• Kevin Modzelewski's avatar
    Fix an arg-handling bug in typeCallInternal · 0e10126d
    Kevin Modzelewski authored
    In typeCallInternal, we used to expand out any starargs in order to take a look
    at the first arg (and change it when passing it).
    We had a bug in this code, and rather than make that code more complicated
    to fix it, just call back into callFunc to resolve it.  This is kind of tricky
    since callFunc will call typeCall, and we don't want typeCall to duplicate
    the typeCallInternal behavior (that's not any better than duplicating the
    arg behavior), so we want typeCall to call into typeCallInternal.  But
    typeCall receives varargs! which typeCallInternal doesn't support.  So typeCall
    has to do some (simpler) arg handling to expand out the varargs.
    In the end, it simplifies the code a little bit but causes a bunch of extra calls
    in the varargs case, so it's less of a win than I thought, but at least it
    fixes the bug.
constructor_args.py 298 Bytes