will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 97a54fdf authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

delete unused code.

parent fec552ee
......@@ -56,24 +56,3 @@ class OrderLine(DeliveryLine):
, PropertySheet.VariationRange
, PropertySheet.ItemAggregation
def applyToOrderLineRelatedMovement(self, portal_type='Simulation Movement',
method_id = 'expand'):
Warning: does not work if it was not catalogued immediately
# XXX This method seems to be not used at all.
# Find related in simulation
for my_simulation_movement in self.getOrderRelatedValueList(
portal_type = 'Simulation Movement') or \
self.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Simulation Movement'):
# And apply
getattr(my_simulation_movement, method_id)()
for c in self.contentValues(filter={'portal_type': 'Delivery Cell'}):
for my_simulation_movement in c.getOrderRelatedValueList(
portal_type = 'Simulation Movement') or \
c.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Simulation Movement'):
# And apply
getattr(my_simulation_movement, method_id)()
......@@ -1593,21 +1593,6 @@ class ERP5Site(FolderMixIn, CMFSite, CacheCookieMixin):
key = ('default_reindex_parameter', )
return tv.get(key)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'getERP5SiteGlobalId')
def getERP5SiteGlobalId(self):
"""Returns site global ID without any fallback"""
return getattr(self, 'erp5_site_global_id', None)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'setERP5SiteGlobalId')
def setERP5SiteGlobalId(self, global_id):
"""Sets site global ID, only in case if not set yet
Such id should be very big and random, for example uuid version 4, as
defined in RFC 4122.
if self.getERP5SiteGlobalId() in [None, '']:
self.erp5_site_global_id = global_id
def migrateToPortalTypeClass(self):
......@@ -167,18 +167,6 @@ def add_and_edit(self, id, REQUEST):
u = "%s/%s" % (u, quote(id))
def manage_add_report(self, id, title="", unicode_mode=0, REQUEST=None):
"""Add form to folder.
id -- the id of the new form to add
title -- the title of the form to add
Result -- empty string
# add actual object
id = self._setObject(id, ZMIForm(id, title, unicode_mode))
# respond to the add_and_edit button if necessary
add_and_edit(self, id, REQUEST)
return ''
class ReportSection:
""" A section in an ERP5Report.
......@@ -255,40 +255,6 @@ class TypesTool(TypeProvider):
from Products.ERP5Type import interfaces
return [name for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(interfaces, inspect.isclass)]
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AddPortalContent, 'listDefaultTypeInformation')
def listDefaultTypeInformation(self):
# FIXME: This method is only used by manage_addTypeInformation below, and
# should be removed when that method starts raising NotImplementedError.
# Scans for factory_type_information attributes
# of all products and factory dispatchers within products.
import Products
res = []
products = self.aq_acquire('_getProducts')()
for product in products.objectValues():
product_id = product.getId()
if hasattr(aq_base(product), 'factory_type_information'):
ftis = product.factory_type_information
package = getattr(Products, product_id, None)
dispatcher = getattr(package, '__FactoryDispatcher__', None)
ftis = getattr(dispatcher, 'factory_type_information', None)
if ftis is not None:
if callable(ftis):
ftis = ftis()
for fti in ftis:
mt = fti.get('meta_type', None)
id = fti.get('id', '')
if mt:
p_id = '%s: %s (%s)' % (product_id, id, mt)
res.append( (p_id, fti) )
return res
def resetDynamicDocumentsOnceAtTransactionBoundary(self):
......@@ -320,60 +286,6 @@ class TypesTool(TypeProvider):
synchronizeDynamicModules(self, force=True)
def manage_addTypeInformation(self, add_meta_type, id=None,
typeinfo_name=None, RESPONSE=None):
# FIXME: This method is deprecated and should be reimplemented as a blocker
# i.e. a method that always raises a NotImplementedError
Create a TypeInformation in self.
This method is mainly a copy/paste of CMF Types Tool
which means that the entire file is ZPLed for now.
if add_meta_type != 'ERP5 Type Information' or RESPONSE is not None:
raise ValueError
fti = None
if typeinfo_name:
info = self.listDefaultTypeInformation()
# Nasty workaround to stay backwards-compatible
# This workaround will disappear in CMF 1.7
if typeinfo_name.endswith(')'):
# This is a new-style name. Proceed normally.
for name, ft in info:
if name == typeinfo_name:
fti = ft
# Attempt to work around the old way
# This attempt harbors the problem that the first match on
# meta_type will be used. There could potentially be more
# than one TypeInformation sharing the same meta_type.
warnings.warn('Please switch to the new format for typeinfo names '
'\"product_id: type_id (meta_type)\", the old '
'spelling will disappear in CMF 1.7', DeprecationWarning,
ti_prod, ti_mt = [x.strip() for x in typeinfo_name.split(':')]
for name, ft in info:
if name.startswith(ti_prod) and name.endswith('(%s)' % ti_mt):
fti = ft
if fti is None:
raise ValueError('%s not found.' % typeinfo_name)
if not id:
id = fti.get('id')
if not id:
raise ValueError('An id is required.')
type_info = self.newContent(id, 'Base Type')
if fti:
if 'actions' in fti:
warnings.warn('manage_addTypeInformation does not create default'
' actions automatically anymore.')
type_info.__dict__.update((k, v) for k, v in fti.iteritems()
if k not in ('id', 'actions'))
def _finalizeMigration(self):
"""Compatibility code to finalize migration from CMF Types Tool"""
portal = self.getPortalObject()
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