  _setText = fromText
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'asText')
+  def asText(self):
+    """
+      Returns the telephone number in standard format
+    """
+    script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asText')
+    if script is not None:
+      return script()
+    country = self.getTelephoneCountry('')
+    area = self.getTelephoneArea('')
+    number = self.getTelephoneNumber('')
+    extension = self.getTelephoneExtension('')
+    # If country, area, number, extension are blank 
+    # the method should to return blank.
+    if ((country == '') and \
+        (area == '') and \
+        (number == '') and \
+        (extension == '')): 
+      return ''
+    # Define the notation
+    notation = self._getNotation()
+    if notation not in [None, '']:
+      notation = notation.replace('<country>',country)
+      notation = notation.replace('<area>',area)
+      notation = notation.replace('<number>',number)
+      notation = notation.replace('<ext>',extension)
+    if extension == '':
+      notation = notation.replace('/','')
+    return notation
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'asURL')
+  def asURL(self):
+    """Returns a text representation of the Url if defined
+    or None else.
-        A telephone is a coordinate which stores a telephone number
-        The telephone class may be used by multiple content types (ex. Fax,
-        Mobile Phone, Fax, Remote Access, etc.).
+    telephone_country = self.getTelephoneCountry()
+    if telephone_country is not None:
+      url_string = '+%s' % telephone_country
+    else :
+      url_string = '0'
-        A telephone is a terminating leaf
-        in the OFS. It can not contain anything.
+    telephone_area = self.getTelephoneArea()
+    if telephone_area is not None:
+      url_string += telephone_area
-        Telephone inherits from Base and
-        from the mix-in Coordinate
+    telephone_number = self.getTelephoneNumber()
+    if telephone_number is not None:
+      url_string += telephone_number
-        A list of I18N telephone codes can be found here::
+    if url_string == '0':
+      return None
+    return 'tel:%s' % (url_string.replace(' ',''))
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getText')
+  getText = asText
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'standardTextFormat')
+  def standardTextFormat(self):
+      Returns the standard text formats for telephone numbers
+    """
+    return ("+33(0)6-62 05 76 14",)
-    meta_type = 'ERP5 Telephone'
-    portal_type = 'Telephone'
-    add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
-    isPortalContent = 1
-    isRADContent = 1
-    # Declarative security
-    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
-    security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation)
-    # Declarative properties
-    property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
-                      , PropertySheet.SimpleItem
-                      , PropertySheet.Telephone
-                      )
-    # The notation always need to have:
-    # <country> or <area> or <number> or <ext>
-    # If uses a different tag it will be ignored.
-    standard_dict = {
-      # France
-      '33' : {
-        "regex_input_list" : [          
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +33(0)2-27224896/999 or +33(0)2-27224896/ or +33(0)2-27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(0\)(?P<area>\d+)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Missing country
-          # +(0)2-27224896/999" or +(0)2-27224896/ or +(0)2-27224896
-          "\+\(0\)(?P<area>\d+)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Missing area
-          # +33(0)-27224896/999" or +33(0)-27224896/ or +33(0)-27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(0\)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Missing Country and Area 
-          # +(0)-27224896/999" or +(0)-27224896/ or +(0)-27224896
-          "\+\(0\)\-(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # The area between parenthesis.
-          # +33(629)024425/222 or +33(629)024425/ or +33(629)024425
-          "^\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ ]+)/?(?P<ext>\d+|)$", 
-          # Area, Number Extension*
-          # Area between parenthesis.
