Commit 5fb84895 authored by Roman Yurchak's avatar Roman Yurchak Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #181 from rth/api-reference

Add API reference documentation
parents 9d15654f 64699f0b
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
- [Using Pyodide directly from Javascript](
- [Using Pyodide from Iodide](
- [Type conversions]( describes how data types are shared between Python and Javascript
- [API Reference](
## Developing Pyodide
# API Reference
*pyodide version 0.1.0*
Backward compatibility of the API is not guaranteed at this point.
## Python API
### pyodide.open_url(url)
Fetches a given *url* and returns a `io.StringIO` to access its contents.
| name | type | description |
| *url* | str | the URL to open |
A `io.StringIO` object with the URL contents./
### pyodide.eval_code(code, ns)
Runs a string of code. The last part of the string may be an expression, in which case, its value is returned.
This function may be overridden to change how `pyodide.runPython` interprets code, for example to perform
some preprocessing on the Python code first.
| name | type | description |
| *code* | str | the code to evaluate |
| *ns* | dict | evaluation name space |
Either the resulting object or `None`.
## Javascript API
### pyodide.loadPackage(names)
Load a package or a list of packages over the network.
This makes the files for the package available in the virtual filesystem.
The package needs to be imported from Python before it can be used.
| name | type | description |
| *names* | {String, Array} | package name, or URL. Can be either a single element, or an array. |
Loading is asynchronous, therefore, this returns a promise.
### pyodide.loadedPackage
`Array` with loaded packages.
Use `Object.keys(pyodide.loadedPackage)` to access the names of the
loaded packages, and `pyodide.loadedPackage[package_name]` to access
install location for a particular `package_name`.
### pyodide.pyimport(name)
Access a Python object from Javascript. The object must be in the global Python namespace.
For example, to access the `foo` Python object from Javascript:
`var foo = pyodide.pyimport('foo')`
| name | type | description |
| *names* | String | Python variable name |
| name | type | description |
| *object* | *any* | If one of the basic types (string, |
| | | number, boolean, array, object), the |
| | | Python object is converted to |
| | | Javascript and returned. For other |
| | | types, a Proxy object to the Python |
| | | object is returned. |
### pyodide.repr(obj)
Gets the Python's string representation of an object.
This is equivalent to calling `repr(obj)` in Python.
| name | type | description |
| *obj* | *any* | Input object |
| name | type | description |
| *str_repr* | String | String representation of the input object |
### pyodide.runPython(code)
Runs a string of code. The last part of the string may be an expression, in which case, its value is returned.
| name | type | description |
| *code* | String | Python code to evaluate |
| name | type | description |
| *jsresult* | *any* | Result, converted to Javascript |
### pyodide.version()
Returns the pyodide version.
It can be either the exact release version (e.g. `0.1.0`), or
the latest release version followed by the number of commits since, and
the git hash of the current commit (e.g. `0.1.0-1-bd84646`).
| name | type | description |
| *version* | String | Pyodide version string |
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