diff --git a/stack/monitor/buildout.cfg b/stack/monitor/buildout.cfg
index c69b63f1b5fc24bfcbbd5e5bc26f639dc6579618..e4eabe87aad6157f919683fe541177672bbd44b9 100644
--- a/stack/monitor/buildout.cfg
+++ b/stack/monitor/buildout.cfg
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ eggs =
+  pyparsing
 recipe = slapos.recipe.template
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ recipe = slapos.recipe.template
 url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/monitor.cfg.in
 output = ${buildout:directory}/monitor.cfg
 filename = monitor.cfg
-md5sum = af5c10c05b03b59a49187fd3e151eb43
+md5sum = 377112bd0e7e5f17f2d69950fac872ed
 mode = 0644
@@ -134,6 +135,22 @@ md5sum = 00b230e1dee6e7f25d2050f6f0ae39e2
 filename = run-apachedex.py.in
 mode = 0644
+recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
+url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
+download-only = true
+md5sum = 8add29b36060967209e54732967e8d80
+filename = logTools.py
+mode = 0644
+recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
+url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
+download-only = true
+md5sum = 9617c1a06ef81c5141c8b8d08a985939
+filename = errorlog2rss.py.in
+mode = 0644
 recipe = slapos.recipe.template
 url = ${template-dcron-service:output}
diff --git a/stack/monitor/errorlog2rss.py.in b/stack/monitor/errorlog2rss.py.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6ed66c07ce41f35544401ad1a24aad4e5dfbf87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/monitor/errorlog2rss.py.in
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!{{ python_executable }}
+# BEWARE: This file is operated by slapgrid
+# BEWARE: It will be overwritten automatically
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+type = "{{ type }}".strip()
+log_file_list = {{ log_file_list }}
+module_folder = "{{ log_tool_folder }}".strip()
+output_folder = "{{ log_as_rss_ouptut }}".strip()
+db_path = "{{ db_location }}".strip()
+base_link = "{{ base_link }}".strip()
+interval = {{ hour_interval }}
+rotate_time = {{ rotate_time }}
+limit = {{ item_limit }}
+PARSE_TYPE_LIST = ['zope']
+if not os.path.exists(module_folder) or not os.path.isdir(module_folder):
+  print "ERROR: Could not load log parsing Module. %s is not a directory. Exiting..." % module_folder
+  exit(1)
+if not os.path.exists(output_folder) or not os.path.isdir(output_folder):
+  print "ERROR: %s is not a directory. Exiting..." % output_folder
+  exit(1)
+if not type in PARSE_TYPE_LIST:
+  print "ERROR: Could not parse specified log file type. Exiting..." % output_folder
+  exit(1)
+import logTools
+for name, log_path in log_file_list.items():
+  if not os.path.exists(log_path):
+    print "WARNING: File %s not found..." % log_path
+    continue
+  rss_path = os.path.join(output_folder, name)
+  if not rss_path.endswith('.html'):
+    rss_path += '.html'
+  start_date = (datetime.now() - 
+                  timedelta(hours=interval)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+  to_date = (datetime.now() - 
+                  timedelta(hours=rotate_time)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+  item_list = []
+  if type == 'zope':
+    method = logTools.isZopeLogBeginLine
+    zope_parser = logTools.getZopeParser()
+    item_list = logTools.parseLog(log_path, zope_parser, method,
+                            filter_with="ERROR", start_date=start_date)
+  if item_list:
+    start = 0
+    size = len(item_list)
+    if limit and size > limit:
+      start = size - limit - 1
+    print "Found %s log entries matching date upper than %s..." % (size, start_date)
+    logTools.insertRssDb(db_path, item_list[start:-1], name)
+    print "%s items inserted into database..." % limit
+    logTools.truncateRssDb(db_path, to_date)
+    print "Generating RSS entries with %s items..." % limit
+    logTools.generateRSS(db_path, name, rss_path, start_date, base_link+name, limit=limit)
diff --git a/stack/monitor/logTools.py b/stack/monitor/logTools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cdfbe85d8e3b9c658be008ef1592efb1d6b6b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/monitor/logTools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+from pyparsing import Word, alphas, Suppress, Combine, nums, string, Optional, Regex
