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  1. 28 Nov, 2019 3 commits
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      forge/administration: move some scripts to administration · ca05b59a
      Jérome Perrin authored
      These scripts are used to check the site configuration and also in
      This is just the minimal so that CodingStyleTest can run, but this could
      be extended to several scripts currently in erp5_toolbox skinfolder of
      erp5_forge which overlaps with erp5_administration. Also, regarding
      CodingStyleTest, it seems that erp5_administration contain a lot of
      things, so we may want to extract a smaller business template containing
      only the scripts used for static analysis of business template.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      administration: include new component types in "check source code" · 783add94
      Jérome Perrin authored
      We want this check to run on all components.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      CodingStyle: ignore more skins and prefixs · a4e0fb2d
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Module is an acceptable prefix for modules
      Introduce a list of skins IDs that does not match our conventions but
      are acceptable because this is what external API are calling.
  2. 26 Nov, 2019 3 commits
  3. 25 Nov, 2019 5 commits
  4. 22 Nov, 2019 12 commits
  5. 21 Nov, 2019 4 commits
  6. 19 Nov, 2019 1 commit
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      Test Suite for Coding Style test · 82206749
      Jérome Perrin authored
      A new test suite to perform static check on business templates using  `CodingStyleTestCase`.
      This runs a coding style test for each business template, after installing the business template and its dependencies listed in business template metadata.
      In order to start with a test suite with no failure, business templates that does not pass this test today (because they don't install or because pylint issues still needs to be reviewed) are skipped with an ad-hoc  `bt/skip_coding_style_test` in the business template. Note that this file is not created by business template system as it is a temporary measure, business templates must pass pylint and other checks from `CodingStyleTestCase`.
      I took the approach of creating one independent test per business template, instead of the approach of creating a site with all business templates like we did in testNamingConventions or testHTML. This appears as another "Coding Style" test, like Performance or Scalability tests.
      The idea behind this was that if we extend our business template checks ( for example when we translate the [ERP5 Module Creation Guidelines]( to some scripts we can run on a business template ), we can check that each business template contain what it should contain and not just that the global result is OK.
      /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!629
  7. 18 Nov, 2019 5 commits
  8. 15 Nov, 2019 2 commits
  9. 14 Nov, 2019 5 commits