change_log 5.35 KB
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Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
1 2 3
2008-08-28 yusei
* Use Base_translateString or translateString instead of N_ for translation message.

Jérome Perrin's avatar
Jérome Perrin committed
4 5 6
2008-07-17 jerome
Remove portal transforms, they are also in core

Nicolas Delaby's avatar
Nicolas Delaby committed
7 8 9
2008-07-17 nicolas
Get Forwarded data from attachments if required

Nicolas Delaby's avatar
Nicolas Delaby committed
10 11 12
2008-07-17 nicolas
Quote url_string parameter

Yoshinori Okuji's avatar
Yoshinori Okuji committed
13 14 15
2008-07-15 yo
* Preserve whitespace in the text content of an event.

Rafael Monnerat's avatar
Rafael Monnerat committed
2008-07-15 rafael
* Added Event_afterClone to make cloned Events editable.
Rafael Monnerat's avatar
Rafael Monnerat committed

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
19 20 21
2008-07-07 yusei
* Added an action to ticket portal types which clone ticket and related events.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
22 23 24
2008-07-02 yusei
* when ingest email message, find sender from person document first and organisation later.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
25 26 27
2008-06-27 yusei
* Start to develop version 5.2.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
28 29 30
2008-06-26 yusei
* Revise version to 5.1.

Rafael Monnerat's avatar
Rafael Monnerat committed
31 32 33
2008-06-25 rafael
* Added Document Tabs at Tickets.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
34 35 36
2008-06-10 yusei
* Move Event_send and mail templates to erp5_core.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
37 38 39
2008-06-10 yusei
* Don't escape html markup in Event_viewMimeMessage.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
40 41 42
2008-06-09 yusei
* Added Event_send proxy role (Manager).

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
43 44 45
2008-06-06 yusei
* In Event_send, invoke transition only when portal type is available (it means crm portal types are installed).

Vincent Desmares's avatar
Vincent Desmares committed
46 47 48 49 50
* Add rights for manager in :
sale_opportunity_workflow  :  Contacted, Cancelled
ticket_workflow  :  Closed, Cancelled

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
51 52 53
2008-5-31 yusei
* Invoke workflow method only when event worklfow is used.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
54 55
2008-5-29 yusei
* Add type based method for Event.send and use MailTemplate to build mail message.
Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
* Add a minimum support of html mail.
Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
58 59
2008-5-29 yusei
* Modifiy response transition in event_workflow, now it create a new event and send it to recepient immediately.
Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
* Add quotation option in acknowledge dialog.
Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
62 63 64 65
2008-5-27 yusei
* Replace "Create Related Event" action with a equivalent workflow method.
* Fixed appearance of content in view and preview.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
66 67 68
2008-5-26 yusei
* Added a new content column in event list in ticket view and fixed to display correct title in the list.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
69 70 71 72
2008-5-26 yusei
* Added An option which create new event in acknowledge workflow dialog.
* In event_workflow, variables named follow_up_ticket_title and follow_up_ticket_type are updated only when transition or new  state specify a new value.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
73 74 75
2008-4-17 yusei
* Revise version to 5.0.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
76 77 78
2008-4-1 yusei
* When receive forwarded mail, update recipient and sender automatically.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
79 80 81
2008-03-31 yusei
* Add a type based method for rewriting mail message.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
82 83 84
2008-03-17 yusei
* Add source_project and destination_project fields for Ticket_view.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
85 86 87
2008-03-14 yusei
* Add dependency to erp5_ingestion.

Jérome Perrin's avatar
Jérome Perrin committed
88 89 90
2008-02-22 Jérome
* Export new portal_transforms using ERP5Type's html_to_text. Requires recent products: ERP5Type r19462 and ERP5 r19470

91 92 93 94
2008-02-20 Jérome
* Allow sending email from Mail Message.
* New sale opportunity workflow.

95 96 97
2008-02-19 Jérome
* Add reports

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
98 99 100 101 102
2008-1-30 Yusei
* *_getResourceItemList script should
return values only which user can access.

2008-1-11 Yusei
Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
103 104
* Added mimetypes_registry, portal_transforms in Tools. Please use revision 18669 or newer of ERP5Type.

Yoshinori Okuji's avatar
Yoshinori Okuji committed
105 106 107
2007-10-30 yo
* Set pricing_interaction_workflow to Campaign, Fax Message, Letter, Mail Message, Meeting, Note, Phone Call, Sale Opportunity, Support Request, Visit and Web Message.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
108 109 110
2007-10-01 Yusei
* Removed my_reference from Ticket_view.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
111 112 113
2007-09-28 Yusei
* Add Web Message portal type for representing online forum posting or instant message.

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
114 115 116
2007-09-14 Yusei
* Fix to use activity for updating related event local roles.

Thierry's avatar
Thierry committed
117 118 119
2007-09-14 Thierry
* Add missing portal type actions

Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
120 121 122
2007-09-11 Yusei
* Add two interaction workflows for ticket and event to update local roles after editing.

Romain Courteaud's avatar
Romain Courteaud committed
123 124
2007-09-11 Romain
* Add Visit portal type
Romain Courteaud's avatar
Romain Courteaud committed
* Remove hardcoded values
Romain Courteaud's avatar
Romain Courteaud committed

Thierry's avatar
Thierry committed
127 128 129
2007-09-11 Thierry
* Improve Ticket workflow (add worklists)

Thierry's avatar
Thierry committed
130 131 132 133
2007-09-10 Thierry
* Improve Event workflow
* Add causality relations between Events

134 135 136
2007-08-22 JPS
* Slight refactoring

137 138 139
2007-08-13 Jerome
* Remove portal type actions that are now defined as global actions

140 141 142
2007-02-15 Rafael
* Added Internal Request.

143 144 145
2006-05-18 Romain
* Fix naming conventions.

146 147 148 149 150 151 152
2006-04-25 Romain
* Remove News Item
* Again, change state variable to simulation_state for event_workflow and sale_opportunity_workflow.
* Add subcategories in portal_categories/resource.
* Modify all forms.
* Event and Ticket are now subclasses of Movement.

Romain Courteaud's avatar
Romain Courteaud committed
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
2006-05-17 Romain
* Remove catalog method z_related_translated_event_state
* Remove related key translated_event_state_title | translation/translated_message/z_related_translated_event_state

2006-05-15 Alex
* Update maintainers.

2006-03-27 kevin
* Don't encode MailMessage_view body, it's done automatticaly now.

Kevin Deldycke's avatar
Kevin Deldycke committed
163 164 165
2006-03-03 kevin
* Display an encoded UTF-8 body for Mail Message.

Kevin Deldycke's avatar
Kevin Deldycke committed
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
2006-02-22 kevin
* Fix bad default lisbox parameters.

2006-06-02 Jerome
* add missing 'follow_up' base category.
* improve 'Respond' feature in event workflow
* make filtering work in Event Module + other small UI fixes.

Aurel's avatar
Aurel committed
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193
2005-11-11 Romain
* Correct naming convention.

2005-11-05 Romain
* Correct naming convention.

2005-10-20 Romain
* Correct naming convention.

2005-09-05 Romain (1.0rc5)
* Change state variable to simulation_state for event_workflow and sale_opportunity_workflow.

2005-09-02 Romain (1.0rc4)
* Added all _action transitions in workflows.

2005-08-29 Romain (1.0rc3)
* Added missing forms.
* Clean portal type definition.
* Change module id (event->event_module, etc)
* Move Project* skins to folder erp5_project (included in business template erp5_project).
Yusei Tahara's avatar
Yusei Tahara committed
* Correct python script (where module ids are hardcoded).