Commit 0275174c authored by Christian Bergmiller's avatar Christian Bergmiller Committed by oroulet

handling of unexpected error in uaprocessor._process_message

parent f4279258
......@@ -124,7 +124,13 @@ class UaProcessor:
status = ua.StatusCode(e.code)
response = ua.ServiceFault()
response.ResponseHeader.ServiceResult = status"sending service fault response: %s (%s)", status.doc,
_logger.error("sending service fault response: %s (%s)", status.doc,
self.send_response(requesthdr.RequestHandle, algohdr, seqhdr, response)
return True
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Error while processing message')
response = ua.ServiceFault()
response.ResponseHeader.ServiceResult = ua.StatusCode(ua.StatusCodes.BadInternalError)
self.send_response(requesthdr.RequestHandle, algohdr, seqhdr, response)
return True
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