Commit 626db552 authored by oroulet's avatar oroulet Committed by oroulet

small fixes from review

parent 1068876e
......@@ -82,15 +82,13 @@ class {}:
for field in self.fields:
uatype = f"ua.{field.uatype}"
if field.array:
for sfield in self.fields:
uatype = f"ua.{sfield.uatype}"
if sfield.array:
uatype = f"List[{uatype}]"
uatype = uatype
if uatype == 'List[ua.Char]':
uatype = 'String'
code += f" {}:{uatype} = {field.value}\n"
code += f" {}:{uatype} = {sfield.value}\n"
return code
......@@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ class XmlExporter:
nodeid = nodeid.nodeid
if nodeid.NamespaceIndex in self._addr_idx_to_xml_idx:
nodeid = copy(nodeid)
nodeid = ua.NodeId(nodeid.Identifier, NamespaceIndex=self._addr_idx_to_xml_idx[nodeid.NamespaceIndex])
return nodeid.to_string()
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......@@ -441,7 +441,6 @@ class NodeId:
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, NodeId):
raise AttributeError("Can only compare to NodeId")
print(self.NodeIdType, self.NamespaceIndex, self.Identifier, other.NodeIdType, other.NamespaceIndex, other.Identifier)
return (self.NodeIdType, self.NamespaceIndex, self.Identifier) < (other.NodeIdType, other.NamespaceIndex, other.Identifier)
def is_null(self):
......@@ -166,8 +166,6 @@ def reorder_structs(model):
_logger.debug('Variant' in types)
for s in s1 - s2:
_logger.warning(f'{s} is waiting_structs for: {s.waitingfor}')
#from IPython import embed
model.structs = newstructs
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