Commit 26b4ac51 authored by Andreas Heine's avatar Andreas Heine Committed by GitHub


parent a2a2fc98
......@@ -645,13 +645,13 @@ class Node:
Add a modelling rule reference to Node.
When creating a new object type, its variable and child nodes will not
be instanciated if they do not have modelling rule
if mandatory is None or False, the modelling rule is removed
if mandatory is None, the modelling rule is removed
# remove all existing modelling rule
rules = await self.get_references(ua.ObjectIds.HasModellingRule)
await self.server.delete_references(list(map(self._fill_delete_reference_item, rules)))
# add new modelling rule as requested
if mandatory is not None and mandatory is not False:
if mandatory is not None:
rule = ua.ObjectIds.ModellingRule_Mandatory if mandatory else ua.ObjectIds.ModellingRule_Optional
await self.add_reference(rule, ua.ObjectIds.HasModellingRule, True, False)
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