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Commit ef3c4df4 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka

[hal_json_style] Script must be called on a document (tests for this path are clearly missing)

parent 5004e51c
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ try:
# Form is OK, it's just this field - style so we return back form-wide error
# for which we don't have support out-of-the-box thus we manually craft it
# XXX TODO: Form-wide validation errors
return Base_renderMessage(
return context.Base_renderMessage(
translate('Only ODT, ODS, Hal and HalRestricted skins are allowed for reports '\
'in Preferences - User Interface - Report Style'),
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ if dialog_method != update_method and clean_kw.get('deferred_style', 0):
# Limit Reports in Deferred style to known working styles
if request_form.get('your_portal_skin', None) not in ("ODT", "ODS"):
# RJS own validation - deferred option works here only with ODS/ODT skins
return Base_renderMessage(
return context.Base_renderMessage(
translate('Deferred reports are possible only with preference '\
'"Report Style" set to "ODT" or "ODS"'),
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