-          # (22)27224897/333 or (22)27224897/ or (22)27224897
-          "\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # Area followed by '-'
-          # (22)-12345678/222 or (22)-12345678/ or (22)-12345678
-          "\((?P<area>\d+)\)\-?(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number and Extension*
-          # Country space area space number slash extension or not
-          # +33 2 098765432/1 or +33 2 098765432/ or +33 2 098765432
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\ (?P<area>\d+)\ (?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # This regex is to handle two inputs very similar
-          # but with different behavior
-          # 631 22 43/999 or 631 22 43 or 631 22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'', 'country':'631 22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'}
-          #
-          # 631-22 43/999 or 631-22 43 or 631-22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'631', 'country':'22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'} 
-          "^(?:0)?((?P<area>\d+)-)?(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047-336-5411/999 or 047-336-5411/ or 047-336-5411
-          "^0(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047(336)5411/999 or 047(336)5411/ or 047(336)5411
-          "^0(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$"
-        ],
-        "notation" : "+<country>(0)<area>-<number>/<ext>"
-      },
-      # Brazil
-      '55' : {
-        "regex_input_list" : [
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +55(2)27224896/999 or +55(2)27224896/ or +55(2)27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +55-2-27224896/999 or +55-2-27224896/ or +55-2-27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)-(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Missing country
-          # +(2)27224896/999 or +(2)27224896/ or +(2)27224896
-          "\+\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Missing area
-          # +55()-27224896/999 or +55()-27224896/ or +55()-27224896
-          # +55()27224896/999 or +55()27224896/ or +55()27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(\)(?:\-)?(?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Missing Country and Area 
-          # +()27224896/999 or +()27224896/ or +()27224896
-          "\+\(\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # The area between parenthesis.
-          # +55(629)024425/222 or +55(629)024425/ or +55(629)024425
-          "^\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ ]+)/?(?P<ext>\d+|)$", 
-          # Area, Number Extension*
-          # Area between parenthesis.
-          # (22)27224897/333 or (22)27224897/ or (22)27224897
-          "\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number and Extension*
-          # Country space area space number slash extension or not
-          # +55 2 098765432/1 or +55 2 098765432/ or +55 2 098765432
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\ (?P<area>\d+)\ (?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # This regex is to handle two inputs very similar
-          # but with different behavior
-          # 631 22 43/999 or 631 22 43 or 631 22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'', 'country':'631 22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'}
-          #
-          # 631-22 43/999 or 631-22 43 or 631-22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'631', 'country':'22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'} 
-          "^((?P<area>\d+)-)?(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047-336-5411/999 or 047-336-5411/ or 047-336-5411
-          "^(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047(336)5411/999 or 047(336)5411/ or 047(336)5411
-          "^(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$"
-        ],
-        "notation" : "+<country>(<area>)<number>/<ext>",
-      },
-       # Senegal
-      '221' : {
-        "regex_input_list" : [
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +221(2)27224896/999 or +221(2)27224896/ or +221(2)27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +221-2-27224896/999 or +221-2-27224896/ or +221-2-27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)-(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Missing country
-          # +(2)27224896/999" or +(2)27224896/ or +(2)27224896
-          "\+\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Missing area
-          # +221()27224896/999" or +221()27224896/ or +221()27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\(\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Missing Country and Area 
-          # +()27224896/999" or +()27224896/ or +()27224896
-          "\+\(\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # The area between parenthesis.
-          # +221(629)024425/222 or +221(629)024425/ or +221(629)024425
-          "^\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ ]+)/?(?P<ext>\d+|)$", 
-          # Area, Number Extension*
-          # Area between parenthesis.
-          # (22)27224897/333 or (22)27224897/ or (22)27224897
-          "\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number and Extension*
-          # Country space area space number slash extension or not
-          # +221 2 098765432/1 or +221 2 098765432/ or +221 2 098765432
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\ (?P<area>\d+)\ (?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # This regex is to handle two inputs very similar
-          # but with different behavior
-          # 631 22 43/999 or 631 22 43 or 631 22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'', 'country':'631 22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'}
-          #
-          # 631-22 43/999 or 631-22 43 or 631-22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'631', 'country':'22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'} 
-          "^((?P<area>\d+)-)?(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047-336-5411/999 or 047-336-5411/ or 047-336-5411
-          "^(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047(336)5411/999 or 047(336)5411/ or 047(336)5411
-          "^(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$"
-        ],
-        "notation" : "+<country>(<area>)<number>/<ext>",
-      },
-      # Japan
-      '81' : {
-        "regex_input_list" : [
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +81(2)27224896/999 or +81(2)27224896/ or +81(2)27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # +81-2-27224896/999 or +81-2-27224896/ or +81-2-27224896
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)-(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)", 
-          # Missing country
-          # +(2)27224896/999" or +(2)27224896/ or +(2)27224896
-          "\+\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Missing Country and Area 
-          # +()27224896/999" or +()27224896/ or +()27224896
-          "\+\(\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number, Extension*
-          # The area between parenthesis.
