Commit 6096a3fe authored by Andreas's avatar Andreas Committed by oroulet


parent 3bccba41
This diff is collapsed.
import asyncio, logging
from asyncua import Server, ua, Node
from asyncua.common.statemachine import FiniteStateMachine
_logger = logging.getLogger('asyncua')
if __name__ == "__main__":
async def main():
server = Server()
await server.init()
idx = await server.register_namespace("")
# get a instance of the FiniteStateMachine-Class def "__init__(self, server=None, parent=None, idx=None, name=None):"
mystatemachine = FiniteStateMachine(server, server.nodes.objects, idx, "FiniteStateMachine")
# call statemachine.install() to instantiate the statemachinetype (with or without optional nodes)
await mystatemachine.install(optionals=True)
# the FiniteStateMachine provides helperclasses for states and transition each class is a representation of the state- and transition-variabletype
# "def __init__(self, name, id=0, node=None):"
# if the state node already exist for example from xml model you can assign it here aswell as if its a substate this is importent for the change of the state
state1 = mystatemachine.State("Idle", "S-Id-1", 1)
# adds the state (StateType) to the statemachine childs - this is mandatory for the FiniteStateMachine!
await mystatemachine.add_state(state1, state_type=ua.NodeId(2309, 0)) #this is a init state -> InitialStateType: ua.NodeId(2309, 0)
state2 = mystatemachine.State("Loading", "S-Id-2", 2)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state2)
state3 = mystatemachine.State("Initializing", "S-Id-3", 3)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state3)
state4 = mystatemachine.State("Processing", "S-Id-4", 4)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state4)
state5 = mystatemachine.State("Finished", "S-Id-5", 5)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state5)
# sets the avalible states of the FiniteStateMachine
# this is mandatory!
await mystatemachine.set_available_states([
# setup your transition helperclass
# "def __init__(self, name, id=0, node=None):"
# if the transition node already exist for example from xml model you can assign it here
trans1 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Idle", "T-Id-1", 1)
# adds the state (TransitionType) to the statemachine childs - this is optional for the FiniteStateMachine
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans1)
trans2 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Loading", "T-Id-2", 2)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans2)
trans3 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Initializing", "T-Id-3", 3)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans3)
trans4 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Processing", "T-Id-4", 4)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans4)
trans5 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Finished", "T-Id-5", 5)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans5)
# this is optional for the FiniteStateMachine
await mystatemachine.set_available_transitions([
# initialise the FiniteStateMachine by call change_state() with the InitialState
# if the statechange should trigger an TransitionEvent the Message can be assigned here
# if event_msg is None no event will be triggered
await mystatemachine.change_state(state1, trans1, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Idle", 300)
async with server:
while 1:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state2, trans2, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Loading", 350)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state3, trans3, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Initializing", 400)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state4, trans4, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Processing", 600)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state5, trans5, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Finished", 800)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state1, trans1, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Idle", 500)
import asyncio, logging
from asyncua import Server, ua, Node
from asyncua.common.statemachine import StateMachine
_logger = logging.getLogger('asyncua')
if __name__ == "__main__":
async def main():
server = Server()
await server.init()
idx = await server.register_namespace("")
# get a instance of the StateMachine-Class def "__init__(self, server=None, parent=None, idx=None, name=None):"
mystatemachine = StateMachine(server, server.nodes.objects, idx, "StateMachine")
# call statemachine.install() to instantiate the statemachinetype (with or without optional nodes)
await mystatemachine.install(optionals=True)
# the StateMachine provides helperclasses for states and transition each class is a representation of the state- and transition-variabletype
# "def __init__(self, name, id=0, node=None):"
# if the state node already exist for example from xml model you can assign it here aswell as if its a substate this is importent for the change of the state
state1 = mystatemachine.State("Idle", "S-Id-1", 1)
# adds the state (StateType) to the statemachine childs - this is optional!
await mystatemachine.add_state(state1, state_type=ua.NodeId(2309, 0)) #this is a init state -> InitialStateType: ua.NodeId(2309, 0)
state2 = mystatemachine.State("Loading", "S-Id-2", 2)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state2)
state3 = mystatemachine.State("Initializing", "S-Id-3", 3)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state3)
state4 = mystatemachine.State("Processing", "S-Id-4", 4)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state4)
state5 = mystatemachine.State("Finished", "S-Id-5", 5)
await mystatemachine.add_state(state5)
# setup your transition helperclass
# "def __init__(self, name, id=0, node=None):"
# if the transition node already exist for example from xml model you can assign it here
trans1 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Idle", "T-Id-1", 1)
# adds the state (TransitionType) to the statemachine childs - this is optional!
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans1)
trans2 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Loading", "T-Id-2", 2)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans2)
trans3 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Initializing", "T-Id-3", 3)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans3)
trans4 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Processing", "T-Id-4", 4)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans4)
trans5 = mystatemachine.Transition("to Finished", "T-Id-5", 5)
await mystatemachine.add_transition(trans5)
# initialise the StateMachine by call change_state() with the InitialState
# if the statechange should trigger an TransitionEvent the Message can be assigned here
# if event_msg is None no event will be triggered
await mystatemachine.change_state(state1, trans1, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Idle", 300)
mystatemachine2 = StateMachine(server, server.nodes.objects, idx, "StateMachineMinimal")
await mystatemachine2.install(optionals=False)
await mystatemachine2.change_state(state1)
mystatemachine3 = StateMachine(server, server.nodes.objects, idx, "StateMachineRegular")
await mystatemachine3.install(optionals=True)
await mystatemachine3.change_state(state1, trans1)
async with server:
while 1:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state2, trans2, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Loading", 350)
await mystatemachine2.change_state(state2)
await mystatemachine3.change_state(state2, trans2)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state3, trans3, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Initializing", 400)
await mystatemachine2.change_state(state3)
await mystatemachine3.change_state(state3)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state4, trans4, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Processing", 600)
await mystatemachine2.change_state(state4)
await mystatemachine3.change_state(state4, trans3)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state5, trans5, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Finished", 800)
await mystatemachine2.change_state(state5)
await mystatemachine3.change_state(state5, trans5)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await mystatemachine.change_state(state1, trans1, f"{mystatemachine._name}: Idle", 500)
await mystatemachine2.change_state(state1)
await mystatemachine3.change_state(state1, trans1)
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