"bt5/erp5_syncml/bt/change_log" did not exist on "965c2cedee30d56ca10017af4f6ccc27734ea35a"
Commit a1ac3431 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Fix display of front page when access tab is enabled

git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@29599 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 6c2e5287
......@@ -94,22 +94,18 @@ def getModuleActionInformationDict(**kw):\n
action_dict = module.Base_filterDuplicateActions(listFilteredActionsFor(module))\n
# Obtain a form id and a selection name from the view.\n
# XXX Is it useful ?\n
form_id = \'view\'\n
selection_name = \'default_selection\'\n
type_info = module.getTypeInfo()\n
expr = None\n
for ai in type_info.listActions():\n
if ai.getId() == \'view\':\n
ai = None\n
if ai is not None:\n
form_id = str(ai.getActionExpression()).rsplit(\'/\', 1)[-1]\n
for ai in action_dict[\'object_view\']:\n
if ai[\'id\'] == \'view\':\n
form_id = ai[\'url\'].rsplit(\'/\', 1)[-1]\n
form = getattr(portal, form_id, None)\n
if form is not None:\n
listbox = form.Form_getListbox()\n
if listbox is not None:\n
selection_name = listbox.get_value(\'selection_name\')\n
# Collect view actions.\n
module_view_list = [(None, \'%s/view\' % module_url)]\n
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