Commit 842b5bbd authored by bitkeeper's avatar bitkeeper Committed by oroulet

Fix typo in in XmlImporte._check_if_namespace_meta_information_is_added which...

Fix typo in in XmlImporte._check_if_namespace_meta_information_is_added which results in an exception.

In case it was required after the import to still add an ns an exception occured. On normal flow the line `_check_if_namespace_meta_information_is_added`s  with the typo isn't executed and no test was available to test the behaviour.

* Added test for `_check_if_namespace_meta_information_is_added`
* Fix the type
parent 52c58349
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class XmlImporter:
for uri, version, pub_date in self.parser.get_nodeset_namespaces():
if uri not in ns_objs:
idx = await self.server.register_namespace(uri)
obj = await self.nodes.namespaces.add_object(idx, uri, ua.ObjectIds.NamespaceMetadataType, False)
obj = await self.server.nodes.namespaces.add_object(idx, uri, ua.ObjectIds.NamespaceMetadataType, False)
ns_uri = await obj.get_child('NamespaceUri')
await ns_uri.write_value(uri, ua.VariantType.String)
ns_ver = await obj.get_child('NamespaceVersion')
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<UANodeSet xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:uax="" xmlns="" xmlns:s1="" xmlns:ua="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Model ModelUri="" PublicationDate="2022-10-03T11:29:34Z" Version="1.0.0">
<RequiredModel ModelUri="" PublicationDate="2022-01-24T00:00:00Z" Version="1.05.01"/>
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ CUSTOM_NODES_NS_XML_PATH = BASE_DIR / "custom_nodesns.xml"
CUSTOM_NODES_NS_XML_PATH1 = BASE_DIR / "custom_nodesns_2.xml"
CUSTOM_NODES_NS_XML_PATH2 = BASE_DIR / "custom_nodesns_3.xml"
CUSTOM_NODES_NS_XML_PATH3 = BASE_DIR / "custom_nodesns_4.xml"
CUSTOM_NS_META_ADD_XML_PATH = BASE_DIR / "custom_ns_meta_add.xml"
CUSTOM_REQ_XML_PASS_PATH = BASE_DIR / "test_requirement_pass.xml"
CUSTOM_REQ_XML_FAIL_PATH = BASE_DIR / "test_requirement_fail.xml"
......@@ -592,3 +593,9 @@ async def test_disable_xml_export_without_value(opc, tmpdir):
assert dv.Value != v.Value
assert v.Value.Value is None
await opc.opc.delete_nodes([o2])
async def test_xml_namespace_meta_add(opc):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await opc.opc.get_namespace_index("")
await opc.opc.import_xml(CUSTOM_NS_META_ADD_XML_PATH)
assert await opc.opc.get_namespace_index("") == 2
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