Commit 1f14aa65 authored by Josh Bode's avatar Josh Bode Committed by oroulet

Clean up some documentation formatting

parent d5ab395d
......@@ -108,12 +108,16 @@ class Client:
async def set_security_string(self, string: str):
Set SecureConnection mode. String format:
where Policy is Basic128Rsa15, Basic256 or Basic256Sha256,
Mode is Sign or SignAndEncrypt
certificate, private_key and server_private_key are
paths to .pem or .der files
Set SecureConnection mode.
:param string: Mode format ``Policy,Mode,certificate,private_key[,server_private_key]``
- ``Policy`` is ``Basic128Rsa15``, ``Basic256`` or ``Basic256Sha256``
- ``Mode`` is ``Sign`` or ``SignAndEncrypt``
- ``certificate``, ``private_key`` and ``server_private_key`` are paths to ``.pem`` or ``.der`` files
Call this before connect()
if not string:
......@@ -269,6 +273,8 @@ class Client:
return await self.uaclient.close_secure_channel()
async def get_endpoints(self) -> list:
"""Get a list of OPC-UA endpoints."""
params = ua.GetEndpointsParameters()
params.EndpointUrl = self.server_url.geturl()
return await self.uaclient.get_endpoints(params)
......@@ -494,9 +500,10 @@ class Client:
Returns a Subscription object which allows to subscribe to events or data changes on server.
:param period: Either a publishing interval in milliseconds or a `CreateSubscriptionParameters` instance.
The second option should be used, if the asyncua-server has problems with the default options.
The second option should be used, if the asyncua-server has problems with the default options.
:param handler: Class instance with data_change and/or event methods (see `SubHandler`
base class for details). Remember not to block the main event loop inside the handler methods.
base class for details). Remember not to block the main event loop inside the handler methods.
if isinstance(period, ua.CreateSubscriptionParameters):
params = period
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