Commit fe01753a authored by Chris Toshok's avatar Chris Toshok

add tool that compares us_timer_* in stat dumps

parent 3ebd2551
import sys
estimated_mhz = 0
def tally(fn):
counts = []
for l in open(fn):
if ':' in l:
(key, value) = l.split(':')
if key == "estimated_cpu_mhz":
mhz = float(value)
if key.startswith('us_timer_'):
counts.append((key, int(value)))
return (counts, mhz)
def main():
fn1, fn2 = sys.argv[1:3]
diff_thresh = int(sys.argv[3])
diff_thresh = 500 # differences under 500us aren't shown
(counts1, estimated_mhz1) = tally(fn1)
(counts2, estimated_mhz2) = tally(fn2)
global estimated_mhz
if estimated_mhz1 > estimated_mhz2:
# convert from mhz2 to mhz1
mhz1_factor = 1
mhz2_factor = estimated_mhz1 / estimated_mhz2
estimated_mhz = estimated_mhz1
# convert from mhz1 to mhz2
mhz1_factor = estimated_mhz2 / estimated_mhz1
mhz2_factor = 1
estimated_mhz = estimated_mhz2
i1 = 0
i2 = 0
while i1 < len(counts1) or i2 < len(counts2):
count1 = 0
count2 = 0
name1 = "zzz"
name2 = "zzz"
if i1 < len(counts1):
name1 = counts1[i1][0]
if i2 < len(counts2):
name2 = counts2[i2][0]
if name1 < name2:
# the counter in name1 is missing from name2, so count2 is 0
count1 = counts1[i1][1] * mhz1_factor
i1 += 1
elif name1 > name2:
# the counter in name1 is missing from name1, so count1 is 0
count2 = counts2[i2][1] * mhz2_factor
i2 += 1
count1 = counts1[i1][1] * mhz1_factor
count2 = counts2[i2][1] * mhz2_factor
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
if abs(count1 - count2) < diff_thresh:
pass # they're within threshold, do nothing
elif count2 > count1:
bad(format_msg(name1, count1, count2, estimated_mhz))
else: #if count1 > count2
good(format_msg(name1, count1, count2, estimated_mhz))
def bad(msg):
print '\033[91m', msg, '\033[0m'
def good(msg):
print '\033[92m', msg, '\033[0m'
def format_msg(name, before, after, mhz):
return "%s, before %d, after %d, delta %d (approx %s)" % (name, before, after, after - before, format_delta(after - before))
def format_delta(delta):
if abs(delta) > 1000000:
return "%5.2f sec" % (delta / 1000000,)
if abs(delta) > 1000:
return "%5.2f msec" % (delta / 1000,)
return "%5.2f usec" % (delta,)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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