• Filipa Lacerda's avatar
    Merge branch 'master' into 34312-eslint-vue-plugin · 41cc4cf5
    Filipa Lacerda authored
    * master: (33 commits)
      Include integration tests in CE/EE testing documentation
      41054-Disallow creation of new Kubernetes integrations
      Resolve "Resizable file list and commit panel"
      Make tooltip placement bottom by default as per design guidelines
      Fix groups list icon, timestamp alignment and row height
      Avoid leaving a push event empty if payload cannot be created
      Use heredoc for long strings so it's easier to read
      Simplify metrics fetching for closed/merged MRs
      Better English
      Fix method lookup
      Use a background migration for issues.closed_at
      Handle Gitaly aborted merge due to branch update
      Fix API endpoints to edit wiki pages where project belongs to a group
      Fixes spec failures due to not returning metrics for MRs other than closed/merged
      Cache merged and closed events data in merge_request_metrics table
      Update test to remove carent icon check
      Update styles to fix SVG caret alignment
      Update selector to test SVG icon name
      Use SVG sprite icons
      Add support for max_count option to Git::Repository#count_commits
item_stats.vue 1.94 KB