-          # +81(629)024425/222 or +81(629)024425/ or +81(629)024425
-          "^\+(?P<country>\d+)\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ ]+)/?(?P<ext>\d+|)$", 
-          # Area, Number Extension*
-          # Area between parenthesis.
-          # (22)27224897/333 or (22)27224897/ or (22)27224897
-          "\((?P<area>\d+)\)(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # Country, Area, Number and Extension*
-          # Country space area space number slash extension or not
-          # +81 2 098765432/1 or +81 2 098765432/ or +81 2 098765432
-          "\+(?P<country>\d+)\ (?P<area>\d+)\ (?P<number>[\d\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
-          # This regex is to handle two inputs very similar
-          # but with different behavior
-          # 631 22 43/999 or 631 22 43 or 631 22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'', 'country':'631 22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'}
-          #
-          # 631-22 43/999 or 631-22 43 or 631-22 43 
-          # will result in {'area':'631', 'country':'22 43', 'ext':'999 or empty'} 
-          "^((?P<area>\d+)-)?(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047-336-5411/999 or 047-336-5411/ or 047-336-5411
-          "^(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\-\ ]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$",
-          # Area, Number, Extension*
-          # 047(336)5411/999 or 047(336)5411/ or 047(336)5411
-          "^(?P<area>\d+)\((?P<number>[\d\)\(\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)$"
-        ],
-        "notation" : "+<country>(<area>)<number>/<ext>",
-      }
-    }
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'fromText')
-    def fromText(self, coordinate_text):
-      """ See ICoordinate.fromText """
-      method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('fromText')
-      if method is not None:
-        return method(text=coordinate_text)
-      if coordinate_text is None:
-        coordinate_text = ''
-      # This regexp get the coordinate text 
-      # and extract number and letters
-      input_regex_without_markup = '[0-9A-Za-z]'
-      input_without_markup = ''.join(re.findall(input_regex_without_markup,\
-                                                coordinate_text))
-      # Test if coordinate_text has or not markups.
-      if len(coordinate_text) > len(input_without_markup):
-        # Trying to get the regex list.
-        input_parser_list = self._getRegexList(coordinate_text=coordinate_text)
-        number_match = None
-        for input_parser in input_parser_list:
-          possible_number_match = re.match(input_parser, coordinate_text)
-          if possible_number_match not in [None]:
-            number_match = possible_number_match
-            break
-        if number_match == None:
-          from zLOG import LOG, WARNING
-          msg = "Doesn't exist a regex to handle this telephone: ", coordinate_text
-          LOG('*** Telephone ***',WARNING,msg)
-          return
-        number_dict = number_match.groupdict()
-      else:
-        number_dict = {'number' : coordinate_text}
-      country=number_dict.get('country','')
-      area=number_dict.get('area','')
-      number=number_dict.get('number','')
-      ext=number_dict.get('ext','')
-      if ((country in ['', None]) and \
-          (area in ['', None]) and \
-          (number in ['', None]) and \
-          (ext in ['', None])):
-        country = area = number = extension = ''
-      else:
-        # The country and area is trying to get from dict, 
-        # but if it fails must be get from preference
-        country_default_number = self.portal_preferences.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber()
-        area_default_number = self.portal_preferences.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultAreaNumber()
-        country = (number_dict.get('country') or \
-                   country_default_number or \
-                   '').strip()
-        area = (number_dict.get('area') or \
-                area_default_number or 
-                '').strip()
-        number = (number_dict.get('number') or '').strip()
-        # Formating the number.
