Commit 71cd7011 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov


parent 71011fb3
......@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ portal = context.getPortalObject()
configurator = getattr(portal.business_configuration_module, "default_wendelin_configuration", None)
if configurator == None:
context.log("Could not find the scalability business configuration object. Be sure to have erp5_scalability_test business template installed.")
context.log("Could not find the scalability business configuration object. Be sure to have erp5_wendelin_scalability_test business template installed.")
# install configurator if not intalled
installed_bt5_list = [x.getTitle() for x in context.portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplateList()]
if "erp5_wendelin" not in installed_bt5_list:
# nothing installed, thus do it
context.log("START auto-configuration.")
context.log("START auto-configuration for Wendelin's default configuration.")
context.ERP5Site_bootstrapScalabilityTest(user_quantity=0, setup_activity_tool=False, create_test_data=False, set_id_generator=False)
context.log("All configured. Nothing to do.")
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