Commit 625a465e authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Added -S support. Need more tests.

parent e5c60563
When developing applications, we recommended that you work with a
minimal Python environment and let buildout install needed
dependencies. If you share a Python environment with other
applications [#simple]_, you're likely to have unexpected
interactions with the other applications, through extra modules or
module version clashes.
There are a number of ways to achive isolation from other
1. Use a "clean" Python installation that doesn't contain any
non-standard modules.
2. Use a 'virtual environment
<>'_ that wraps a Python
installation in a way that hides 3rd-party modules.
3. Use the -S Python option when bootstrapping buildout. This will
bypass the normal execution of the Python file, which is
what usually causes directories containing third-party modules to be
added to the Python path on most platforms [#macos]_.
If the -S option is used when bootstrapping buildout, then it will
be remembered by buildout and any scripts generated by buildout
will also use the -S option.
The first option works best in our opinion because, in addition to
isolating you from extra third-party libraries, it protects you from
other changes that a preexisting build might have, such as missing
standard libraries or non-standard Python build options.
This document tests the 3rd option.
>>> sample_buildout = tmpdir('sample')
>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> import sys
>>> print system("%s -S %s init demo" % (sys.executable, bootstrap_py)),
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Creating '/sample/buildout.cfg'.
Creating directory '/sample/bin'.
Creating directory '/sample/parts'.
Creating directory '/sample/eggs'.
Creating directory '/sample/develop-eggs'.
Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'...
Getting distribution for 'zc.recipe.egg'.
Got zc.recipe.egg 1.3.3dev.
Installing py.
Getting distribution for 'demo'.
Got demo 0.4c1.
Getting distribution for 'demoneeded'.
Got demoneeded 1.2c1.
Generated script '/sample/bin/demo'.
Generated interpreter '/sample/bin/py'.
If we look at the scripts generated, se see that the -S option is
provided to the Python executable:
>>> cat('bin', 'buildout') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 -S
>>> cat('bin', 'demo') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 -S
>>> cat('bin', 'py') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 -S
.. [#simple] It's worth noting that system Python builds can make
simple applications easier to build, as hard-to-build extension
modules are already installed or can be easily installed using
system packaging tools.
.. [#macos] On Mac OS X, there are some directories containing
3rd-party libraries that are added to the Python path regardless of
whether is loaded. Still, even on Mac OS X, use of the -S
option prevents some 3rd-party modules from being added to the
Python path,
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