Commit 230439c5 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Avoid creating most slice objects

We've been allocating slice objects for slicing operations, but
CPython's internal slice methods already take separate start+stop
arguments.  So if we see a slice, instead of creating the slice
and sending it off to getitem, try calling PySequence_GetSlice.

This will be slower for classes with user-defined __getitem__
functions that can handle slices; we can fix that by adding rewriting
to this new endpoint, but it seems to not matter too much right now.
parent a419290b
......@@ -343,6 +343,30 @@ public:
CompilerVariable* getitem(IREmitter& emitter, const OpInfo& info, ConcreteCompilerVariable* var,
CompilerVariable* slice) override {
if (slice->getType() == UNBOXED_SLICE) {
UnboxedSlice slice_val = extractSlice(slice);
if (slice_val.step == NULL) {
static BoxedString* attr = internStringImmortal("__getitem__");
CompilerType* return_type
= var->getType()->getattrType(attr, true)->callType(ArgPassSpec(1), { SLICE }, NULL);
assert(return_type->getConcreteType() == return_type);
llvm::Value* cstart, *cstop;
cstart = slice_val.start ? slice_val.start->makeConverted(emitter, UNKNOWN)->getValue()
: getNullPtr(g.llvm_value_type_ptr);
cstop = slice_val.stop ? slice_val.stop->makeConverted(emitter, UNKNOWN)->getValue()
: getNullPtr(g.llvm_value_type_ptr);
llvm::Value* r
= emitter.createCall3(info.unw_info, g.funcs.apply_slice, var->getValue(), cstart, cstop);
emitter.checkAndPropagateCapiException(info.unw_info, r, getNullPtr(g.llvm_value_type_ptr));
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(static_cast<ConcreteCompilerType*>(return_type), r, true);
ConcreteCompilerVariable* converted_slice = slice->makeConverted(emitter, slice->getBoxType());
ExceptionStyle target_exception_style = info.preferredExceptionStyle();
......@@ -935,7 +959,6 @@ template <typename T> struct UnboxedVal {
UnboxedVal(T val, ConcreteCompilerVariable* boxed) : val(std::move(val)), boxed(boxed) {}
// XXX: make this a over a unique_ptr<UnboxedVal>
template <typename T, typename D> class UnboxedType : public ValuedCompilerType<std::shared_ptr<UnboxedVal<T>>> {
// Subclasses need to implement:
......@@ -2022,23 +2045,74 @@ public:
static BoxedString* attr = internStringImmortal("__getitem__");
bool no_attribute = false;
ExceptionStyle exception_style = info.preferredExceptionStyle();
if (slice->getType() == UNBOXED_SLICE) {
UnboxedSlice slice_val = extractSlice(slice);
// This corresponds to the case in apply_slice that calls into PySequence_GetSlice.
// Other cases will get handled by UNKNOWN.getitem
if (!slice_val.step && canStaticallyResolveGetattrs() && cls->tp_as_sequence
&& cls->tp_as_sequence->sq_slice) {
if ((!slice_val.start || slice_val.start->getType() == INT || slice_val.start->getType() == BOXED_INT)
&& (!slice_val.stop || slice_val.stop->getType() == INT
|| slice_val.stop->getType() == BOXED_INT)) {
CompilerType* return_type = getattrType(attr, true)->callType(ArgPassSpec(1), { SLICE }, NULL);
assert(return_type->getConcreteType() == return_type);
llvm::Value* start = NULL;
if (!slice_val.start)
start = getConstantInt(0, g.i64);
else {
if (slice_val.start->getType() == BOXED_INT)
= makeUnboxedInt(emitter, static_cast<ConcreteCompilerVariable*>(slice_val.start));
start = IntType::extractInt(slice_val.start);
CompilerVariable* called_constant = tryCallattrConstant(emitter, info, var, attr, true, ArgPassSpec(1, 0, 0, 0),
{ slice }, NULL, &no_attribute, exception_style);
llvm::Value* stop = NULL;
if (!slice_val.stop)
stop = getConstantInt(PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, g.i64);
else {
if (slice_val.stop->getType() == BOXED_INT)
= makeUnboxedInt(emitter, static_cast<ConcreteCompilerVariable*>(slice_val.stop));
stop = IntType::extractInt(slice_val.stop);
if (no_attribute) {
assert(called_constant->getType() == UNDEF);
static llvm::FunctionType* ft = llvm::FunctionType::get(
g.llvm_value_type_ptr, { g.llvm_value_type_ptr, g.i64, g.i64 }, false);
llvm::Value* r = emitter.createCall3(
info.unw_info, embedConstantPtr((void*)PySequence_GetSlice, ft->getPointerTo()),
var->getValue(), start, stop);
emitter.checkAndPropagateCapiException(info.unw_info, r, getNullPtr(g.llvm_value_type_ptr));
// Kind of hacky, but just call into getitem like normal. except...
auto r = UNKNOWN->getitem(emitter, info, var, slice);
// ... return the undef value, since that matches what the type analyzer thought we would do.
