Commit 61d3e253 authored by Luke "Jared" Bennett's avatar Luke "Jared" Bennett

Revert if \> show fix

parent e7147cb0
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ export default RepoBinaryViewer;
<div id="binary-viewer" v-show="binary && !activeFile.raw">
<div id="binary-viewer" v-if="binary && !activeFile.raw">
<img v-show="binaryTypes.png && binaryLoaded" @error="errored" @load="loaded" :src="pngBlobWithDataURI" :alt=""/>
<div v-show="binaryTypes.markdown" v-html="activeFile.html"></div>
<div v-if="binaryTypes.markdown" v-html="activeFile.html"></div>
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