############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Yoshinori Okuji <yo@nexedi.com> # Christophe Dumez <christophe@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile from Products.ERP5Type.Document.Folder import Folder from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from Products.ERP5Subversion import _dtmldir from Products.ERP5Subversion.SubversionClient import newSubversionClient import os, re, commands, time, exceptions from DateTime import DateTime from cPickle import dumps, loads from App.config import getConfiguration from zExceptions import Unauthorized from OFS.Image import manage_addFile from cStringIO import StringIO from tempfile import mktemp from shutil import copy2 try: from base64 import b64encode, b64decode except ImportError: from base64 import encodestring as b64encode, decodestring as b64decode class Error(exceptions.EnvironmentError): pass def removeAll(entry): ''' Remove all files and directories under 'entry'. XXX: This is defined here, because os.removedirs() is buggy. ''' try: if os.path.isdir(entry) and not os.path.islink(entry): pwd = os.getcwd() os.chmod(entry, 0755) os.chdir(entry) for e in os.listdir(os.curdir): removeAll(e) os.chdir(pwd) os.rmdir(entry) else: if not os.path.islink(entry): os.chmod(entry, 0644) os.remove(entry) except OSError: pass def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False): """Recursively copy a directory tree using copy2(). The destination directory must not already exist. If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons. If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic links are copied. XXX Consider this example code rather than the ultimate tool. """ if not os.path.exists(dst): os.mkdir(dst) names = os.listdir(src) errors = [] for name in names: srcname = os.path.join(src, name) dstname = os.path.join(dst, name) try: if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname): linkto = os.readlink(srcname) os.symlink(linkto, dstname) elif os.path.isdir(srcname): copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks) else: copy2(srcname, dstname) # XXX What about devices, sockets etc.? except (IOError, os.error), why: errors.append((srcname, dstname, why)) if errors: raise Error, errors class File : # Constructor def __init__(self, full_path, msg_status) : self.full_path = full_path self.msg_status = msg_status self.name = full_path.split('/')[-1] ## End of File Class class Dir : # Constructor def __init__(self, full_path, msg_status) : self.full_path = full_path self.msg_status = msg_status self.name = full_path.split('/')[-1] self.sub_dirs = [] # list of sub directories # return a list of sub directories' names def getSubDirs(self) : return [d.name for d in self.sub_dirs] # return directory in subdirs given its name def getDir(self, name): for d in self.sub_dirs: if d.name == name: return d ## End of Dir Class class DiffFile: # Members : # - path : path of the modified file # - children : sub codes modified # - old_revision # - new_revision def __init__(self, raw_diff): if '@@' not in raw_diff: self.binary=True return else: self.binary=False self.header = raw_diff.split('@@')[0][:-1] # Getting file path in header self.path = self.header.split('====')[0][:-1].strip() # Getting revisions in header for line in self.header.split('\n'): if line.startswith('--- '): tmp = re.search('\\([^)]+\\)$', line) self.old_revision = tmp.string[tmp.start():tmp.end()][1:-1].strip() if line.startswith('+++ '): tmp = re.search('\\([^)]+\\)$', line) self.new_revision = tmp.string[tmp.start():tmp.end()][1:-1].strip() # Splitting the body from the header self.body = '\n'.join(raw_diff.strip().split('\n')[4:]) # Now splitting modifications self.children = [] first = True tmp = [] for line in self.body.split('\n'): if line: if line.startswith('@@') and not first: self.children.append(CodeBlock('\n'.join(tmp))) tmp = [line,] else: first = False tmp.append(line) self.children.append(CodeBlock('\n'.join(tmp))) def _escape(self, data): """ Escape &, <, and > in a string of data. This is a copy of the xml.sax.saxutils.escape function. """ if data: #data = data.replace("&", "&") data = data.replace(">", ">") data = data.replace("<", "<") return data def toHTML(self): # Adding header of the table if self.binary: return '<b>Binary File!