Commit 53a4f048 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

added method getPredicatePropertyDict

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 58956b45
......@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ class CatalogTool (UniqueObject, ZCatalog, CMFCoreCatalogTool, ActiveObject):
vars = {}
#LOG('catalog_object vars', 0, str(vars))
w = IndexableObjectWrapper(vars, object)
object_path = object.getPhysicalPath()
......@@ -372,6 +373,9 @@ class CatalogTool (UniqueObject, ZCatalog, CMFCoreCatalogTool, ActiveObject):
vars['optimised_roles_and_users'] = optimised_roles_and_users
vars['optimised_roles_and_users'] = None
predicate_property_dict = catalog.getPredicatePropertyDict(object)
if predicate_property_dict is not None:
vars['predicate_property_dict'] = predicate_property_dict
vars['security_uid'] = security_uid
return w
......@@ -386,6 +390,7 @@ class CatalogTool (UniqueObject, ZCatalog, CMFCoreCatalogTool, ActiveObject):
url = self.__url(object)
self.catalog_object(object, url, idxs=idxs, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id,**kw)
def unindexObject(self, object, path=None, sql_catalog_id=None):
......@@ -409,4 +414,31 @@ class CatalogTool (UniqueObject, ZCatalog, CMFCoreCatalogTool, ActiveObject):
url = self.__url(object)
self.catalog_object(object, url, idxs=idxs, is_object_moved=1)
def getPredicatePropertyDict(self, object):
Construct a dictionnary with a list of properties
to catalog into the table predicate
if getattr(object,'isPredicate',None) is None:
return None
property_dict = {}
identity_criterion = getattr(object,'_identity_criterion',None)
range_criterion = getattr(object,'_range_criterion',None)
if identity_criterion is not None:
for property, value in identity_criterion.items():
if value is not None:
property_dict[property] = value
if range_criterion is not None:
for property, (min, max) in range_criterion.items():
if min is not None:
property_dict['%s_min' % property] = min
if max is not None:
property_dict['%s_max' % property] = max
return property_dict
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