Commit 57cc2a7b authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka

[erp5_core] Mass Workflow Transition does not fail with only one possible transition

parent 710e975a
......@@ -290,6 +290,52 @@
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/submit_dialog" />
<tal:block tal:define="notification_configuration python: {'class': 'error', 'text': 'Form updated.'}">
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_notification" />
<td>Pain perdu</td></tr>
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/submit_dialog" />
<tal:block tal:define="notification_configuration python: {'class': 'success', 'text': 'Workflow modification in progress.'}">
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/wait_for_notification" />
<tal:block tal:define="pagination_configuration python: {'header': '(1 - 3 / 6)', 'footer': 'Records 1 - 3 / 6'}">
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi/macros/check_listbox_pagination_text" />
<td>Pain perdu</td><td></td></tr>
<td>Pain perdu</td><td></td></tr>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -33,9 +33,5 @@ for result in result_list:
if workflow_action == action['id']:
return action_form_id # early return for performance reasons
if not workflow_action and len(id_form_dict) == 1:
# if we have only one possible workflow transition we suppose it is the default one
return id_form_dict.items()[0][1]
# if we have no idea what workflow form we should use - just use ~~the default one~~ nothing
return ""
......@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ for result in context.Base_searchUsingFormIdAndQuery(form_id, query, limit=50):
if not transition_dict:
workflow_list.append((translate("No state change possible"), ""))
if len(transition_dict) == 1:
workflow_list = [] # if there is only one workflow possible - do not bother with an empty option
# transition_dict.items() is in form (id, title) but ERP5 requires (title, id) so we reverse
if transition_dict:
workflow_list.extend((title, id) for id, title in sorted(transition_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))
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