Commit 11db062a authored by joaovitor8's avatar joaovitor8

Adding the methods necessary for Modifying Subscriptions, make deadband...

Adding the methods necessary for Modifying Subscriptions, make deadband filters and also added support to deadband filter on server side.
parent b756f0ab
......@@ -272,18 +272,27 @@ class Subscription(object):
def modify_monitored_item(self, handle, new_samp_time, new_queuesize=0, mod_filter=None):
def modify_monitored_item(self, handle, new_samp_time, new_queuesize=0, mod_filter_val=None):
Modify a monitored item.
:param handle: Handle returned when originally subscribing
:param new_samp_time: New wanted sample time
:param new_queuesize: New wanted queuesize, default is 0
:param mod_filter: New wanted filter, default is None
:param mod_filter_val: New deadband filter value
:return: Return a Modify Monitored Item Result
if mod_filter_val < 0:
mod_filter = ua.DataChangeFilter()
mod_filter.DeadbandValue = -1
mod_filter = ua.DataChangeFilter()
mod_filter.Trigger = ua.DataChangeTrigger(1) # send notification when status or value change
mod_filter.DeadbandType = 1
mod_filter.DeadbandValue = mod_filter_val # absolute float value or from 0 to 100 for percentage deadband
modif_item = ua.MonitoredItemModifyRequest()
modif_item.MonitoredItemId = handle
modif_item.RequestedParameters = self._modify_monitored_item_request(new_queuesize, new_samp_time, mod_filter)
modif_item.RequestedParameters = self._modify_monitored_item_request(new_queuesize, new_samp_time,
params = ua.ModifyMonitoredItemsParameters()
params.SubscriptionId = self.subscription_id
......@@ -301,7 +310,7 @@ class Subscription(object):
def deadband_monitor(self, var, deadband_val, deadbandtype=1, queuesize=0, attr=ua.AttributeIds.Value):
Function to create a subscription with a Deadband Value.
Method to create a subscription with a Deadband Value.
Default deadband value type is absolute.
Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe
:param var: Variable to which you want to subscribe
......@@ -310,8 +319,18 @@ class Subscription(object):
:param queuesize: Wanted queue size, default is 1
deadband_filter = ua.DataChangeFilter()
deadband_filter.Trigger = DataChangeTrigger(1) # send notification when status or value change
deadband_filter.Trigger = ua.DataChangeTrigger(1) # send notification when status or value change
deadband_filter.DeadbandType = deadbandtype
deadband_filter.DeadbandValue = deadband_val # absolute float value or from 0 to 100 for percentage deadband
return self._subscribe(var, attr, deadband_filter, queuesize)
def _modify_monitored_item_request(self, new_queuesize, new_samp_time, mod_filter):
req_params = ua.MonitoringParameters()
with self._lock:
req_params.ClientHandle = self._client_handle
req_params.QueueSize = new_queuesize
req_params.Filter = mod_filter
req_params.SamplingInterval = new_samp_time
return req_params
......@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ class AddressSpace(object):
for k, v in cbs:
v(k, value)
v(k, value, old)
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.exception("Error calling datachange callback %s, %s, %s", k, v, ex)
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class MonitoredItemService(object):
def trigger_datachange(self, handle, nodeid, attr):
self.logger.debug("triggering datachange for handle %s, nodeid %s, and attribute %s", handle, nodeid, attr)
variant = self.aspace.get_attribute_value(nodeid, attr)
self.datachange_callback(handle, variant)
self.datachange_callback(handle, variant, variant)
def _modify_monitored_item(self, params):
with self._lock:
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class MonitoredItemService(object):
result.RevisedSamplingInterval =
result.RevisedQueueSize = params.RequestedParameters.QueueSize
result.FilterResult = params.RequestedParameters.Filter
mdata.mfilter = result.FilterResult
mdata.parameters = result
return result
result = ua.MonitoredItemModifyResult()
......@@ -162,21 +163,32 @@ class MonitoredItemService(object):
return ua.StatusCode()
def datachange_callback(self, handle, value, error=None):
def datachange_callback(self, handle, value, value_old, error=None):
if error:"subscription %s: datachange callback called with handle '%s' and erorr '%s'",
self, handle, error)"subscription %s: datachange callback called with handle '%s' and erorr '%s'", self,
handle, error)
else:"subscription %s: datachange callback called with handle '%s' and value '%s'",
self, handle, value.Value)"subscription %s: datachange callback called with handle '%s' and value '%s'", self,
handle, value.Value)
event = ua.MonitoredItemNotification()
with self._lock:
mid = self._monitored_datachange[handle]
mdata = self._monitored_items[mid]
event.ClientHandle = mdata.client_handle
event.Value = value
self.isub.enqueue_datachange_event(mid, event, mdata.parameters.RevisedQueueSize)
if mdata.mfilter != None:
deadband_flag_pass = self.deadband_callback(value, value_old, mdata.mfilter)
deadband_flag_pass = True
if deadband_flag_pass:
event.ClientHandle = mdata.client_handle
event.Value = value
self.isub.enqueue_datachange_event(mid, event, mdata.parameters.RevisedQueueSize)
def deadband_callback(self, value, value_old, filter):
if ((abs(value.Value.Value - value_old.Value.Value)) > filter.DeadbandValue):
return True
return False
def trigger_event(self, event):
with self._lock:
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