-        # Removing any ")", "(", "-" and " "
-        number = number.replace('-', '')
-        number = number.replace(' ','')
-        number = number.replace(')','')
-        number = number.replace('(','')
-        extension = (number_dict.get('ext') or '').strip()
-      self.edit(telephone_country = country,
-                telephone_area = area,
-                telephone_number = number, 
-                telephone_extension = extension)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setText')
-    _setText = fromText
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'asText')
-    def asText(self):
-      """
-        Returns the telephone number in standard format
-      """
-      script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asText')
-      if script is not None:
-        return script()
-      telephone_country = self.getTelephoneCountry() or ''
-      telephone_area = self.getTelephoneArea() or ''
-      telephone_number = self.getTelephoneNumber() or ''
-      telephone_extension = self.getTelephoneExtension() or ''
-      # If country, area, number, extension are blank 
-      # the method should to return blank.
-      if ((telephone_country == '') and \
-          (telephone_area == '') and \
-          (telephone_number == '') and \
-          (telephone_extension == '')): 
-        return ''
-      # Trying to get the notation
-      notation = self._getNotation(telephone_country=telephone_country)
-      if notation not in [None, '']:
-        notation=notation.replace('<country>',telephone_country)
-        notation=notation.replace('<area>',telephone_area)
-        notation=notation.replace('<number>',telephone_number)
-        notation=notation.replace('<ext>',telephone_extension)
-      if telephone_extension == '':
-        notation=notation.replace('/','')
-      return notation
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
-                              'asURL')
-    def asURL(self):
-      """Returns a text representation of the Url if defined
-      or None else.
-      """
-      telephone_country = self.getTelephoneCountry()
-      if telephone_country is not None:
-        url_string = '+%s' % telephone_country
-      else :
-        url_string = '0'
-      telephone_area = self.getTelephoneArea()
-      if telephone_area is not None:
-        url_string += telephone_area
-      telephone_number = self.getTelephoneNumber()
-      if telephone_number is not None:
-        url_string += telephone_number
-      if url_string == '0':
-        return None
-      return 'tel:%s' % (url_string.replace(' ',''))
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getText')
-    getText = asText
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'standardTextFormat')
-    def standardTextFormat(self):
-      """
-        Returns the standard text formats for telephone numbers
-      """
-      return ("+33(0)6-62 05 76 14",)
-    def _getRegexDict(self, index=None):
-      """
-        Returns a dict with Regex and Notations based from 
-        country or region
-      """
-      # Trying to get the Regex Dict
-      if index not in self.standard_dict.keys():
-        index = self.portal_preferences.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber() or '33'
-      return self.standard_dict.get(index)
-    def _getRegexList(self, coordinate_text):
-      """
-        Returns the regex list.
-      """
-      # Trying to get a possible contry number
-      country_regex = '((\+|)(?P<country>\d*))'
-      country = re.match(country_regex, \
-                       coordinate_text).groupdict().get('country','')
-      regex_dict = self._getRegexDict(index=country)
-      input_parser = regex_dict.get('regex_input_list')
-      return input_parser
-    def _getNotation(self, telephone_country):
-      """
-        Returns the notation that will be used by asText method.
-      """
-      regex_dict = self._getRegexDict(index=telephone_country)
-      notation = regex_dict.get('notation')
-      return notation
+  def _getNotation(self):
+    """
+      Returns the notation that will be used by asText method.
+    """
+    # The notation can be changed.
+    # But needs to have <country>, <area>, <number> and <ext>
+    return "+<country>(0)<area>-<number>/<ext>"
+  def _getRegexList(self):
+    """
+      Returns the regex list that will be used by fromText method.