return called_constant;
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(static_cast<ConcreteCompilerType*>(return_type), r, true);
if (called_constant)
return called_constant;
// Only try calling getitem if it's not a slice. For the slice case, defer to UNKNOWN->getitem, which will
// call into apply_slice
if (slice->getType() != UNBOXED_SLICE || extractSlice(slice).step != NULL) {
ExceptionStyle exception_style = info.preferredExceptionStyle();
CompilerVariable* called_constant
= tryCallattrConstant(emitter, info, var, attr, true, ArgPassSpec(1, 0, 0, 0), { slice }, NULL,
&no_attribute, exception_style);
if (no_attribute) {
assert(called_constant->getType() == UNDEF);
// Kind of hacky, but just call into getitem like normal. except...
auto r = UNKNOWN->getitem(emitter, info, var, slice);
// ... return the undef value, since that matches what the type analyzer thought we would do.
return called_constant;
if (called_constant)
return called_constant;
return UNKNOWN->getitem(emitter, info, var, slice);
......@@ -2696,6 +2770,68 @@ CompilerVariable* makeTuple(const std::vector<CompilerVariable*>& elts) {
return new TupleType::VAR(type, alloc_var, true);
class UnboxedSliceType : public ValuedCompilerType<UnboxedSlice> {
std::string debugName() override { return "slice"; }
void drop(IREmitter& emitter, VAR* var) override {}
void grab(IREmitter& emitter, VAR* var) override {}
void assertMatches(UnboxedSlice slice) {}
int numFrameArgs() override { RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "unboxed slice should never get serialized"); }
Box* deserializeFromFrame(const FrameVals& vals) override {
RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "unboxed slice should never get serialized");
void serializeToFrame(VAR* v, std::vector<llvm::Value*>& stackmap_args) override {
RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "unboxed slice should never get serialized");
ConcreteCompilerType* getConcreteType() override { return SLICE; }
ConcreteCompilerType* getBoxType() override { return SLICE; }
bool canConvertTo(CompilerType* other) override { return other == this || other == SLICE || other == UNKNOWN; }
ConcreteCompilerVariable* makeConverted(IREmitter& emitter, VAR* var, ConcreteCompilerType* other_type) override {
assert(other_type == SLICE || other_type == UNKNOWN);
auto slice = var->getValue();
ConcreteCompilerVariable* cstart, *cstop, *cstep;
cstart = slice.start ? slice.start->makeConverted(emitter, slice.start->getBoxType()) : getNone();
cstop = slice.stop ? slice.stop->makeConverted(emitter, slice.stop->getBoxType()) : getNone();
cstep = slice.step ? slice.step->makeConverted(emitter, slice.step->getBoxType()) : getNone();
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
llvm::Value* rtn = emitter.getBuilder()->CreateCall(g.funcs.createSlice, args);
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(SLICE, rtn, true);
CompilerVariable* makeSlice(CompilerVariable* start, CompilerVariable* stop, CompilerVariable* step) {
return new UnboxedSliceType::VAR(&_UNBOXED_SLICE, UnboxedSlice{ start, stop, step }, true);
UnboxedSlice extractSlice(CompilerVariable* slice) {
assert(slice->getType() == UNBOXED_SLICE);
return static_cast<UnboxedSliceType::VAR*>(slice)->getValue();
ConcreteCompilerVariable* getNone() {
llvm::Constant* none = embedRelocatablePtr(None, g.llvm_value_type_ptr, "cNone");
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(typeFromClass(none_cls), none, false);
class UndefType : public ConcreteCompilerType {
std::string debugName() override { return "undefType"; }
......@@ -411,6 +411,8 @@ public:
// Emit the test for whether one variable 'is' another one.
