Commit 2c78916f authored by Alexis Metge's avatar Alexis Metge Committed by oroulet

Interpret Null UserIdentityToken as Anonymous during ActivateSession

OPC-UA specification Part 4, 5.6.3 specifies that a Null or empty user
token shall always be interpreted as anonymous. Add a test for this case
and a fix to properly handle it.
parent d5bacbc8
......@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ class InternalSession(AbstractSession):
for _ in params.ClientSoftwareCertificates:
id_token = params.UserIdentityToken
if isinstance(id_token, ua.ExtensionObject) and id_token.TypeId == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Null):
# Null or empty user token shall always be interpreted as anonymous.
id_token = ua.AnonymousIdentityToken()
# Check if security policy is supported
if not isinstance(id_token, self.iserver.supported_tokens):
self.logger.error('Rejected active session UserIdentityToken not supported')
......@@ -769,3 +769,19 @@ class TestServerStartError(unittest.TestCase):
async def test_null_auth(server):
OPC-UA Specification Part 4, 5.6.3 specifies that a:
> Null or empty user token shall always be interpreted as anonymous
Ensure a Null token is accepted as an anonymous connection token.
client = Client(server.endpoint.geturl())
# Modify the authentication creation in the client request
def _add_null_auth(self, params):
params.UserIdentityToken = ua.ExtensionObject(ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Null))
client._add_anonymous_auth = _add_null_auth.__get__(client, Client)
# Attempt to connect, this should be accepted without error
async with client:
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