+    """
+    return self.regex_list
diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/ b/product/ERP5/tests/
index 274523fe37..a4a0059640 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
     self.assertEquals('+33(0)2-12345678/999', tel.asText())
-  def test_TelephoneInputListForFrance(self):
+  def test_TelephoneInputList(self):
     pers = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
     tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
     pref = self.portal_preferences.default_site_preference
@@ -925,7 +925,6 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
       ["62 05 76 14/","+33(0)2-62057614"],
       ["62 05 76 14","+33(0)2-62057614"],
       ["631 22 43/999","+33(0)2-6312243/999"],
       ["631 22 43/","+33(0)2-6312243"],
       ["631 22 43","+33(0)2-6312243"],
@@ -947,269 +946,41 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
       ["+33 662 1244 4112/999","+33(0)662-12444112/999"],
       ["+33 662 1244 4112/","+33(0)662-12444112"],
       ["+33 662 1244 4112","+33(0)662-12444112"],
-    ]
-    for i in input_list:
-      tel.fromText(coordinate_text=i[0])
-      self.assertEquals(i[1],tel.asText())
-  def test_TelephoneInputListForSenegal(self):
-    pers = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
-    tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
-    pref = self.portal_preferences.default_site_preference
-    pref.setPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber('221')
-    pref.setPreferredTelephoneDefaultAreaNumber('')
-    pref.enable()
-    input_list = [
-      ["+221(2)27224896/999","+221(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+221(2)27224896/","+221(2)27224896"],
-      ["+221(2)27224896","+221(2)27224896"],
+      ["+55(2)27224896/999","+55(0)2-27224896/999"],
+      ["+55(2)27224896/","+55(0)2-27224896"],
+      ["+55(2)27224896","+55(0)2-27224896"],
-      ["+221()27224896/999","+221()27224896/999"],
-      ["+221()27224896/","+221()27224896"],
-      ["+221()27224896","+221()27224896"],
+      ["+55()27224896/999","+55(0)2-27224896/999"],
+      ["+55()27224896/","+55(0)2-27224896"],
+      ["+55()27224896","+55(0)2-27224896"],
-      ["+221()-27224896/999","+221()27224896/999"],
-      ["+221()-27224896/","+221()27224896"],
-      ["+221()-27224896","+221()27224896"],
-      ["+(2)27224896/999","+221(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+(2)27224896/","+221(2)27224896"],
-      ["+(2)27224896","+221(2)27224896"],
-      ["+()27224896/999","+221()27224896/999"],
-      ["+()27224896/","+221()27224896"],
-      ["+()27224896","+221()27224896"],
-      ["+221(629)024425/222","+221(629)024425/222"],
-      ["+221(629)024425/","+221(629)024425"],
-      ["+221(629)024425","+221(629)024425"],
-      ["(22)27224897/333","+221(22)27224897/333"],
-      ["(22)27224897/","+221(22)27224897"],
-      ["(22)27224897","+221(22)27224897"],
-      ["(22)-12345678/222","+221(22)12345678/222"],
-      ["(22)-12345678/","+221(22)12345678"],
-      ["(22)-12345678","+221(22)12345678"],
-      ["+221 2 098765432/1","+221(2)098765432/1"],
-      ["+221 2 098765432/","+221(2)098765432"],
-      ["+221 2 098765432","+221(2)098765432"],
-      ["+221 662 1241 1233/999","+221(662)12411233/999"],
-      ["+221 662 1241 1233/","+221(662)12411233"],
-      ["+221 662 1241 1233","+221(662)12411233"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14/999","+221(6)62057614/999"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14/","+221(6)62057614"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14","+221(6)62057614"],
-      ["62 05 76 14/999","+221()62057614/999"],
-      ["62 05 76 14/","+221()62057614"],
-      ["62 05 76 14","+221()62057614"],
+      ["+55()-27224896/999","+55(0)2-27224896/999"],
+      ["+55()-27224896/","+55(0)2-27224896"],
+      ["+55()-27224896","+55(0)2-27224896"],
-      ["631 22 43/999","+221()6312243/999"],
-      ["631 22 43/","+221()6312243"],
-      ["631 22 43","+221()6312243"],
