Commit 3f3ed7fb authored by martigr's avatar martigr Committed by oroulet

add write method to UaFile

parent fb3ff711
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ class UaFile:
self._handle = None
if open_mode == 'r':
self._init_open = ua.OpenFileMode.Read.value
elif open_mode == 'w':
self._init_open = ua.OpenFileMode.Write.value
raise ValueError("file mode is not supported")
......@@ -38,6 +40,13 @@ class UaFile:
arg2 = ua.Variant(size, ua.VariantType.Int32)
return await self._file_node.call_method(read_node, arg1, arg2)
async def write(self, data: bytes):
""" writes file contents """
read_node = await self._file_node.get_child("Write")
arg1 = ua.Variant(self._handle, ua.VariantType.UInt32)
arg2 = ua.Variant(data, ua.VariantType.ByteString)
return await self._file_node.call_method(read_node, arg1, arg2)
async def get_size(self):
""" gets size of file """
size_node = await self._file_node.get_child("Size")
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