############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Globals import InitializeClass, Persistent, Acquisition from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner, aq_parent, aq_self from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem from OFS.Traversable import Traversable from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions as ERP5Permissions from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class import string # Put a try in front XXX from Products.CMFCategory.Category import Category from Products.ERP5.Document.Domain import Domain from zLOG import LOG class Selection(Acquisition.Implicit, Traversable, Persistent): """ Selection A Selection instance allows a ListBox object to browse the data resulting from a method call such as an SQL Method Call. Selection instances are used to implement persistent selections in ERP5. Selection uses the following control variables - method -- a method which will be used to select objects - params -- a dictionnary of parameters to call the method with - sort_on -- a dictionnary of parameters to sort the selection - uids -- a list of object uids which defines the selection - invert_mode -- defines the mode of the selection if mode is 1, then only show the ob - list_url -- the URL to go back to list mode - checked_uids -- a list of uids checked - domain_path -- the path to the root of the selection tree - domain_list -- the relative path of the current selected domain XXX this will have to be updated for cartesion product - report_path -- the report path - report_list -- list of open report nodes XXX this will have to be updated for cartesion product - domain -- a DomainSelection instance - report -- a DomainSelection instance - flat_list_mode -- - domain_tree_mode -- - report_tree_mode -- """ method_path=None params={} sort_on=() default_sort_on=None uids=() invert_mode=0 list_url='' columns=() checked_uids=() name=None index=None domain_path = ('portal_categories',) domain_list = ((),) report_path = ('portal_categories',) report_list = ((),) domain=None report=None report_opened=None security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() security.declarePublic('domain') security.declarePublic('report') def getId(self): return self.name def __init__(self, method_path=None, params=None, sort_on=None, default_sort_on=None, uids=None, invert_mode=0, list_url='', domain=None, report=None, columns=None, checked_uids=None, name=None, index=None): if params is None: params = {} if sort_on is None: sort_on = [] if uids is None: uids = [] if columns is None: columns = [] if checked_uids is None: checked_uids = [] # XXX Because method_path is an URI, it must be in ASCII. # Shouldn't Zope automatically does this conversion? -yo if type(method_path) is type(u'a'): method_path = method_path.encode('ascii') self.method_path = method_path self.params = params self.uids = uids self.invert_mode = invert_mode self.list_url = list_url self.columns = columns self.sort_on = sort_on self.default_sort_on = default_sort_on self.checked_uids = checked_uids self.name = name self.index = index self.domain_path = ('portal_categories',) self.domain_list = () self.report_path = None self.report_list = () self.domain = None self.report = None self.report_opened = None security.declarePrivate('edit') def edit(self, params=None, **kw): if params is not None: self.params = {} for key in params.keys(): # We should only keep params which do not start with field_ # in order to make sure we do not collect unwanted params # resulting form the REQUEST generated by an ERP5Form submit if key[0:6] != 'field_': self.params[key] = params[key] if kw is not None: for k,v in kw.items(): if k in ('domain', 'report') or v is not None: # XXX Because method_path is an URI, it must be in ASCII. # Shouldn't Zope automatically does this conversion? -yo if k == 'method_path' and type(v) is type(u'a'): v = v.encode('ascii') setattr(self, k, v) def __call__(self, method = None, context=None, REQUEST=None): #LOG("Selection", 0, str(self.__dict__)) #LOG("Selection", 0, str(method)) #LOG('Selection', 0, "self.invert_mode = %s" % repr(self.invert_mode)) if self.invert_mode is 0: if method is None or type(method) is type('a'): method_path = method or self.method_path method = context.unrestrictedTraverse(method_path) if type(method) is type('a'): method = context.unrestrictedTraverse(self.method_path) sort_on = getattr(self, 'sort_on', []) if len(sort_on) == 0: sort_on = getattr(self, 'default_sort_on', []) if len(sort_on) > 0: self.params['sort_on'] = sort_on elif self.params.has_key('sort_on'): del self.params['sort_on'] if method is not None: if callable(method): #LOG('Selection', 0, "self.params = %s" % repr(self.params)) if self.domain is not None and self.report is not None: result = method(selection_domain = self.domain, selection_report = self.report, selection=self, **self.params) elif self.domain is not None: result = method(selection_domain = self.domain, selection=self, **self.params) elif self.report is not None: result = method(selection_report = self.report, selection=self, **self.params) else: result = method(selection=self, **self.params) return result else: return [] else: return [] else: # We sould try to allow more filtering return context.portal_catalog(uid = self.uids, **self.params) def __getitem__(self, index, REQUEST=None): return self(REQUEST)[index] security.declarePublic('getName') def getName(self): """ Get the name of this selection. """ return self.name security.declarePublic('getIndex') def getIndex(self): """ Get the index of this selection. """ return self.index security.declarePublic('getDomain') def getDomain(self): """ Get the domain selection of this selection. """ return self.domain security.declarePublic('getReport') def getReport(self): """ Get the report selection of this selection. """ return self.report security.declarePublic('getParams') def getParams(self): """ Get a dictionary of parameters in this selection. """ #LOG('getParams',0,'params: %s' % str(self.params)) if self.params is None: self.params = {} if type(self.params) != type({}): self.params = {} return self.params security.declarePublic('getSortOrder') def getSortOrder(self): """ Return sort order stored in selection """ return self.sort_on security.declarePublic('getListUrl') def getListUrl(self): result = '' #LOG('getListUrl', 0, 'list_url = %s' % str(self.list_url)) if self.list_url is None: self.list_url = '' else: result = self.list_url return result security.declarePublic('getCheckedUids') def getCheckedUids(self): if not hasattr(self, 'checked_uids'): self.checked_uids = [] elif self.checked_uids is None: self.checked_uids = [] return self.checked_uids security.declarePublic('getDomainPath') def getDomainPath(self, default=None): if self.domain_path is None: if default is None: self.domain_path = self.getDomainList()[0] else: self.domain_path = default return self.domain_path security.declarePublic('getDomainList') def getDomainList(self): if self.domain_list is None: self.domain_list = (('portal_categories',),) return self.domain_list security.declarePublic('getReportPath') def getReportPath(self, default=None): if self.report_path is None: if default is None: self.report_path = self.getReportList()[0] else: self.report_path = default return self.report_path security.declarePublic('getReportList') def getReportList(self): if self.report_list is None: self.report_list = (('portal_categories',),) return self.report_list security.declarePublic('isReportOpened') def isReportOpened(self): if self.report_opened is None: self.report_opened = 1 return self.report_opened security.declarePublic('isInvertMode') def isInvertMode(self): return self.invert_mode security.declarePublic('getInvertModeUidList') def getInvertModeUidList(self): return self.uids InitializeClass(Selection) allow_class(Selection) class DomainSelection(Acquisition.Implicit, Traversable, Persistent): """ A class to store a selection of domains which defines a report section. Example 1: (hand coded) <dtml-if selection.domain.eip> <dtml-in "selection.domain.eip.getCategoryChildUidList()">uid = <dtml-sqlvar sequence-item type="int"></dtml-in> </dtml-if> Example 2: (auto generated) <dtml-var "selection.domain.asSqlExpression(table_map=(('eip','movement'), ('group', 'catalog')))"> <dtml-var "selection.domain.asSqlJoinExpression(table_map=(('eip','movement'), ('group', 'catalog')))"> Example 3: (mixed) <dtml-var "selection.domain.eip.asSqlExpresion(table="resource_category")"> """ security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() def __init__(self, domain_dict = None): if domain_dict is not None: self.domain_dict = domain_dict for k,v in domain_dict.items(): if k is not None: setattr(self, k, v) def __len__(self): return len(self.domain_dict) security.declarePublic('getCategoryList') def getCategoryList(self): return security.declarePublic('asSqlExpression') def asSqlExpression(self, table_map=None, domain_id=None, exclude_domain_id=None, strict_membership=0): join_expression = [] for k, d in self.domain_dict.items(): if k == 'parent': # Special treatment for parent join_expression.append(d.getParentSqlExpression(table = 'catalog', strict_membership=strict_membership)) elif k is not None and getattr(aq_base(d), 'isCategory', 0): # This is a category, we must join join_expression.append('catalog.uid = %s_category.uid' % k) join_expression.append(d.asSqlExpression(table = '%s_category' % k, strict_membership=strict_membership)) result = "( %s )" % ' AND '.join(join_expression) #LOG('asSqlExpression', 0, str(result)) return result security.declarePublic('asSqlJoinExpression') def asSqlJoinExpression(self, domain_id=None, exclude_domain_id=None): join_expression = [] for k, d in self.domain_dict.items(): if k == 'parent': pass elif k is not None and getattr(aq_base(d), 'isCategory', 0): # This is a category, we must join join_expression.append('category AS %s_category' % k) result = "%s" % ' , '.join(join_expression) #LOG('asSqlJoinExpression', 0, str(result)) return result security.declarePublic('asDomainDict') def asDomainDict(self, domain_id=None, exclude_domain_id=None): return self.domain_dict security.declarePublic('asDomainItemDict') def asDomainItemDict(self, domain_id=None, exclude_domain_id=None): pass security.declarePublic('updateDomain') def updateDomain(self, domain): pass InitializeClass(DomainSelection) allow_class(DomainSelection)