</b><br><br><br>' html = ''' <table style="text-align: left; width: 100%%;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr height="18px"> <td style="background-color: grey"><b><center>%s</center></b></td> <td style="background-color: black;" width="2"></td> <td style="background-color: grey"><b><center>%s</center></b></td> </tr>'''%(self.old_revision, self.new_revision) header_color = 'grey' for child in self.children: # Adding line number of the modification html += '''<tr height="18px"><td style="background-color: %s"> </td><td style="background-color: black;" width="2"></td><td style="background-color: %s"> </td></tr> <tr height="18px"> <td style="background-color: rgb(68, 132, 255);"><b>Line %s</b></td> <td style="background-color: black;" width="2"></td> <td style="background-color: rgb(68, 132, 255);"><b>Line %s</b></td> </tr>'''%(header_color, header_color, child.old_line, child.new_line) header_color = 'white' # Adding diff of the modification old_code_list = child.getOldCodeList() new_code_list = child.getNewCodeList() i=0 for old_line_tuple in old_code_list: new_line_tuple = new_code_list[i] new_line = new_line_tuple[0] or ' ' old_line = old_line_tuple[0] or ' ' i+=1 html += ''' <tr height="18px"> <td style="background-color: %s">%s</td> <td style="background-color: black;" width="2"></td> <td style="background-color: %s">%s</td> </tr>'''%(old_line_tuple[1], self._escape(old_line).replace(' ', ' ').replace('\t', ' '), new_line_tuple[1], self._escape(new_line).replace(' ', ' ').replace('\t', ' ')) html += ''' </tbody> </table><br><br>''' return html # A code block contains several SubCodeBlocks class CodeBlock: # Members : # - old_line : line in old code (before modif) # - new line : line in new code (after modif) # # Methods : # - getOldCodeList() : return code before modif # - getNewCodeList() : return code after modif # Note: the code returned is a list of tuples (code line, background color) def __init__(self, raw_diff): # Splitting body and header self.body = '\n'.join(raw_diff.split('\n')[1:]) self.header = raw_diff.split('\n')[0] # Getting modifications lines tmp = re.search('^@@ -\d+', self.header) self.old_line = tmp.string[tmp.start():tmp.end()][4:] tmp = re.search('\+\d+', self.header) self.new_line = tmp.string[tmp.start():tmp.end()][1:] # Splitting modifications in SubCodeBlocks in_modif = False self.children = [] tmp=[] for line in self.body.split('\n'): if line: if (line.startswith('+') or line.startswith('-')): if in_modif: tmp.append(line) else: self.children.append(SubCodeBlock('\n'.join(tmp))) tmp = [line,] in_modif = True else: if in_modif: self.children.append(SubCodeBlock('\n'.join(tmp))) tmp = [line,] in_modif = False else: tmp.append(line) self.children.append(SubCodeBlock('\n'.join(tmp))) # Return code before modification def getOldCodeList(self): tmp = [] for child in self.children: tmp.extend(child.getOldCodeList()) return tmp # Return code after modification def getNewCodeList(self): tmp = [] for child in self.children: tmp.extend(child.getNewCodeList()) return tmp # a SubCodeBlock contain 0 or 1 modification (not more) class SubCodeBlock: def __init__(self, code): self.body = code self.modification = self._getModif() self.old_code_length = self._getOldCodeLength() self.new_code_length = self._getNewCodeLength() # Choosing background color if self.modification == 'none': self.color = 'white' elif self.modification == 'change': self.color = 'rgb(253, 228, 6);'#light orange elif self.modification == 'deletion': self.color = 'rgb(253, 117, 74);'#light red else: # addition self.color = 'rgb(83, 253, 74);'#light green def _getModif(self): nb_plus = 0 nb_minus = 0 for line in self.body.split('\n'): if line.startswith("-"): nb_minus-=1 elif line.startswith("+"): nb_plus+=1 if (nb_plus==0 and nb_minus==0): return 'none' if (nb_minus==0): return 'addition' if (nb_plus==0): return 'deletion' return 'change' def _getOldCodeLength(self): nb_lines = 0 for line in self.body.split('\n'): if not line.startswith("+"): nb_lines+=1 return nb_lines def _getNewCodeLength(self): nb_lines = 0 for line in self.body.split('\n'): if not line.startswith("-"): nb_lines+=1 return nb_lines # Return code before modification def getOldCodeList(self): if self.modification=='none': old_code = [(x, 'white') for x in self.body.split('\n')] elif self.modification=='change': old_code = [self._getOldCodeList(x) for x in self.body.split('\n') if self._getOldCodeList(x)[0]] # we want old_code_list and new_code_list to have the same length if(self.old_code_length < self.new_code_length): filling = [(None, self.color)]*(self.new_code_length-self.old_code_length) old_code.extend(filling) else: # deletion or addition old_code = [self._getOldCodeList(x) for x in self.body.split('\n')] return old_code def _getOldCodeList(self, line): if line.startswith('+'): return (None, self.color) if line.startswith('-'): return (' '+line[1:], self.color) return (line, self.color) # Return code after modification def getNewCodeList(self): if self.modification=='none': new_code = [(x, 'white') for x in self.body.split('\n')] elif self.modification=='change': new_code = [self._getNewCodeList(x) for x in self.body.split('\n') if self._getNewCodeList(x)[0]] # we want old_code_list and new_code_list to have the same length if(self.new_code_length < self.old_code_length): filling = [(None, self.color)]*(self.old_code_length-self.new_code_length) new_code.extend(filling) else: # deletion or addition new_code = [self._getNewCodeList(x) for x in self.body.split('\n')] return new_code def _getNewCodeList(self, line): if line.startswith('-'): return (None, self.color) if line.startswith('+'): return (' '+line[1:], self.color) return (line, self.color) class SubversionTool(UniqueObject, Folder): """The SubversionTool provides a Subversion interface to ERP5. """ id = 'portal_subversion' meta_type = 'ERP5 Subversion Tool' portal_type = 'Subversion Tool' allowed_types = () login_cookie_name = 'erp5_subversion_login' ssl_trust_cookie_name = 'erp5_subversion_ssl_trust' top_working_path = os.path.join(getConfiguration().instancehome, 'svn') # Declarative Security security = ClassSecurityInfo() # # ZMI methods # manage_options = ( ( { 'label' : 'Overview' , 'action' : 'manage_overview' } , ) + Folder.manage_options ) security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' ) manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainSubversionTool', _dtmldir ) # Filter content (ZMI)) def __init__(self): return Folder.__init__(self, SubversionTool.id) # Filter content (ZMI)) def filtered_meta_types(self, user=None): # Filters the list of available meta types. all = SubversionTool.inheritedAttribute('filtered_meta_types')(self) meta_types = [] for meta_type in self.all_meta_types(): if meta_type['name'] in self.allowed_types: meta_types.append(meta_type) return meta_types def getTopWorkingPath(self): return self.top_working_path def _getWorkingPath(self, path): if path[0] != '/': path = os.path.join(self.top_working_path, path) path = os.path.abspath(path) if not path.startswith(self.top_working_path): raise Unauthorized, 'unauthorized access to path %s' % path return path def setWorkingDirectory(self, path): self.workingDirectory = path os.chdir(path) def getDefaultUserName(self): """Return a default user name. """ name = self.portal_preferences.getPreferredSubversionUserName() if not name: name = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName() return name # path is the path in svn working copy # return edit_path in zodb to edit it # return '#' if no zodb path is found def editPath(self, bt, path): """Return path to edit file """ if 'bt' in path.split('/'): # not in zodb return '#' # if file have been deleted then not in zodb if not os.path.exists(path): return '#' svn_path = bt.getPortalObject().portal_preferences.getPreference('subversion_working_copy') if not svn_path: raise 'Error: Please set working copy path in Subversion preferences !' if svn_path[-1] != '/': svn_path += '/' svn_path = svn_path + bt.getTitle() edit_path = path.replace(svn_path, '') if edit_path.strip() == '': # not in zodb return '#' if edit_path[0] == '/': edit_path = edit_path[1:] edit_path = '/'.join(edit_path.split('/')[1:]) if edit_path.strip() == '': # not in zodb return '#' tmp = re.search('\\.[\w]+$', edit_path) if tmp: extension = tmp.string[tmp.start():tmp.end()].strip() edit_path = edit_path.replace(extension, '') edit_path = bt.REQUEST["BASE2"] + '/' + edit_path + '/manage_main' return edit_path def _encodeLogin(self, realm, user, password): # Encode login information. return b64encode(dumps((realm, user, password))) def _decodeLogin(self, login): # Decode login information. return loads(b64decode(login)) def setLogin(self, realm, user, password): """Set login information. """ # Get existing login information. Filter out old information. login_list = [] request = self.REQUEST cookie = request.get(self.login_cookie_name) if cookie: for login in cookie.split(','): if self._decodeLogin(login)[0] != realm: login_list.append(login) # Set the cookie. response = request.RESPONSE login_list.append(self._encodeLogin(realm, user, password)) value = ','.join(login_list) expires = (DateTime() + 7).toZone('GMT').rfc822() request.set(self.login_cookie_name, value) response.setCookie(self.login_cookie_name, value, path = '/', expires = expires) def _getLogin(self, target_realm): request = self.REQUEST cookie = request.get(self.login_cookie_name) if cookie: for login in cookie.split(','): realm, user, password = self._decodeLogin(login) if target_realm == realm: return user, password return None, None def _encodeSSLTrust(self, trust_dict, permanent=False): # Encode login information. key_list = trust_dict.keys() key_list.sort() trust_item_list = tuple([(key, trust_dict[key]) for key in key_list]) return b64encode(dumps((trust_item_list, permanent))) def _decodeSSLTrust(self, trust): # Decode login information. trust_item_list, permanent = loads(b64decode(trust)) return dict(trust_item_list), permanent def diffHTML(self, file_path): raw_diff = self.diff(file_path) return DiffFile(raw_diff).toHTML() # Display a file content in HTML def