+import os, re
+import datetime
+import uuid
+import base64
+import sqlite3
+import PyRSS2Gen
+def init_db(db_path):
+  db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+  c = db.cursor()
+  c.executescript("""
+  name VARCHAR(25),
+  datetime VARCHAR(15),
+  status VARCHAR(20),
+  method VARCHAR(25),
+  title VARCHAR(255),
+  content VARCHAR(255));
+  db.commit()
+  db.close()
+def getZopeParser():
+  integer = Word(nums)
+  serverDateTime = Combine(integer + "-" + integer + "-" + integer + " " + integer + ":" + integer + ":" + integer + "," + integer)
+  status = Word(string.uppercase, max=7, min=3)
+  word = Word( alphas+nums+"@._-" )
+  message = Regex(".*")
+  bnf = serverDateTime.setResultsName("timestamp") +  status.setResultsName("statusCode") + \
+          word.setResultsName("method") + message.setResultsName("content")
+  return bnf
+def isZopeLogBeginLine(line):
+  # This expression will check if line start with a date string
+  # XXX - if line match expression, then regex.group() return the date
+  if not line or line.strip() == "------":
+    return None
+  regex = re.match(r"(^\d{2,4}-\d{2}-\d{1,2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}?[,\d]+)",
+                        line)
+  return regex
+def parseLog(path, parserbnf, method, filter_with="ERROR", start_date="", date_format=""):
+  if not os.path.exists(path):
+    print "ERROR: cannot get file: %s" % path
+    return []
+  log_result = []
+  if not date_format:
+    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f"
+  with open(path, 'r') as logfile:
+    index = 0
+    for line in logfile:
+      regex = method(line)
+      if not regex:
+        if index == 0 or line.strip() == "------":
+          continue
+        # Add this line to log content
+        log_result[index - 1]['content'] += ("\n" + line)
+      else:
+        try:
+          fields = parserbnf.parseString(line)
+          if filter_with and not fields.statusCode == filter_with:
+            continue
+          if start_date and regex.group() < start_date:
+            continue
+          log_result.append(dict(datetime=datetime.datetime.strptime(
+                            fields.timestamp , date_format),
+                            status=fields.get('statusCode', ''),
+                            method=fields.get('method', ''),
+                            title=fields.content,
+                            content=fields.content))
+          index += 1
+        except Exception:
+          raise
+          # print "WARNING: Could not parse log line. %s \n << %s >>" % (str(e), line)
+  return log_result
+def insertRssDb(db_path, entry_list, rss_name):
+  init_db(db_path)
+  db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+  for entry in entry_list:
+    date = entry['datetime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    db.execute("insert into rss_entry(name, datetime, status, method, title, content) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+                (rss_name, date, entry['status'], entry['method'], entry['title'], entry['content']))
+  db.commit()
+  db.close()
+def truncateRssDb(db_path, to_date):
+  db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+  db.execute("delete from rss_entry where datetime<?", (to_date,))
+  db.commit()
+  db.close()
+def selectRssDb(db_path, rss_name, start_date, limit=0):
+  db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+  query = "select name, datetime, status, method, title, content from rss_entry "
+  query += "where name=? and datetime>=? order by datetime DESC"
+  if limit:
+    query += " limit ?"
+    rows = db.execute(query, (rss_name, start_date, limit))
+  else:
+    rows = db.execute(query, (rss_name, start_date))
+  #db.close()
+  if rows:
+    return rows
+  return []
+def generateRSS(db_path, name, rss_path, start_date, url_link, limit=0):
+  items = []
+  db = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+  query = "select name, datetime, status, method, title, content from rss_entry "
+  query += "where name=? and datetime>=? order by datetime DESC"
+  if limit:
+    query += " limit ?"
