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Commit 96df5d16 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

RestrictedPython: Add permissions to use defaultdict and OrderedDict (collections module).

parent a49d923f
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ RestrictionMutator.checkName = RestrictionMutator.checkAttrName = \
from Acquisition import aq_acquire
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from AccessControl import allow_module, allow_class, allow_type
from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo
from AccessControl.ZopeGuards import (safe_builtins, _marker, Unauthorized,
aq_validate, guard, guarded_getattr, guarded_iter, SafeIter, NullIter,
ContainerAssertions, GuardedDictType, _dict_white_list)
......@@ -113,34 +115,51 @@ def get_set_pop(s, name):
return v
return guarded_pop
_set_white_get = {
'add': 1, 'clear': 1, 'copy': 1, 'difference': 1, 'difference_update': 1,
'discard': 1, 'intersection': 1, 'intersection_update': 1, 'isdisjoint': 1,
'issubset': 1, 'issuperset': 1, 'pop': get_set_pop, 'remove': 1,
'symmetric_difference': 1, 'symmetric_difference_update': 1, 'union': 1,
'update': 1}.get
def _check_set_access(name, value):
# Check whether value is a set method
def _check_access_wrapper(expected_type, white_list_dict):
def _check_access(name, value):
# Check whether value is a method of expected type
self = getattr(value, '__self__', None)
if self is None: # item
return 1
# Disallow spoofing
if type(self) is not set:
if type(self) is not expected_type:
return 0
if getattr(value, '__name__', None) != name:
return 0
return _set_white_get(name, 0)
return white_list_dict.get(name, 0)
return _check_access
_set_white_dict = {
'add': 1, 'clear': 1, 'copy': 1, 'difference': 1, 'difference_update': 1,
'discard': 1, 'intersection': 1, 'intersection_update': 1, 'isdisjoint': 1,
'issubset': 1, 'issuperset': 1, 'pop': get_set_pop, 'remove': 1,
'symmetric_difference': 1, 'symmetric_difference_update': 1, 'union': 1,
'update': 1}
ContainerAssertions[set] = _check_set_access
ContainerAssertions[set] = _check_access_wrapper(set, _set_white_dict)
ContainerAssertions[frozenset] = 1
from collections import OrderedDict
OrderedDict.__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
from AccessControl import allow_module, allow_class, allow_type
from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo
from collections import defaultdict
from AccessControl.ZopeGuards import _dict_white_list
# Attributes cannot be set on defaultdict, thus modify 'safetype' dict
# (closure) directly to ignore defaultdict like dict/list
from RestrictedPython.Guards import full_write_guard
ContainerAssertions[defaultdict] = _check_access_wrapper(defaultdict, _dict_white_list)
full_write_guard.func_closure[1].cell_contents.__self__[defaultdict] = True
# In contrary to builtins such as dict/defaultdict, it is possible to set
# attributes on OrderedDict instances, so only allow setitem/delitem
ContainerAssertions[OrderedDict] = _check_access_wrapper(OrderedDict, _dict_white_list)
OrderedDict.__guarded_setitem__ = OrderedDict.__setitem__.__func__
OrderedDict.__guarded_delitem__ = OrderedDict.__delitem__.__func__
# given as example in Products.PythonScripts.module_access_examples
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