fileHTML(self, bt, file_path): if os.path.exists(file_path): if os.path.isdir(file_path): text = "<b>"+file_path+"</b><hr>" text += file_path +" is a folder!" else: head = "<b>"+file_path+"</b> <a href='"+self.editPath(bt, file_path)+"'><img src='imgs/edit.png' border='0'></a><hr>" text = commands.getoutput('enscript -B --color --line-numbers --highlight=html --language=html -o - %s'%file_path) text = head + '\n'.join(text.split('\n')[10:-4]) return text else: # see if tmp file is here (svn deleted file) if file_path[-1]=='/': file_path=file_path[:-1] filename = file_path.split('/')[-1] tmp_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[:-1]) tmp_path = tmp_path+'/.svn/text-base/'+filename+'.svn-base' if os.path.exists(tmp_path): head = "<b>"+tmp_path+"</b> (svn temporary file)<hr>" text = commands.getoutput('enscript -B --color --line-numbers --highlight=html --language=html -o - %s'%tmp_path) text = head + '\n'.join(text.split('\n')[10:-4]) else : # does not exist text = "<b>"+file_path+"</b><hr>" text += file_path +" does not exist!" return text security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'acceptSSLServer') def acceptSSLServer(self, trust_dict, permanent=False): """Accept a SSL server. """ # Get existing trust information. trust_list = [] request = self.REQUEST cookie = request.get(self.ssl_trust_cookie_name) if cookie: trust_list.append(cookie) # Set the cookie. response = request.RESPONSE trust_list.append(self._encodeSSLTrust(trust_dict, permanent)) value = ','.join(trust_list) expires = (DateTime() + 7).toZone('GMT').rfc822() request.set(self.ssl_trust_cookie_name, value) response.setCookie(self.ssl_trust_cookie_name, value, path = '/', expires = expires) def acceptSSLPerm(self, trust_dict): self.acceptSSLServer(self, trust_dict, True) def _trustSSLServer(self, target_trust_dict): request = self.REQUEST cookie = request.get(self.ssl_trust_cookie_name) if cookie: for trust in cookie.split(','): trust_dict, permanent = self._decodeSSLTrust(trust) for key in target_trust_dict.keys(): if target_trust_dict[key] != trust_dict.get(key): continue else: return True, permanent return False, False def _getClient(self, **kw): # Get the svn client object. return newSubversionClient(self, **kw) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'update') def update(self, path): """Update a working copy. """ client = self._getClient() return client.update(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'add') def add(self, path): """Add a file or a directory. """ client = self._getClient() return client.add(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'info') def info(self): """return info of working copy """ working_copy = self.getPortalObject().portal_preferences.getPreference('subversion_working_copy') if not working_copy : raise 'Please set Working copy path in preferences' client = self._getClient() return client.info(working_copy) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'log') def log(self, path): """return log of a file or dir """ client = self._getClient() return client.log(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'cleanup') def cleanup(self): """remove svn locks in working copy """ working_copy = self.getPortalObject().portal_preferences.getPreference('subversion_working_copy') if not working_copy : raise 'Please set Working copy path in preferences' client = self._getClient() return client.cleanup(working_copy) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'remove') def remove(self, path): """Remove a file or a directory. """ client = self._getClient() return client.remove(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'move') def move(self, src, dest): """Move/Rename a file or a directory. """ client = self._getClient() return client.move(src, dest) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'ls') def ls(self, path): """Display infos about a file. """ client = self._getClient() return client.ls(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'diff') def diff(self, path): """Make a diff for a file or a directory. """ client = self._getClient() return client.diff(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'revert') def revert(self, path): """Revert local changes in a file or a directory. """ client = self._getClient() return client.revert(path) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'checkin') def checkin(self, path, log_message=None, recurse=True): """Commit local changes. """ client = self._getClient(login=self.login) return client.checkin(path, log_message, recurse) security.declareProtected('Import/Export objects', 'status') def status(self, path, **kw): """Get status. """ client = self._getClient() return client.status(path, **kw) def getModifiedTree(self, path) : # Remove trailing slash if it's present if path[-1]=="/" : path = path[:-1] root = Dir(path, "normal") somethingModified = False for statusObj in self.status(path) : # can be (normal, added, modified, deleted, conflicted, unversioned) msg_status = statusObj.getTextStatus() if str(msg_status) != "normal" and str(msg_status) != "unversioned": somethingModified = True full_path = statusObj.getPath() full_path_list = full_path.split('/')[1:] relative_path = full_path[len(path)+1:] relative_path_list = relative_path.split('/') # Processing entry filename = relative_path_list[-1] # Needed or files will be both File & Dir objects relative_path_list = relative_path_list[:-1] parent = root i = len(path.split('/'))-1 for d in relative_path_list : i += 1 if d : full_pathOfd = '/'+'/'.join(full_path_list[:i]).strip() if d not in parent.getSubDirs() : parent.sub_dirs.append(Dir(full_pathOfd, "normal")) parent = parent.getDir(d) if os.path.isdir(full_path) : if full_path == parent.full_path : parent.msg_status = str(msg_status) elif filename not in parent.getSubDirs() : parent.sub_dirs.append(Dir(filename, str(msg_status))) else : tmp = parent.getDir(filename) tmp.msg_status = str(msg_status) else : parent.sub_dirs.append(File(full_path, str(msg_status))) return somethingModified and root def extractBT(self, bt): path = mktemp() bt.export(path=path, local=1) svn_path = self.getPortalObject().portal_preferences.getPreference('subversion_working_copy') if not svn_path : raise "Error: Please set Subversion working path in preferences" svn_path=os.path.join(svn_path,bt.getTitle())+'/' path+='/' # svn del deleted files self.deleteOldFiles(svn_path, path, bt) # add new files and copy self.addNewFiles(svn_path, path, bt) # Clean up removeAll(path) # return a set with dirs & files present in the directory def getSetForDir(self, directory): dir_set = set() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): # don't visit SVN directories if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn') # get Directories for name in dirs: f = os.path.join(root, name) dir_set.add(f.replace(directory,'')) # get Files for name in files: f = os.path.join(root, name) dir_set.add(f.replace(directory,'')) return dir_set # return files/dirs present in new_dir but not in old_dir # return a set of relative paths def getNewFiles(self, old_dir, new_dir): if old_dir[-1] != '/': old_dir += '/' if new_dir[-1] != '/': new_dir += '/' old_set = self.getSetForDir(old_dir) new_set = self.getSetForDir(new_dir) return new_set.difference(old_set) # svn del files that have been removed in new dir def deleteOldFiles(self, old_dir, new_dir, bt): # detect removed files files_set = self.getNewFiles(new_dir, old_dir) # svn del for file in files_set: self.remove(os.path.join(old_dir, file)) # copy files and add new files def addNewFiles(self, old_dir, new_dir, bt): # detect created files files_set = self.getNewFiles(old_dir, new_dir) # Copy files os.system('cp -af %s/* %s'%(new_dir, old_dir)) #copytree(new_dir, old_dir) # svn add for file in files_set: self.add(os.path.join(old_dir, file)) def treeToXML(self, item) : output = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>"+ os.linesep output += "<tree id='0'>" + os.linesep output = self._treeToXML(item, output, 1, True) output += "</tree>" + os.linesep return output def _treeToXML(self, item, output, ident, first) : # svn path svn_path = self.getPortalObject().portal_preferences.getPreference('subversion_working_copy') if not svn_path : raise "Error: Please set Subversion working path in preferences" if svn_path[-1] != '/': svn_path += '/' # Choosing a color coresponding to the status itemStatus = item.msg_status if itemStatus == 'added' : itemColor='green' elif itemStatus == 'modified' or itemStatus == 'replaced' : itemColor='orange' elif itemStatus == 'deleted' : itemColor='red' elif itemStatus == 'conflicted' : itemColor='grey' else : itemColor='black' if isinstance(item, Dir) : for i in range(ident) : output += '\t' if first : output += '<item open="1" text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" '\ 'im0="folder.png" im1="folder_open.png" '\ 'im2="folder.png">'%(item.name, item.full_path.replace(svn_path, ''), itemColor,) + os.linesep first=False else : output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" im0="folder.png" ' \ 'im1="folder_open.png" im2="folder.png">'%(item.name, item.full_path.replace(svn_path, ''), itemColor,) + os.linesep for it in item.sub_dirs: ident += 1 output = self._treeToXML(item.getDir(it.name), output, ident, first) ident -= 1 for i in range(ident) : output += '\t' output += '</item>' + os.linesep else : for i in range(ident) : output += '\t' output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" im0="document.png"/>'\ %(item.name, item.full_path.replace(svn_path, ''), itemColor,) + os.linesep return output InitializeClass(SubversionTool)