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Commit 7215d3a7 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

Modify implementation of getAggregatedAmountList.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 38913b13
......@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ class TransformedResource(XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_updateQMatrixCellRange')
def _updateQMatrixCellRange(self):
cell_range = self.TransformedResource_asCellRange('quantity')
# XXX TransformedResource works only for a maximum of 3 variation base category...
# Matrixbox must be rewrite for a clean implementation of n base category
if len(cell_range) <= 3:
......@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ class TransformedResource(XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAggregatedAmountList')
def getAggregatedAmountList(self, context=None, REQUEST=None, **kw):
Get all interesting amount value and return TempAmount
Get all interesting amount value and return AggregatedAmountList
context = self.asContext(context=context, REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
# Create the result object
......@@ -206,13 +205,70 @@ class TransformedResource(XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
efficiency = float(efficiency)
### current get quantity comportment exemple ###
# We define on transformation line:
# default_quantity = q
# quantity matrix
# | Child | Child/32 | Child/34 | Men | Women |
# | a | | b | c | |
# Result from getAggregatedAmountList:
# context | quantity
# _________________________
# Child | a
# Child/32 | a => acquired from Child
# Child/34 | a or b => we do not know which cell will be choosed
# Child/36 | a => acquired from Child
# Men | c
# Women | Error => no cell found
# noContext | Error => cell exist, but no context given
### comportment that JPS want ?? ###
# We define on transformation line:
# default_quantity = q
# quantity matrix
# | Child | Child/32 | Child/34 | Men | Women |
# | a | | b | c | |
# Result from getAggregatedAmountList:
# context | quantity
# _________________________
# Child | a
# Child/32 | a => acquired from Child
# Child/34 | a or b => we do not know which cell will be choosed
# Child/36 | Error => no such key in matrixbox cell range
# Men | c
# Women | Error => no cell found
# noContext | Error => cell exist, but no context given
# futur cool get quantity comportment exemple
# We define on transformation line:
# default_quantity = q
# quantity matrix
# | Child | Child/32 | Child/34 | Men | Women |
# | a | | b | c | |
# Result from getAggregatedAmountList:
# context | quantity
# _________________________
# Child | a
# Child/32 | a => acquired from Child
# Child/34 | b => test method must return a priority to choose between Child and Child/34
# Child/36 | Error => no such key in matrixbox cell range
# Men | c
# Women | q => acquired from default quantity
# noContext | q => acquired from default quantity
quantity_defined_by = None
# get Quantity
quantity = None
if context != None:
# We will browse the mapped values and determine which apply
for key in self.getCellKeyList( base_id = 'quantity'):
# We will browse the mapped values and determine which apply
cell_key_list = self.getCellKeyList( base_id = 'quantity')
if cell_key_list not in [(),[]]:
if context == None:
raise KeyError, "No context defined on TransformedResource '%s'" % ( self.getRelativeUrl() , )
for key in cell_key_list:
if self.hasCell(base_id='quantity', *key):
mapped_value = self.getCell(base_id='quantity', *key)
if mapped_value.test(context):
......@@ -220,10 +276,16 @@ class TransformedResource(XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
quantity = mapped_value.getProperty('quantity')
quantity_defined_by = mapped_value.getRelativeUrl()
if quantity in [None,'']:
if quantity in [None,'']:
raise KeyError, "No cell quantity matching on TransformedResource '%s' for current context" % ( self.getRelativeUrl() , )
quantity = self.getQuantity()
quantity_defined_by = self.getRelativeUrl()
if quantity in [None,'']:
raise KeyError, "No quantity defined on TransformedResource '%s' for current context" % ( self.getRelativeUrl() , )
# If we have to do this, then there is a problem....
# We'd better have better API for this, like an update function in the mapped_value
......@@ -234,24 +296,32 @@ class TransformedResource(XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
variation_category_list_defined_by = None
# get Variation Category List
variation_category_list = None
if context != None:
# We will browse the mapped values and determine which apply
for key in self.getCellKeyList( base_id = 'variation'):
# We will browse the mapped values and determine which apply
cell_key_list = self.getCellKeyList( base_id = 'variation')
if cell_key_list not in [(),[]]:
if context == None:
raise KeyError, "No context defined on TransformedResource '%s'" % ( self.getRelativeUrl() , )
for key in cell_key_list:
if self.hasCell(base_id='variation', *key):
mapped_value = self.getCell(base_id='variation', *key)
if mapped_value.test(context):
vcl = mapped_value.getCategoryList()
if vcl != []:
variation_category_list = vcl
variation_category_list_defined_by = mapped_value.getRelativeUrl()
if variation_category_list in [None,'',[], ()]:
if variation_category_list in [None,'',[], ()]:
raise KeyError, "No cell variation matching on TransformedResource '%s' for current context" % ( self.getRelativeUrl() , )
variation_category_list = self._getVariationCategoryList()
variation_category_list_defined_by = self.getRelativeUrl()
# Properties define on transformation line
description = self.getDescription(),
......@@ -269,3 +339,4 @@ class TransformedResource(XMLObject, XMLMatrix, Amount):
aggregated_amount_list.append( tmp_amount )
return aggregated_amount_list
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