Commit 6513c0d2 authored by oroulet's avatar oroulet Committed by oroulet

remove outdated nodes in client prosys examples

parent 274cf805
import sys
import asyncio
sys.path.insert(0, "..")
import logging
from asyncua import Client, ua
class SubHandler(object):
Subscription Handler. To receive events from server for a subscription
def datachange_notification(self, node, val, data):
print("Python: New data change event", node, val)
......@@ -19,8 +15,6 @@ class SubHandler(object):
print("Python: New event", event)
async def main():
url = "opc.tcp://localhost:53530/OPCUA/SimulationServer/"
# url = "opc.tcp://olivier:olivierpass@localhost:53530/OPCUA/SimulationServer/"
......@@ -28,45 +22,6 @@ async def main():
print("Root children are", await client.nodes.root.get_children())
static_idx = await client.get_namespace_index("")
myfloat = client.get_node(f"ns={static_idx};s=Float")
mydouble = client.get_node(f"ns={static_idx};s=Double")
myint64 = client.get_node(f"ns={static_idx};s=Int64")
myuint64 = client.get_node(f"ns={static_idx};s=UInt64")
myint32 = client.get_node(f"ns={static_idx};s=Int32")
myuint32 = client.get_node(f"ns={static_idx};s=UInt32")
var = await client.nodes.objects.get_child(["3:Simulation", "3:Random"])
print("var is: ", var)
print("value of var is: ", await var.read_value())
#await var.write_value(ua.Variant([23], ua.VariantType.Double))
print("setting float value")
await myfloat.write_value(ua.Variant(1.234, ua.VariantType.Float))
print("reading float value: ", await myfloat.read_value())
device = await client.nodes.objects.get_child(["6:MyObjects", "6:MyDevice"])
method = await device.get_child("6:MyMethod")
result = await device.call_method(method, ua.Variant("sin"), ua.Variant(180, ua.VariantType.Double))
print("Mehtod result is: ", result)
handler = SubHandler()
sub = await client.create_subscription(500, handler)
handle = await sub.subscribe_data_change(var)
handle2 = await sub.subscribe_events(evtypes=2788)
cond = await client.nodes.root.get_child(["0:Types", "0:EventTypes", "0:BaseEventType", "0:ConditionType"])
for _ in range(5):
# refresh server condition to force generation of events
await cond.call_method("0:ConditionRefresh", ua.Variant(sub.subscription_id, ua.VariantType.UInt32))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await sub.unsubscribe(handle)
await sub.unsubscribe(handle2)
await sub.delete()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
import logging
from asyncua.sync import Client
from asyncua import ua
class SubHandler(object):
......@@ -30,32 +28,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print("name of root is", root.read_browse_name())
objects = client.nodes.objects
print("childs og objects are: ", objects.get_children())
myfloat = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Float")
mydouble = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Double")
myint64 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Int64")
myuint64 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=UInt64")
myint32 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Int32")
myuint32 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=UInt32")
#var = client.get_node(ua.NodeId("Random1", 5))
#print("var is: ", var)
#print("value of var is: ", var.read_value())
#var.write_value(ua.Variant([23], ua.VariantType.Double))
#print("setting float value")
#myfloat.write_value(ua.Variant(1.234, ua.VariantType.Float))
#print("reading float value: ", myfloat.read_value())
#handler = SubHandler()
#sub = client.create_subscription(500, handler)
#handle = sub.subscribe_data_change(var)
#device = objects.get_child(["2:MyObjects", "2:MyDevice"])
#method = device.get_child("2:MyMethod")
#result = device.call_method(method, ua.Variant("sin"), ua.Variant(180, ua.VariantType.Double))
#print("Mehtod result is: ", result)
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