+      ["+55(629)024425/222","+55(0)629-024425/222"],
+      ["+55(629)024425/","+55(0)629-024425"],
+      ["+55(629)024425","+55(0)629-024425"],
-      ["631-22 43/999","+221(631)2243/999"],
-      ["631-22 43/","+221(631)2243"],
-      ["631-22 43","+221(631)2243"],
+      ["+55 2 098765432/1","+55(0)2-098765432/1"],
+      ["+55 2 098765432/","+55(0)2-098765432"],
+      ["+55 2 098765432","+55(0)2-098765432"],
-      ["8291212/33","+221()8291212/33"],
-      ["047-336-5411/999","+221(047)3365411/999"],
-      ["047-336-5411/","+221(047)3365411"],
-      ["047-336-5411","+221(047)3365411"],
-      ["047(336)5411/999","+221(047)3365411/999"],
-      ["047(336)5411/","+221(047)3365411"],
-      ["047(336)5411","+221(047)3365411"],
+      ["+55 662 1241 1233/999","+55(0)662-12411233/999"],
+      ["+55 662 1241 1233/","+55(0)662-12411233"],
+      ["+55 662 1241 1233","+55(0)662-12411233"],
-      ["+221 662 1244 4112/999","+221(662)12444112/999"],
-      ["+221 662 1244 4112/","+221(662)12444112"],
-      ["+221 662 1244 4112","+221(662)12444112"],  
-      ["+221-047-12345678/990","+221(047)12345678/990"],
-      ["+221-047-12345678/","+221(047)12345678"],
-      ["+221-047-12345678","+221(047)12345678"]
-    ]
+      ["+55-047-12345678/990","+55(0)047-12345678/990"],
+      ["+55-047-12345678/","+55(0)047-12345678"],
+      ["+55-047-12345678","+55(0)047-12345678"]
-    for i in input_list:
-      tel.fromText(coordinate_text=i[0])
-      self.assertEquals(i[1],tel.asText())
-  def test_TelephoneInputListForBrazil(self):
-    pers = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
-    tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
-    pref = self.portal_preferences.default_site_preference
-    pref.setPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber('55')
-    pref.setPreferredTelephoneDefaultAreaNumber('2')
-    pref.enable()
-    input_list = [
-      ["+55(2)27224896/999","+55(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+55(2)27224896/","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+55(2)27224896","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+55()27224896/999","+55(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+55()27224896/","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+55()27224896","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+55()-27224896/999","+55(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+55()-27224896/","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+55()-27224896","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+(2)27224896/999","+55(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+(2)27224896/","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+(2)27224896","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+()27224896/999","+55(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+()27224896/","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+()27224896","+55(2)27224896"],
-      ["+55(629)024425/222","+55(629)024425/222"],
-      ["+55(629)024425/","+55(629)024425"],
-      ["+55(629)024425","+55(629)024425"],
-      ["(22)27224897/333","+55(22)27224897/333"],
-      ["(22)27224897/","+55(22)27224897"],
-      ["(22)27224897","+55(22)27224897"],
-      ["(22)-12345678/222","+55(22)12345678/222"],
-      ["(22)-12345678/","+55(22)12345678"],
-      ["(22)-12345678","+55(22)12345678"],
-      ["+55 2 098765432/1","+55(2)098765432/1"],
-      ["+55 2 098765432/","+55(2)098765432"],
-      ["+55 2 098765432","+55(2)098765432"],
-      ["+55 662 1241 1233/999","+55(662)12411233/999"],
-      ["+55 662 1241 1233/","+55(662)12411233"],
-      ["+55 662 1241 1233","+55(662)12411233"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14/999","+55(6)62057614/999"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14/","+55(6)62057614"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14","+55(6)62057614"],
-      ["62 05 76 14/999","+55(2)62057614/999"],
-      ["62 05 76 14/","+55(2)62057614"],
-      ["62 05 76 14","+55(2)62057614"],
