• Phil Hughes's avatar
    Discussion notes update · e490a541
    Phil Hughes authored
    At the moment discussion notes are rendered in a list but arent actually a list item and that can cause overflow issues
    Moved the dates to be in the header like other notes
    Fixed overlapping issue on mobile
_discussion.html.haml 637 Bytes
- note = discussion_notes.first
    = link_to user_path(note.author) do
      = image_tag avatar_icon(note.author_email), class: "avatar s40"
    - if note.for_merge_request?
      - (active_notes, outdated_notes) = discussion_notes.partition(&:active?)
      = render "projects/notes/discussions/active", discussion_notes: active_notes if active_notes.length > 0
      = render "projects/notes/discussions/outdated", discussion_notes: outdated_notes if outdated_notes.length > 0
    - else
      = render "projects/notes/discussions/commit", discussion_notes: discussion_notes