Commit 4e1ae737 authored by Marc Abramowitz's avatar Marc Abramowitz

Use JS multi-line string for Python code

so that the Python code looks nicer and is less error-prone to edit.
parent 5a9f4747
......@@ -24,16 +24,17 @@
window.term = term;
'import io, code, sys\n' +
'from js import term, pyodide\n' +
'class Console(code.InteractiveConsole):\n' +
' def runcode(self, code):\n' +
' sys.stdout = io.StringIO()\n' +
' sys.stderr = io.StringIO()\n' +
' term.runPython("\\n".join(self.buffer))\n' +
'_c = Console(locals=globals())'
import io, code, sys
from js import term, pyodide
class Console(code.InteractiveConsole):
def runcode(self, code):
sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
_c = Console(locals=globals())
var c = pyodide.pyimport('_c')
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