Commit 406b1c68 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

ZMySQLDA: code cleanup

parent 48600cf8
......@@ -91,15 +91,14 @@ __version__='$Revision: 1.4 $'[11:-2]
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
from db import DB
import transaction
import Shared.DC.ZRDB
import DABase
from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog
from App.special_dtml import HTMLFile
from App.ImageFile import ImageFile
from ExtensionClass import Base
from DateTime import DateTime
from . import DABase
from .db import DB
SHARED_DC_ZRDB_LOCATION = os.path.dirname(Shared.DC.ZRDB.__file__)
......@@ -165,8 +164,6 @@ class Connection(DABase.Connection):
return connection.string_literal(v)
{'name':'Z %s Database Connection' % database_type,
'action':'manage_addZ%sConnectionForm' % database_type,
from Queue import Queue, Full, Empty
class Pool(Queue):
"""Manage a fixed-size pool of reusable, identical objects."""
def __init__(self, constructor, poolsize=5):
Queue.__init__(self, poolsize)
self.constructor = constructor
def get(self, block=1):
"""Get an object from the pool or a new one if empty."""
return self.empty() and self.constructor() or Queue.get(self, block)
except Empty:
return self.constructor()
def put(self, obj, block=1):
"""Put an object into the pool if it is not full. The caller must
not use the object after this."""
return self.full() and None or Queue.put(self, obj, block)
except Full:
class Constructor:
"""Returns a constructor that returns apply(function, args, kwargs)
when called."""
def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
self.f = function
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self):
return apply(self.f, self.args, self.kwargs)
......@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ __doc__='''Generic Database Adapter Package Registration
$Id:,v 1.4 2001/08/17 02:17:38 adustman Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.4 $'[11:-2]
import sys, string
import DA
from . import DA
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Connect immediately</th>
<td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
<input name="check" type="CHECKBOX" value="YES" CHECKED>
<input name="check:int" type="CHECKBOX" value="1" CHECKED>
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<th align="LEFT" valign="TOP">Connect immediately</th>
<td align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
<input name="check" type="CHECKBOX" value="YES" CHECKED>
<input name="check:int" type="CHECKBOX" value="1" CHECKED>
......@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ from zLOG import LOG, ERROR
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
import sys
from string import strip, split, upper, rfind
hosed_connection = (
......@@ -150,19 +149,14 @@ type_xlate = {
def _mysql_timestamp_converter(s):
if len(s) < 14:
s = s + "0"*(14-len(s))
s = s.ljust(14, '0')
parts = map(int, (s[:4],s[4:6],s[6:8],
return DateTime("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % tuple(parts))
def DateTime_or_None(s):
try: return DateTime('%s UTC' % s)
except: return None
def int_or_long(s):
try: return int(s)
except: return long(s)
except Exception: return None
def ord_or_None(s):
if s is not None:
......@@ -171,7 +165,7 @@ def ord_or_None(s):
class DB(TM):
conv[FIELD_TYPE.LONG] = int_or_long
conv[FIELD_TYPE.LONG] = int
conv[FIELD_TYPE.DATETIME] = DateTime_or_None
conv[FIELD_TYPE.DATE] = DateTime_or_None
conv[FIELD_TYPE.DECIMAL] = float
......@@ -187,7 +181,7 @@ class DB(TM):
transactionality once instead of once per DB instance.