ConcreteCompilerVariable* doIs(IREmitter& emitter, CompilerVariable* lhs, CompilerVariable* rhs, bool negate);
ConcreteCompilerVariable* getNone();
// These functions all return an INT variable, from either an unboxed representation (makeInt) or
// a boxed representation (makeUnboxedInt)
CompilerVariable* makeInt(int64_t);
......@@ -429,6 +431,13 @@ ConcreteCompilerVariable* makeLong(Box*);
ConcreteCompilerVariable* makePureImaginary(Box*);
CompilerVariable* makeStr(BoxedString*);
CompilerVariable* makeUnicode(Box*);
struct UnboxedSlice {
CompilerVariable* start, *stop, *step;
CompilerVariable* makeSlice(CompilerVariable* start, CompilerVariable* stop, CompilerVariable* step);
UnboxedSlice extractSlice(CompilerVariable* slice);
#if 0
CompilerVariable* makeUnicode(IREmitter& emitter, llvm::StringRef);
......@@ -1078,10 +1078,6 @@ private:
auto ellipsis_cls = Ellipsis->cls;
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(typeFromClass(ellipsis_cls), ellipsis, false);
ConcreteCompilerVariable* getNone() {
llvm::Constant* none = embedRelocatablePtr(None, g.llvm_value_type_ptr, "cNone");
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(typeFromClass(none_cls), none, false);
llvm::Constant* embedParentModulePtr() {
BoxedModule* parent_module = irstate->getSourceInfo()->parent_module;
......@@ -1264,28 +1260,11 @@ private:
CompilerVariable* evalSlice(AST_Slice* node, const UnwindInfo& unw_info) {
CompilerVariable* start, *stop, *step;
start = node->lower ? evalExpr(node->lower, unw_info) : getNone();
stop = node->upper ? evalExpr(node->upper, unw_info) : getNone();
step = node->step ? evalExpr(node->step, unw_info) : getNone();
ConcreteCompilerVariable* cstart, *cstop, *cstep;
cstart = start->makeConverted(emitter, start->getBoxType());
cstop = stop->makeConverted(emitter, stop->getBoxType());
cstep = step->makeConverted(emitter, step->getBoxType());
start = node->lower ? evalExpr(node->lower, unw_info) : NULL;
stop = node->upper ? evalExpr(node->upper, unw_info) : NULL;
step = node->step ? evalExpr(node->step, unw_info) : NULL;
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
llvm::Value* rtn = emitter.getBuilder()->CreateCall(g.funcs.createSlice, args);
return new ConcreteCompilerVariable(SLICE, rtn, true);
return makeSlice(start, stop, step);
CompilerVariable* evalExtSlice(AST_ExtSlice* node, const UnwindInfo& unw_info) {
......@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ void initGlobalFuncs(GlobalState& g) {
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ struct GlobalFuncs {
*createGenerator, *createSet;
llvm::Value* getattr, *getattr_capi, *setattr, *delattr, *delitem, *delGlobal, *nonzero, *binop, *compare,
*augbinop, *unboxedLen, *getitem, *getitem_capi, *getclsattr, *getGlobal, *setitem, *unaryop, *import,
*importFrom, *importStar, *repr, *exceptionMatches, *yield, *getiterHelper, *hasnext, *setGlobal;
*importFrom, *importStar, *repr, *exceptionMatches, *yield, *getiterHelper, *hasnext, *setGlobal, *apply_slice;
llvm::Value* unpackIntoArray, *raiseAttributeError, *raiseAttributeErrorStr, *raiseAttributeErrorCapi,
*raiseAttributeErrorStrCapi, *raiseNotIterableError, *raiseIndexErrorStr, *raiseIndexErrorStrCapi,
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ ConcreteCompilerType* typeFromClass(BoxedClass*);
extern CompilerType* UNDEF, *INT, *FLOAT;
extern CompilerType* UNDEF, *INT, *FLOAT, *UNBOXED_SLICE;
class CompilerVariable;
template <class V> class ValuedCompilerVariable;
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ void force() {
......@@ -5090,6 +5090,33 @@ static Box* callItemAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, Box* item, Box* val
#define ISINDEX(x) ((x) == NULL || PyInt_Check(x) || PyLong_Check(x) || PyIndex_Check(x))
extern "C" PyObject* apply_slice(PyObject* u, PyObject* v, PyObject* w) noexcept /* return u[v:w] */
// TODO: add rewriting here
PyTypeObject* tp = u->cls;
PySequenceMethods* sq = tp->tp_as_sequence;
if (sq && sq->sq_slice && ISINDEX(v) && ISINDEX(w)) {
Py_ssize_t ilow = 0, ihigh = PY_SSIZE_T_MAX;
if (!_PyEval_SliceIndex(v, &ilow))
return NULL;
if (!_PyEval_SliceIndex(w, &ihigh))
return NULL;
return PySequence_GetSlice(u, ilow, ihigh);
} else {
PyObject* slice = PySlice_New(v, w, NULL);
if (slice != NULL) {
PyObject* res = PyObject_GetItem(u, slice);
return res;
} else
return NULL;
// This function decides whether to call the slice operator (e.g. __getslice__)
// or the item operator (__getitem__).
template <ExceptionStyle S, Rewritable rewritable>
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ extern "C" Box* getitem(Box* value, Box* slice);
extern "C" Box* getitem_capi(Box* value, Box* slice) noexcept;
extern "C" void setitem(Box* target, Box* slice, Box* value);
extern "C" void delitem(Box* target, Box* slice);
extern "C" PyObject* apply_slice(PyObject* u, PyObject* v, PyObject* w) noexcept;
extern "C" Box* getclsattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr);
extern "C" Box* getclsattrMaybeNonstring(Box* obj, Box* attr);
extern "C" Box* unaryop(Box* operand, int op_type);
......@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ print unicodestr[-2:]
# Calling the slice operator directly does not have the same behavior
# as using the slice notation []. Namely, it will not modify negative
# indices.
print numbers.__getslice__(0, -1);
print letters.__getslice__(0, -1);
print unicodestr.__getslice__(0, -1);
print numbers.__getslice__(0, -1)
print letters.__getslice__(0, -1)
print unicodestr.__getslice__(0, -1)
# Other
class C(object):
......@@ -188,3 +188,9 @@ C()[:,:]
# Regression test:
def f(i):
for j in [1, 2, 3][::2]:
for i in xrange(100000):
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