• Nicolas Wavrant's avatar
    Price per quantity per slice · 05f913a0
    Nicolas Wavrant authored
    This MR introduces a second way of calculating the base price of a resource using "Base Price Quantity Step".
    Currently, for a resource, we could define on a Supply Line "Quantity Steps",  and set a price for each of these steps. Then, depending on the quantity of the resource, the price of the unique matching step would apply.
    For exemple : 
    | Quantity Step Range | Price for the step|
    | 0 -> 10 | 10€ |
    | 11 -> 20 | 9€ |
    | 21 -> inf | 8€ |
    With the current method, for an Order of 15 products, the 2 range "11 -> 20" would apply, the unit price for the products would be 9€, and the total price would be 15*9 = 135€.
    The new method of calculating would apply the _Price for the step_ __to, and only to, all items of this step__. Which means, for an order of 15 products, the 10 first products would have a unit price of 10€, and the 5 next products would have a unit price of 9€, which makes in the end a total price of 145€, and a base price of 9.66€.
    /reviewed-on !896
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