Commit 842203ff authored by Enrique Alcantara's avatar Enrique Alcantara

Improve API URL validation message

parent 0a2edb29
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
= field.fields_for :platform_kubernetes, @user_cluster.platform_kubernetes do |platform_kubernetes_field|
= platform_kubernetes_field.url_field :api_url, required: true,
title: s_('ClusterIntegration|API URL must use http or https protocol.'),
title: s_('ClusterIntegration|API URL should be a valid http/https url.'),
label: s_('ClusterIntegration|API URL'), label_class: 'label-bold'
= platform_kubernetes_field.text_area :ca_cert,
placeholder: s_('ClusterIntegration|Certificate Authority bundle (PEM format)'),
......@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ClusterIntegration|API URL"
msgstr ""
msgid "ClusterIntegration|API URL must use http or https protocol."
msgid "ClusterIntegration|API URL should be a valid http/https url."
msgstr ""
msgid "ClusterIntegration|Add Kubernetes cluster"
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