gitlab.default.example 1.22 KB
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# Copy this lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example file to
# /etc/default/gitlab in order for it to apply to your system.

# RAILS_ENV defines the type of installation that is running.
# Normal values are "production", "test" and "development".

# app_user defines the user that GitLab is run as.
# The default is "git".

# app_root defines the folder in which gitlab and it's components are installed.
# The default is "/home/$app_user/gitlab"
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# pid_path defines a folder in which the gitlab and it's components place their pids.
# This variable is also used below to define the relevant pids for the gitlab components.
# The default is "$app_root/tmp/pids"

# socket_path defines the folder in which gitlab places the sockets
#The default is "$app_root/tmp/sockets"

# web_server_pid_path defines the path in which to create the pid file fo the web_server
# The default is "$pid_path/"

# sidekiq_pid_path defines the path in which to create the pid file for sidekiq
# The default is "$pid_path/"