• Douwe Maan's avatar
    Merge branch 'fix-escaped-branches-in-compare' into 'master' · fe38be8b
    Douwe Maan authored
    Unescape branch names in compare commit
    The upgrade in GitLab v7.9 to Rails v4.1.9 caused all branch names in the compare commit mode to be escaped (e.g. `/` to `%2F`). The compare mode would not always work when comparing against branch names with a forward slash.
    Opted to unescape the branch name rather than use a wildcard segment to prevent escaping slashes because it seems like a more sensible URL. The slashes in this case aren't really represented by a tree structure (e.g. /compare/one/two/branch..another/branch/here).
    * Closes #1399
    * Closes https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/issues/9105
    See merge request !582
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