Commit 4af06561 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski Committed by Kevin Modzelewski

Add a bunch of missing symlinks

We symlink the CPython tests into our tests directory to control which
ones we will attempt to run.  A bunch of the tests though need other
test files in order to run, and we hadn't symlinked those in.

At some point we should switch to symlinking the Lib/test directory instead
of individual files, but for now this helps.
parent 9042baf8
# expected: fail
import ConfigParser
import StringIO
import os
# expected: fail
import difflib
from test.test_support import run_unittest, findfile
import unittest
# expected: fail
"""This test checks for correct fork() behavior.
# skip-if: True
# - This test hangs and the tester fails to clean it up.
# Unit tests for the multiprocessing package
# expected: fail
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
import sys
# expected: fail
# unit tests.
import tempfile
import errno
# expected: fail
doctests = """
Tests for the tokenize module.
# expected: fail
# test_pickle dumps and loads pickles via
# test_cpickle does the same, but via the cPickle module.
# This test covers the other two cases, making pickles with one module and
# expected: fail
# We can test part of the module without zlib.
import zlib
# skip-if: True
# - not a test file itself
# Helper script for argv[2] is the number of a file
# descriptor which should _not_ be open. Check this by attempting to
# write to it -- if we succeed, something is wrong.
......@@ -1631,7 +1631,9 @@ static Box* function_new(BoxedClass* cls, Box* _code, Box* globals, Box** _args)
RELEASE_ASSERT(code->source, "");
if (code->source->scoping.areGlobalsFromModule()) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(unwrapAttrWrapper(globals) == code->source->parent_module, "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(globals->cls == attrwrapper_cls && unwrapAttrWrapper(globals) == code->source->parent_module,
"Pyston doesn't support creating functions with overridden globals on code objects that weren't "
"compiled for it");
globals = NULL;
} else {
RELEASE_ASSERT(PyDict_Check(globals) || globals->cls == attrwrapper_cls, "");
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ test_bsddb [unknown]
test_builtin execfile scoping issue
test_capi [unknown]
test_cd [unknown]
test_cfgparser works when run from inside the from_cpython dir
test_class needs ellipsis
test_cl [unknown]
test_cmd_line_script [unknown]
......@@ -76,7 +75,6 @@ test_email [unknown]
test_enumerate assert instead of exception in BoxedEnumerate
test_exceptions we are missing recursion-depth checking
test_extcall f(**kw) crashes if kw isn't a dict
test_fork1 [unknown]
test_frozen [unknown]
test_funcattrs we don't allow changing numing of function defaults
test_future5 [unknown]
......@@ -114,7 +112,6 @@ test_modulefinder [unknown]
test_module unicode docstrings
test_msilib [unknown]
test_multibytecodec [unknown]
test_multiprocessing [unknown]
test_mutants unknown failure
test_new [unknown]
test_nis [unknown]
......@@ -147,15 +144,12 @@ test_symtable [unknown]
test_syntax [unknown]
test_sys_setprofile [unknown]
test_sys_settrace [unknown]
test_sys [unknown]
test_tarfile [unknown]
test_sys we're missing some attributes in the sys module (call_tracing, __excepthook__, setrecursionlimit, etc)
test_tcl [unknown]
test_tempfile [unknown]
test_threading_local [unknown]
test_threading [unknown]
test_thread [unknown]
test_tk [unknown]
test_tokenize [unknown]
test_tools [unknown]
test_traceback [unknown]
test_trace [unknown]
......@@ -174,9 +168,7 @@ test_winsound [unknown]
test_xml_etree_c [unknown]
test_xml_etree [unknown]
test_xmlrpc [unknown]
test_xpickle [unknown]
test_zipfile64 [unknown]
test_zipfile [unknown]
test_zipimport_support [unknown]
test_zipimport [unknown]
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