-      ["631 22 43/999","+55(2)6312243/999"],
-      ["631 22 43/","+55(2)6312243"],
-      ["631 22 43","+55(2)6312243"],
-      ["631-22 43/999","+55(631)2243/999"],
-      ["631-22 43/","+55(631)2243"],
-      ["631-22 43","+55(631)2243"],
-      ["8291212/33","+55(2)8291212/33"],
-      ["047-336-5411/999","+55(047)3365411/999"],
-      ["047-336-5411/","+55(047)3365411"],
-      ["047-336-5411","+55(047)3365411"],
-      ["047(336)5411/999","+55(047)3365411/999"],
-      ["047(336)5411/","+55(047)3365411"],
-      ["047(336)5411","+55(047)3365411"],
-      ["+55 662 1244 4112/999","+55(662)12444112/999"],
-      ["+55 662 1244 4112/","+55(662)12444112"],
-      ["+55 662 1244 4112","+55(662)12444112"],  
-      ["+55-047-12345678/990","+55(047)12345678/990"],
-      ["+55-047-12345678/","+55(047)12345678"],
-      ["+55-047-12345678","+55(047)12345678"]
     for i in input_list:
-  def test_TelephoneInputListForJapan(self):
-    pers = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
-    tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
-    pref = self.portal_preferences.default_site_preference
-    pref.setPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber('81')
-    pref.setPreferredTelephoneDefaultAreaNumber('2')
-    pref.enable()
-    input_list = [
-      ["+81(2)27224896/999","+81(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+81(2)27224896/","+81(2)27224896"],
-      ["+81(2)27224896","+81(2)27224896"],
-      ["+(2)27224896/999","+81(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+(2)27224896/","+81(2)27224896"],
-      ["+(2)27224896","+81(2)27224896"],
-      ["+()27224896/999","+81(2)27224896/999"],
-      ["+()27224896/","+81(2)27224896"],
-      ["+()27224896","+81(2)27224896"],
-      ["+81(629)024425/222","+81(629)024425/222"],
-      ["+81(629)024425/","+81(629)024425"],
-      ["+81(629)024425","+81(629)024425"],
-      ["(22)27224897/333","+81(22)27224897/333"],
-      ["(22)27224897/","+81(22)27224897"],
-      ["(22)27224897","+81(22)27224897"],
-      ["(22)-12345678/222","+81(22)12345678/222"],
-      ["(22)-12345678/","+81(22)12345678"],
-      ["(22)-12345678","+81(22)12345678"],
-      ["+81 2 098765432/1","+81(2)098765432/1"],
-      ["+81 2 098765432/","+81(2)098765432"],
-      ["+81 2 098765432","+81(2)098765432"],
-      ["+81 662 1241 1233/999","+81(662)12411233/999"],
-      ["+81 662 1241 1233/","+81(662)12411233"],
-      ["+81 662 1241 1233","+81(662)12411233"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14/999","+81(6)62057614/999"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14/","+81(6)62057614"],
-      ["6-62 05 76 14","+81(6)62057614"],
-      ["62 05 76 14/999","+81(2)62057614/999"],
-      ["62 05 76 14/","+81(2)62057614"],
-      ["62 05 76 14","+81(2)62057614"],
-      ["631 22 43/999","+81(2)6312243/999"],
-      ["631 22 43/","+81(2)6312243"],
-      ["631 22 43","+81(2)6312243"],
-      ["631-22 43/999","+81(631)2243/999"],
-      ["631-22 43/","+81(631)2243"],
-      ["631-22 43","+81(631)2243"],
-      ["8291212/33","+81(2)8291212/33"],
-      ["047-336-5411/999","+81(047)3365411/999"],
-      ["047-336-5411/","+81(047)3365411"],
-      ["047-336-5411","+81(047)3365411"],
-      ["047(336)5411/999","+81(047)3365411/999"],
-      ["047(336)5411/","+81(047)3365411"],
-      ["047(336)5411","+81(047)3365411"],
-      ["+81 662 1244 4112/999","+81(662)12444112/999"],
-      ["+81 662 1244 4112/","+81(662)12444112"],
-      ["+81 662 1244 4112","+81(662)12444112"],  
-      ["+81-047-12345678/990","+81(047)12345678/990"],
-      ["+81-047-12345678/","+81(047)12345678"],
-      ["+81-047-12345678","+81(047)12345678"]
-    ]
-    for i in input_list:
-      tel.fromText(coordinate_text=i[0])
-      self.assertEquals(i[1],tel.asText())
   def test_TelephoneWhenTheDefaultCountryAndAreaPreferenceIsBlank(self):
     pers = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
     tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')