self._connection = connection
self._kw_args = self._parse_connection_string(connection)
transactional = self.db.server_capabilities & CLIENT.TRANSACTIONS
if self._try_transactions == '-':
......@@ -197,50 +191,40 @@ class DB(TM):
self._transactions = transactional
self._use_TM = transactional or self._mysql_lock
def _parse_connection_string(self, connection):
kwargs = {'conv': self.conv}
items = split(connection)
self._use_TM = None
if not items: return kwargs
compress = items[0]
if compress == "~":
def _parse_connection_string(self):
self._mysql_lock = self._try_transactions = None
self._kw_args = kwargs = {'conv': self.conv}
items = self._connection.split()
if not items:
if items[0] == "~":
kwargs['compress'] = True
items = items[1:]
lockreq, items = items[0], items[1:]
if lockreq[0] == "*":
self._mysql_lock = lockreq[1:]
db_host, items = items[0], items[1:]
self._use_TM = 1
self._mysql_lock = None
db_host = lockreq
if '@' in db_host:
db, host = split(db_host,'@',1)
kwargs['db'] = db
del items[0]
if items[0][0] == "*":
self._mysql_lock = items.pop(0)[1:]
db = items.pop(0)
if '@' in db:
db, host = db.split('@', 1)
if host.startswith('['):
host, port = split(host[1:], ']', 1)
host, port = host[1:].split(']', 1)
if port.startswith(':'):
kwargs['port'] = int(port[1:])
elif ':' in host:
host, port = split(host,':',1)
host, port = host.split(':', 1)
kwargs['port'] = int(port)
kwargs['host'] = host
kwargs['db'] = db_host
if kwargs['db'] and kwargs['db'][0] in ('+', '-'):
self._try_transactions = kwargs['db'][0]
kwargs['db'] = kwargs['db'][1:]
self._try_transactions = None
if not kwargs['db']:
del kwargs['db']
if not items: return kwargs
kwargs['user'], items = items[0], items[1:]
if not items: return kwargs
kwargs['passwd'], items = items[0], items[1:]
if not items: return kwargs
kwargs['unix_socket'], items = items[0], items[1:]
return kwargs
if db:
if db[0] in '+-':
self._try_transactions = db[0]
db = db[1:]
if db:
kwargs['db'] = db
if items:
kwargs['user'] = items.pop(0)
if items:
kwargs['passwd'] = items.pop(0)
if items:
kwargs['unix_socket'] = items.pop(0)
......@@ -271,23 +255,23 @@ class DB(TM):
return r
def columns(self, table_name):
from string import join
c = self._query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s' % table_name)
except Exception:
return ()
join = str.join
for Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra in c.fetch_row(0):
info = {}
field_default = Default and "DEFAULT %s"%Default or ''
if Default: info['Default'] = Default
if '(' in Type:
end = rfind(Type,')')
short_type, size = split(Type[:end],'(',1)
end = Type.rfind(')')
short_type, size = Type[:end].split('(', 1)
if short_type not in ('set','enum'):
if ',' in size:
info['Scale'], info['Precision'] = \
map(int, split(size,',',1))
map(int, size.split(',', 1))
info['Scale'] = int(size)
......@@ -302,7 +286,7 @@ class DB(TM):
info['Description'] = join([Type, field_default, Extra or '',
key_types.get(Key, Key or ''),
Null != 'YES' and 'NOT NULL' or '']),
info['Nullable'] = (Null == 'YES') and 1 or 0
info['Nullable'] = Null == 'YES'
if Key:
info['Index'] = 1
if Key == 'PRI':
......@@ -331,8 +315,7 @@ class DB(TM):
raise OperationalError(m[0], '%s: %s' % (m[1], query))
if m[0] in lock_error:
raise ConflictError('%s: %s: %s' % (m[0], m[1], query))
if ((not force_reconnect) and \
(self._mysql_lock or self._transactions)) or \
if not force_reconnect and self._use_TM or \
m[0] not in hosed_connection:
LOG('ZMySQLDA', ERROR, 'query failed: %s' % (query,))
......@@ -370,39 +353,33 @@ class DB(TM):
def query(self, query_string, max_rows=1000):
self._use_TM and self._register()
desc = None
# XXX deal with a typical mistake that the user appends
# an unnecessary and rather harmful semicolon at the end.
# Unfortunately, MySQLdb does not want to be graceful.
if query_string[-1:] == ';':
query_string = query_string[:-1]
for qs in filter(None, map(strip,split(query_string, '\0'))):
qtype = upper(split(qs, None, 1)[0])
if qtype == "SELECT" and max_rows:
qs = "%s LIMIT %d" % (qs,max_rows)
for qs in query_string.split('\0'):
qs = qs.strip()
if qs:
if qs[:6].upper() == "SELECT" and max_rows:
qs = "%s LIMIT %d" % (qs, max_rows)
c = self._query(qs)
if c:
if desc is not None is not c.describe():
raise 'Query Error', (
raise Exception(
'Multiple select schema are not allowed'
if desc is None: return (),()
for d in desc:
item={'name': d[0],
'type': defs.get(d[1],"t"),
desc = c.describe()
result = c.fetch_row(max_rows)
if desc is None:
return (), ()
get_def = self.defs.get
items = [{'name': d[0],
'type': get_def(d[1], "t"),
'width': d[2],
'null': d[6]
} for d in desc]
return items, result
def string_literal(self, s):
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