• Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
    Avoid regeneration of classes when starting a node within a cluster with already started nodes. · 6db7532a
    Arnaud Fontaine authored
    When starting a node, ERP5Site.__of__ calls ComponentTool.reset(), which was
    never synchronised so it returned True (without generating a new cookie at its
    level) and causing synchronizeDynamicModules to be called with
    force=True. This generated a new cookie and leading to dynamic classes being
    meaninglessly regenerated on all nodes.
    Instead, modify ComponentTool.reset() behavior so it *always* reset Portal
    Type classes when Components are reset (as it should have always been as the
    class inheritance may have been modified) and force regeneration of Portal
    Type classes in this method if reset is True.
    Signed-off: Vincent Pelletier <vincent@nexedi.com>
ComponentTool.py 10.4 KB