Commit 3932c3f4 authored by Ophir LOJKINE's avatar Ophir LOJKINE Committed by GitHub

3x performance improvement for serialization (#700)

* 3x performance improvement for serialization

Instead of re-inspecting the type metadata everytime an object is serialized,
create a single serialization function for each type and just call it when an instance is serialized

* pre-compute uatype array serializers

* Make VariantTypeCustom instances valid cache keys

VariantTypeCustom instances can be used as cache keys for serialization functions
parent 8d4b9bae
......@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
Binary protocol specific functions and constants
import functools
import struct
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable
import uuid
from enum import IntEnum, Enum, IntFlag
from dataclasses import is_dataclass, fields
from dataclasses import is_dataclass, fields, Field
from asyncua import ua
from .uaerrors import UaError
from ..common.utils import Buffer
......@@ -168,18 +169,23 @@ class Primitives(Primitives1):
Guid = _Guid()
def pack_uatype(vtype, value):
def create_uatype_serializer(vtype):
if hasattr(Primitives,
return getattr(Primitives,
return getattr(Primitives,
if vtype.value > 25:
return Primitives.Bytes.pack(value)
return Primitives.Bytes.pack
if vtype == ua.VariantType.ExtensionObject:
return extensionobject_to_binary(value)
return extensionobject_to_binary
if vtype in (ua.VariantType.NodeId, ua.VariantType.ExpandedNodeId):
return nodeid_to_binary(value)
return nodeid_to_binary
if vtype == ua.VariantType.Variant:
return variant_to_binary(value)
return struct_to_binary(value)
return variant_to_binary
return struct_to_binary
def pack_uatype(vtype, value):
return create_uatype_serializer(vtype)(value)
def unpack_uatype(vtype, data):
......@@ -200,16 +206,23 @@ def unpack_uatype(vtype, data):
raise UaError(f'Cannot unpack unknown variant type {vtype}')
def pack_uatype_array(vtype, array):
def create_uatype_array_serializer(vtype):
if hasattr(Primitives1,
data_type = getattr(Primitives1,
return data_type.pack_array(array)
if array is None:
return b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
length = len(array)
b = [pack_uatype(vtype, val) for val in array]
b.insert(0, Primitives.Int32.pack(length))
return b"".join(b)
return data_type.pack_array
serializer = create_uatype_serializer(vtype)
def serialize(array):
if array is None:
return b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
length = Primitives.Int32.pack(len(array))
return length + b"".join(serializer(val) for val in array)
return serialize
def pack_uatype_array(vtype, array):
return create_uatype_array_serializer(vtype)(array)
def unpack_uatype_array(vtype, data):
......@@ -224,68 +237,104 @@ def unpack_uatype_array(vtype, data):
return [unpack_uatype(vtype, data) for _ in range(length)]
def struct_to_binary(obj):
packet = []
enc_count = 0
enc = 0
for field in fields(obj):
if type_is_union(field.type):
if getattr(obj, is not None:
enc = enc | 1 << enc_count
enc_count += 1
for field in fields(obj):
uatype = field.type
if == "Encoding":
val = getattr(obj,
if type_is_union(uatype):
uatype = type_from_union(uatype)
if type_is_list(uatype):
packet.append(list_to_binary(type_from_list(uatype), val))
def field_serializer(field: Field) -> Callable[[Any], bytes]:
is_optional = type_is_union(field.type)
uatype = field.type
if is_optional:
uatype = type_from_union(uatype)
if type_is_list(uatype):
return create_list_serializer(type_from_list(uatype))
serializer = create_type_serializer(uatype)
if is_optional:
return lambda val: b'' if val is None else serializer(val)
if val is None and type_is_union(field.type):
packet.append(to_binary(uatype, val))
return b''.join(packet)
return serializer
def to_binary(uatype, val):
Pack a python object to binary given a type hint
def create_dataclass_serializer(dataclazz):
