Commit e5b3483e authored by Dong-hee Na's avatar Dong-hee Na

add comment and llvm's remove_if for temporary

parent f60f6788
......@@ -97,9 +97,8 @@ uint8_t* PystonMemoryManager::allocateSection(MemoryGroup& MemGroup, uintptr_t S
uintptr_t RequiredSize = Alignment * ((Size + Alignment - 1) / Alignment + 1);
uintptr_t Addr = 0;
// Note that all sections get allocated as read-write. The permissions will
// be updated later based on memory group.
// Look in the list of free memory regions and use a block there if one
// is available.
for (FreeMemBlock& FreeMB : MemGroup.FreeMem) {
if (FreeMB.Free.size() >= RequiredSize) {
Addr = (uintptr_t)FreeMB.Free.base();
......@@ -147,6 +146,7 @@ uint8_t* PystonMemoryManager::allocateSection(MemoryGroup& MemGroup, uintptr_t S
// Save this address as the basis for our next request
MemGroup.Near = MB;
// Remember that we allocated this memory
Addr = (uintptr_t)MB.base();
uintptr_t EndOfBlock = Addr + MB.size();
......@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ uint8_t* PystonMemoryManager::allocateSection(MemoryGroup& MemGroup, uintptr_t S
// Align the address.
Addr = (Addr + Alignment - 1) & ~(uintptr_t)(Alignment - 1);
// The part of the block we're giving out to the user is now pending
MemGroup.PendingMem.push_back(sys::MemoryBlock((void*)Addr, Size));
// The allocateMappedMemory may allocate much more memory than we need. In
......@@ -165,6 +166,8 @@ uint8_t* PystonMemoryManager::allocateSection(MemoryGroup& MemGroup, uintptr_t S
FreeMB.PendingPrefixIndex = (unsigned)-1;
// Return aligned address
return (uint8_t*)Addr;
......@@ -172,9 +175,6 @@ bool PystonMemoryManager::finalizeMemory(std::string* ErrMsg) {
// FIXME: Should in-progress permissions be reverted if an error occurs?
llvm_error_code ec;
// Don't allow free memory blocks to be used after setting protection flags.
// Make code memory executable.
// pyston: also make it writeable so we can patch it later
ec = applyMemoryGroupPermissions(CodeMem, sys::Memory::MF_READ | sys::Memory::MF_EXEC | sys::Memory::MF_WRITE);
......@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ bool PystonMemoryManager::finalizeMemory(std::string* ErrMsg) {
return true;
// This code was removed in latest LLVM's repo.
// Don't allow free memory blocks to be used after setting protection flags.
......@@ -225,6 +226,11 @@ static sys::MemoryBlock trimBlockToPageSize(sys::MemoryBlock M) {
return Trimmed;
// Copy from LLVM 3.9 repo's /include/llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h
template <typename R, class UnaryPredicate> auto remove_if(R&& Range, UnaryPredicate&& P) -> decltype(Range.begin()) {
return std::remove_if(Range.begin(), Range.end(), P);
llvm_error_code PystonMemoryManager::applyMemoryGroupPermissions(MemoryGroup& MemGroup, unsigned Permissions) {
for (sys::MemoryBlock& MB : MemGroup.PendingMem) {
......@@ -245,9 +251,8 @@ llvm_error_code PystonMemoryManager::applyMemoryGroupPermissions(MemoryGroup& Me
// Remove all blocks which are now empty
MemGroup.FreeMem.erase(std::remove_if(MemGroup.FreeMem.begin(), MemGroup.FreeMem.end(), [](FreeMemBlock& FreeMB) {
return FreeMB.Free.size() == 0;
}), MemGroup.FreeMem.end());
MemGroup.FreeMem.erase(remove_if(MemGroup.FreeMem, [](FreeMemBlock& FreeMB) { return FreeMB.Free.size() == 0; }),
#if LLVMREV < 209952
return llvm_error_code::success();
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