Commit 3a232c30 authored by Peter Yin's avatar Peter Yin Committed by oroulet

Only remove subscriptions specific to a client when closing a client session

parent dfc9a33c
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class InternalSession:
self.state = SessionState.Created
self.session_id = ua.NodeId(self._counter)
InternalSession._counter += 1
self.subscriptions = []
self.auth_token = ua.NodeId(self._auth_counter)
InternalSession._auth_counter += 1'Created internal session %s',
......@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class InternalSession:
async def close_session(self, delete_subs=True):'close session %s',
self.state = SessionState.Closed
await self.delete_subscriptions(list(self.subscription_service.subscriptions.keys()))
await self.delete_subscriptions(self.subscriptions)
def activate_session(self, params):'activate session')
......@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ class InternalSession:
async def create_subscription(self, params, callback=None):
result = await self.subscription_service.create_subscription(params, callback)
return result
async def create_monitored_items(self, params: ua.CreateMonitoredItemsParameters):
......@@ -106,6 +106,31 @@ async def test_historize_variable(server):
await var.set_value(3.0)
await server.iserver.disable_history_data_change(var)
async def test_multiple_clients_with_subscriptions(server):
Tests that multiple clients can subscribe, and when one client disconnects, the other
still maintains it's subscription
class SubscriptionHandler:
def datachange_notification(self, node, val, data):
sub_handler = SubscriptionHandler()
client1 = Client(server.endpoint.geturl())
client2 = Client(server.endpoint.geturl())
o = server.get_objects_node()
var = await o.add_variable(3, "some_variable", 1.0)
async with client1:
async with client2:
sub1 = await client1.create_subscription(100, sub_handler)
sub2 = await client2.create_subscription(100, sub_handler)
await sub1.subscribe_data_change(var)
await sub2.subscribe_data_change(var)
assert len(server.iserver.subscription_service.subscriptions) == 2
# When client2 disconnects, client1 should still keep it's subscription.
assert len(server.iserver.subscription_service.subscriptions) == 1
assert len(server.iserver.subscription_service.subscriptions) == 0
async def test_historize_events(server):
srv_node = server.get_node(ua.ObjectIds.Server)
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