# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest, re
import Zope2

# XXX this does not work for zope2.x if x < 3
# can we fake this? should we do this?
from Testing import makerequest

from Products.Formulator.Form import ZMIForm
from Products.Formulator.Errors import ValidationError, FormValidationError
from Products.Formulator.MethodField import Method
from Products.Formulator.TALESField import TALESMethod

from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript

import transaction
from Testing import ZopeTestCase

""" random assembly testing some reported bugs.
    This is _not_ a structured or even complete test suite

class FormTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.connection = Zope2.DB.open()
        self.root = makerequest.makerequest(

        self.root.manage_addProduct['Formulator'] \
                 .manage_add('form', 'Test Form')
        self.form = self.root.form

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_has_field(self):
        """ test if has_field works, if one asks for a non-field attribute.
            this has raised AttributeError "aq_explicit" in previous versions

    def _test_list_values(self):
        """ test if a list of values returned by TALES (override) expressions
        is interpreted properly.
        If a TALES tab returns a sequence of items and some item is
        actually a string of length 2 (e.g. "ok"), this previously
        has lead to a item text of 'o' and a display value of 'k'
        (as the this is actually a sequence of length 2 ...)
         See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1359918&forum_id=1702
        Actually the original problem still does not work,
        as passing a list of int's is not yet supported.
        If it should, please uncomment the second part of the test.

        # XXX deactivated: this maybe should not be fixed at all

        self.form.manage_addField('list_field', 'Test List Field', 'ListField')

        # adding a python script to be called by the override tab
        # FIXME: the following does not work, as the fake-request
        # does not have a "form" atribute (?)
        #self.root.manage_addProduct['PythonScripts'] \
        #         .manage_addPythonScript('override_test', 'Test for override')
        #self.root._getOb('override_test').write("return ['ok', 'no']\n")

        self.form.override_test = PythonScript('override_test')
        self.form.override_test.write("return ['ok', 'no']\n")
        # ps._makeFunction()

        list_field = getattr(self.form, 'list_field')
        list_field.values['items'] = [ ('ok', 'ok'), ('no', 'no') ]

        items1 = list_field.render()

        # test TALES
        list_field.tales['items'] = TALESMethod("python:['ok', 'no']")
        items2 = list_field.render()

        self.assertEquals(items1, items2)

        # test override
        del list_field.tales['items']
        list_field.overrides['items'] = Method('override_test')
        items2 = list_field.render()
        self.assertEquals(items1, items2)
        # test if TALES returns a list of e.g. int
        #list_field.values['items'] = [ ('42', '42'), ('88', '88') ]
        #items1 = list_field.render()
        #list_field.tales['items'] = TALESMethod("python:[42, 88]")
        #items2 = list_field.render()
        #self.assertEquals(items1, items2)

    def test_labels(self):
            'label_field', 'Test Label Field', 'LabelField')

        self.form.label_field.overrides['default'] = "Some label"

            'int_field', 'Test integer field', 'IntegerField')

        result = self.form.validate_all(
            {'field_int_field': '3'})
        self.assertEquals({'int_field': 3}, result)

    def test_datetime_css_class_rendering(self):
        # test that a bug is fixed, which causing the css_class value
        # not to be rendered
                 .manage_addField('date_time','Test Field','DateTimeField')
        field = self.form.date_time
        css_matcher = re.compile('class="([^"]*)"')

        # initially no css class is set
        self.assertEquals(0, len(css_matcher.findall(field.render())))

        # edit the field, bypassing validation ... 

        # now we should have five matches for the five subfields ...
        css_matches = css_matcher.findall(field.render())
        self.assertEquals(5, len(css_matches))
        # ... and all have the given value:
        for m in css_matches:

        # change the input style: the css needs to be
        # propagated to the newly created subfields
        current_style = field['input_style']
        other_style = {'list':'text', 'text':'list'} [current_style]
        # still the css classes should remain the same
        css_matches = css_matcher.findall(field.render())
        self.assertEquals(5, len(css_matches))
        for m in css_matches:

        # now just change to another value:
        css_matches = css_matcher.findall(field.render())
        self.assertEquals(5, len(css_matches))
        for m in css_matches:

        # and clear the css_class field:
        css_matches = css_matcher.findall(field.render())
        self.assertEquals(0, len(css_matches))

def test_suite():
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()

    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(FormTestCase, 'test'))
    return suite

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':