Commit 1ca9874f authored by oroulet's avatar oroulet Committed by oroulet

initial use of dataclass

parent 7a86b031
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ EXAMPLE_BSD_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "exam
def test_variant_array_none():
v = ua.Variant(None, varianttype=ua.VariantType.Int32, is_array=True)
v = ua.Variant(None, VariantType=ua.VariantType.Int32, is_array=True)
data = variant_to_binary(v)
v2 = variant_from_binary(ua.utils.Buffer(data))
assert v == v2
assert v2.is_array
v = ua.Variant(None, varianttype=ua.VariantType.Null, is_array=True)
v = ua.Variant(None, VariantType=ua.VariantType.Null, is_array=True)
data = variant_to_binary(v)
v2 = variant_from_binary(ua.utils.Buffer(data))
assert v == v2
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def test_variant_array_none():
def test_variant_empty_list():
v = ua.Variant([], varianttype=ua.VariantType.Int32, is_array=True)
v = ua.Variant([], VariantType=ua.VariantType.Int32, is_array=True)
data = variant_to_binary(v)
v2 = variant_from_binary(ua.utils.Buffer(data))
assert v == v2
......@@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ def test_custom_structs_array(tmpdir):
def test_nodeid_nsu():
n = ua.NodeId(100, 2)
n.NamespaceUri = "http://freeopcua/tests"
n.ServerIndex = 4
data = nodeid_to_binary(n)
n1 = ua.ExpandedNodeId(100, 2, NamespaceUri="http://freeopcua/tests", ServerIndex=4)
data = nodeid_to_binary(n1)
n2 = nodeid_from_binary(ua.utils.Buffer(data))
assert n == n2
n3 = ua.NodeId.from_string(n.to_string())
assert n == n3
assert n1 == n2
string = n1.to_string()
n3 = ua.NodeId.from_string(string)
assert n1 == n3
def test_nodeid_ordering():
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def test_nodeid_ordering():
e = ua.NodeId("aaaaa", 1)
f = ua.NodeId("aaaaa", 2)
g = ua.NodeId(uuid.uuid4(), 1)
h = ua.TwoByteNodeId(2001)
h = ua.TwoByteNodeId(201)
i = ua.NodeId(b"lkjkl", 1, ua.NodeIdType.ByteString)
j = ua.NodeId(b"aaa", 5, ua.NodeIdType.ByteString)
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ def test_guid():
def test_nodeid_guid_string():
n = ua.GuidNodeId(identifier=uuid.uuid4())
n = ua.GuidNodeId(Identifier=uuid.uuid4())
s = n.to_string()
n2 = ua.NodeId.from_string(s)
s2 = n2.to_string()
......@@ -361,9 +361,8 @@ def test__nodeid():
s1 = ua.StringNodeId("53", 0)
bs = ua.ByteStringNodeId(b"53", 0)
gid = uuid.uuid4()
g = ua.ByteStringNodeId(str(gid), 0)
g = ua.ByteStringNodeId(gid.bytes, 0)
guid = ua.GuidNodeId(gid)
assert tb == fb
assert tb == n
assert tb == n1
assert n1 == fb
......@@ -416,18 +415,18 @@ def test_expandednodeid():
def test_null_guid():
with pytest.raises(ua.UaError):
n = ua.NodeId(b'000000', 0, nodeidtype=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(uuid.UUID('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), 0, nodeidtype=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(b'000000', 0, NodeIdType=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(uuid.UUID('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), 0, NodeIdType=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
assert n.is_null()
assert n.has_null_identifier()
with pytest.raises(ua.UaError):
n = ua.NodeId(b'000000', 1, nodeidtype=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(uuid.UUID('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), 1, nodeidtype=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(b'000000', 1, NodeIdType=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(uuid.UUID('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), 1, NodeIdType=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
assert not n.is_null()
assert n.has_null_identifier()
n = ua.NodeId(uuid.UUID('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000001000000'), 1, nodeidtype=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
n = ua.NodeId(uuid.UUID('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000001000000'), 1, NodeIdType=ua.NodeIdType.Guid)
assert not n.is_null()
assert not n.has_null_identifier()
......@@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ def test_unicode_string_nodeid():
def test_numeric_nodeid():
nid = ua.NodeId(999, 2)
nid = ua.NumericNodeId(999, 2)
assert nid.NamespaceIndex == 2
assert nid.Identifier == 999
assert nid.NodeIdType == ua.NodeIdType.Numeric
......@@ -588,7 +587,7 @@ def test_variant_array():
def test_variant_array_dim():
v = ua.Variant([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dimensions=[2, 3])
v = ua.Variant([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Dimensions=[2, 3])
assert v.Value[1] == 2
v2 = variant_from_binary(ua.utils.Buffer(variant_to_binary(v)))
assert _reshape(v.Value, (2, 3)) == v2.Value
......@@ -607,13 +606,23 @@ def test_text():
assert t1 == t4
def test_text_simple():
t = ua.LocalizedText('Root')
b = struct_to_binary(t)
print("BIN", b)
buf = ua.utils.Buffer(b)
print("BUF", buf)
t2 = struct_from_binary(ua.LocalizedText, buf)
assert t == t2
def test_text_with_locale():
t0 = ua.LocalizedText('Root')
t1 = ua.LocalizedText('Root', 'de-AT')
t2 = ua.LocalizedText('Root', 'de-AT')
t3 = ua.LocalizedText('Root', 'de-DE')
t4 = ua.LocalizedText(locale='de-DE')
t5 = ua.LocalizedText(locale='de-DE')
t4 = ua.LocalizedText(Locale='de-DE')
t5 = ua.LocalizedText(Locale='de-DE')
assert t0 != t1
assert t1 == t2
assert t1 != t3
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