Commit cd855a47 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

Included draft rest API description.

Working in Progress
parent a5b888e1
The follow text contains the REST API Description for Communication
between slapos.slap and master/proxy.
GET /<computer_id>
Returns information about computer
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id> < connection (json/xml)
Set instance parameter informations on the slagrid server
POST /<computer_id>/usage
Report computer partition usage
POST /<computer_id>/software/building
Reports that Software Release is being build
POST /<computer_id>/software/available
Reports that Software Release is available
POST /<computer_id>/software/error
Add an error for a software Release workflow
### Computer Partition Workflow
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/building
Reports that Computer Partition is being build
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/available
Reports that Computer Partition is available
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/error
Add an error for the software Instance Workflow
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/started
Reports that Computer Partition is started
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/stopped
Reports that Computer Partition is stopped
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/destroyed
Reports that Computer Partition is destroyed
### Still undecided
#@app.route('<computer-id>/partition/<partition_reference>', methods=['PUT'])
@app.route('/partition', methods=['POST'])
def requestComputerPartition(partition_reference = ''):
PUT ??? /configuration < json
Load the given json as configuration for the computer object
GET /<computer_reference>/partition/<partition_reference>
Registers connected representation of computer partition and
returns Computer Partition class object ????
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