"""Given a dataclass, return a function that serializes instances of this dataclass"""
data_fields = fields(dataclazz)
union_fields_encodings = [ # Name and binary encoding of optional fields
(, 1 << enc_count)
for enc_count, field
in enumerate(filter(lambda f: type_is_union(f.type), data_fields))
def serialize_encoding(obj):
enc = 0
for name, enc_val in union_fields_encodings:
if obj.__dict__[name] is not None:
enc |= enc_val
return Primitives.Byte.pack(enc)
encoding_functions = [(, field_serializer(f)) for f in data_fields]
def serialize(obj):
return b''.join(
serialize_encoding(obj) if name == 'Encoding'
else serializer(obj.__dict__[name])
for name, serializer in encoding_functions
return serialize
def struct_to_binary(obj):
serializer = create_dataclass_serializer(obj.__class__)
return serializer(obj)
def create_type_serializer(uatype):
"""Create a binary serialization function for the given UA type"""
if type_is_list(uatype):
return list_to_binary(type_from_list(uatype), val)
return create_list_serializer(type_from_list(uatype))
if hasattr(Primitives, uatype.__name__):
return getattr(Primitives, uatype.__name__).pack(val)
return getattr(Primitives, uatype.__name__).pack
if issubclass(uatype, Enum):
if isinstance(val, (IntEnum, Enum, IntFlag)):
return Primitives.Int32.pack(val.value)
return Primitives.Int32.pack(val)
return lambda val: \
Primitives.Int32.pack(val.value) if isinstance(val, (IntEnum, Enum, IntFlag)) \
else Primitives.Int32.pack(val)
if hasattr(ua.VariantType, uatype.__name__):
vtype = getattr(ua.VariantType, uatype.__name__)
return pack_uatype(vtype, val)
if isinstance(val, ua.NodeId):
return nodeid_to_binary(val)
if isinstance(val, ua.Variant):
return variant_to_binary(val)
if is_dataclass(val):
return struct_to_binary(val)
raise UaError(f'No known way to pack {val} of type {uatype} to ua binary')
return create_uatype_serializer(vtype)
if issubclass(uatype, ua.NodeId):
return nodeid_to_binary
if issubclass(uatype, ua.Variant):
return variant_to_binary
if is_dataclass(uatype):
return create_dataclass_serializer(uatype)
raise UaError(f'No known way to pack value of type {uatype} to ua binary')
def list_to_binary(uatype, val):
if val is None:
return Primitives.Int32.pack(-1)
def to_binary(uatype, val):
return create_type_serializer(uatype)(val)
def create_list_serializer(uatype) -> Callable[[Any], bytes]:
Given a type, return a function that takes a list of instances
of that type and serializes it.
if hasattr(Primitives1, uatype.__name__):
data_type = getattr(Primitives1, uatype.__name__)
return data_type.pack_array(val)
data_size = Primitives.Int32.pack(len(val))
pack = [to_binary(uatype, el) for el in val]
pack.insert(0, data_size)
return b''.join(pack)
return data_type.pack_array
type_serializer = create_type_serializer(uatype)
none_val = Primitives.Int32.pack(-1)
def serialize(val):
if val is None:
return none_val
data_size = Primitives.Int32.pack(len(val))
return data_size + b''.join(type_serializer(el) for el in val)
return serialize
def list_to_binary(uatype, val):
return create_list_serializer(uatype)(val)
def nodeid_to_binary(nodeid):
......@@ -430,9 +479,9 @@ def extensionobject_from_binary(data):
body_data = None
e = ua.ExtensionObject(
return e
......@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ class VariantTypeCustom:
Looks like sometime we get variant with other values than those
defined in VariantType.
FIXME: We should not need this class, as far as I iunderstand the spec
FIXME: We should not need this class, as far as I understand the spec
variants can only be of VariantType
......@@ -776,7 +776,10 @@ class VariantTypeCustom:
__repr__ = __str__
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.value == other.value
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return self.value.__hash__()
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