Commit 1f332120 authored by jikalousek's avatar jikalousek Committed by oroulet

Tests were implemented to validate the changes regarding the localized text feature.

parent 45d55f01
......@@ -228,7 +228,33 @@ def test_string_to_variant_localized_text():
obj = ua.LocalizedText(string)
assert obj == string_to_val(string, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
assert string == val_to_string(obj)
def test_string_to_variant_localized_text_with_locale():
locale = "cs-CZ"
string = "Moje jméno"
string_repr = "LocalizedText(Encoding:3, Locale:{}, Text:{})".format(locale,string)
obj = ua.LocalizedText(string, locale)
assert obj == string_to_val(string_repr, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
assert string_repr == val_to_string(obj)
def test_string_to_variant_localized_text_with_none1():
locale = "en-US"
string = ""
string_repr = "LocalizedText(Encoding:1, Locale:{}, Text:{})".format(locale,string)
obj = ua.LocalizedText(string, locale)
obj2 = ua.LocalizedText(string)
assert obj == string_to_val(string_repr, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
assert obj2 == string_to_val(string, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
assert "" == val_to_string(obj)
def test_string_to_variant_localized_text_with_none2():
locale = None
string = "my name is ..."
string_repr = "LocalizedText(Encoding:2, Locale:{}, Text:{})".format(locale,string)
obj = ua.LocalizedText(string, locale)
assert obj == string_to_val(string_repr, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
assert obj == string_to_val(string, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText)
assert string == val_to_string(obj)
def test_string_to_val_xml_element():
string = "<p> titi toto </p>"
......@@ -550,6 +576,20 @@ def test_text():
t4 = struct_from_binary(ua.LocalizedText, ua.utils.Buffer(struct_to_binary(t1)))
assert t1 == t4
def test_text_with_locale():
t0 = ua.LocalizedText('Root')
t1 = ua.LocalizedText('Root','de-AT')
t2 = ua.LocalizedText('Root','de-AT')
t3 = ua.LocalizedText('Root','de-DE')
t4 = ua.LocalizedText(locale='de-DE')
t5 = ua.LocalizedText(locale='de-DE')
assert t0 != t1
assert t1 == t2
assert t1 != t3
assert t3 != t4
assert t4 == t5
t6 = struct_from_binary(ua.LocalizedText, ua.utils.Buffer(struct_to_binary(t1)))
assert t1 == t6
def test_message_chunk():
pol = ua.SecurityPolicy()
......@@ -244,12 +244,20 @@ async def test_xml_localizedtext(opc, tmpdir):
o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext", ua.LocalizedText("mytext"))
await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text")
async def test_xml_localizedtext_with_locale(opc, tmpdir):
o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext", ua.LocalizedText("mytext","en-US"))
await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text")
async def test_xml_localizedtext_array(opc, tmpdir):
o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext_array",
[ua.LocalizedText("erert"), ua.LocalizedText("erert33")])
await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text_array")
async def test_xml_localizedtext_array_with_locale(opc, tmpdir):
o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlltext_array",
[ua.LocalizedText(text="erert",locale="en"), ua.LocalizedText(text="erert33",locale="de")])
await _test_xml_var_type(opc, tmpdir, o, "localized_text_array")
async def test_xml_nodeid(opc, tmpdir):
o = await opc.opc.nodes.objects.add_variable(2, "xmlnodeid", ua.NodeId("mytext", 1))
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