+    entry_list = db.execute(query, (name, start_date, limit))
+  else:
+    entry_list = db.execute(query, (name, start_date))
+  for entry in entry_list:
+    name, rss_date, status, method, title, content = entry
+    if method:
+      title = "[%s] %s" % (method, title)
+    title = "[%s] %s" % (status, title)
+    rss_item = PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(
+        title = title,
+        link = "",
+        description = content.replace('\n', '<br/>'),
+        pubDate = rss_date,
+        guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(base64.b64encode("%s, %s" % (rss_date, url_link)))
+        )
+    items.append(rss_item)
+  db.close()
+  ### Build the rss feed
+  items.reverse()
+  rss_feed = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2 (
+    title = name,
+    link = url_link,
+    description = name,
+    lastBuildDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
+    items = items
+    )
+  with open(rss_path, 'w') as rss_ouput:
+    rss_ouput.write(rss_feed.to_xml())
diff --git a/stack/monitor/monitor.cfg.in b/stack/monitor/monitor.cfg.in
index e41ebee03d36987f9e56c72ea3235eb729a28751..e39b4ddc00272b27eb96aedc4b193c573f6b9b2e 100644
--- a/stack/monitor/monitor.cfg.in
+++ b/stack/monitor/monitor.cfg.in
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ index-filename = index.cgi
 index-path = $${monitor-directory:www}/$${:index-filename}
 db-path = $${monitor-directory:etc}/monitor.db
 monitor-password-path = $${monitor-directory:etc}/.monitor.shadow
+log-rss-directory = $${monitor-directory:log-rss-directory}
 recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ monitor-result = $${:var}/monitor
 apachedex-result = $${:srv}/apachedex
 private-directory = $${:srv}/monitor-private
+log-rss-directory = $${:srv}/ERRORLogAsRSS
 recipe = cns.recipe.symlink
@@ -189,7 +191,51 @@ context =
 recipe = plone.recipe.command
 command = ln -s $${:source} $${monitor-directory:private-directory}
 source =
+# ErrorLog URL As RSS
+recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
+template = ${errorlog-2rss:location}/${errorlog-2rss:filename}
+rendered = $${monitor-directory:bin}/$${:script-name}
+mode = 0700
+extensions = jinja2.ext.do
+base-link = $${monitor-parameters:url}/private/
+extra-context =
+context = 
+  raw python_executable ${buildout:directory}/bin/${extra-eggs:interpreter}
+  raw log_tool_folder ${log-tools:location}
+  raw db_location $${monitor-directory:etc}/$${:script-name}.db
+  key log_as_rss_ouptut monitor-directory:log-rss-directory
+  key base_link :base-link
+  $${:extra-context}
+< = monitor-directory-access
+source = $${monitor-directory:log-rss-directory}
+<= error-log-rss-base
+script-name = fileLog_AsRSS
+# rotate_time: Max time (in hour) before remove an rss entry from database
+# item_limit: Max number of rss entries to generate per cycle
+extra-context = 
+  section log_file_list error-log-list
+  raw item_limit 10
+  raw hour_interval 1
+  raw rotate_time 24
+  raw type zope
+# XXX - error-log-name = FILE_PATH
+<= cron
+recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
+name = $${error-log-rss:script-name}
+frequency = 30 * * * *
+command = $${error-log-rss:rendered}
+# Apache Dex
 recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
 template = ${run-apachedex:location}/${run-apachedex:filename}
diff --git a/stack/monitor/monitor.py.in b/stack/monitor/monitor.py.in
index ac007c798a84ea25edbaf27de69a1ddafbf8173a..81bb657df2bce5cfbc8cb33aeaba0a4ccf6c141b 100644
--- a/stack/monitor/monitor.py.in
+++ b/stack/monitor/monitor.py.in
@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ def init_db(db):
   timestamp INTEGER UNIQUE,
   status VARCHAR(255));
+  name VARCHAR(255),
+  timestamp INTEGER,
+  status VARCHAR(255),
+  method VARCHAR(255),
+  title VARCHAR(255),
+  content VARCHAR(255));
 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS individual_status (
   timestamp INTEGER,
   status VARCHAR(255),