Commit 9012c82f authored by Mathias Lüdtke's avatar Mathias Lüdtke Committed by oroulet

add test for references in standard address space

parent 78d61807
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, ".")
from tests_cmd_lines import TestCmdLines
from tests_server import TestServer, TestServerCaching, TestServerStartError
from tests_client import TestClient
from tests_standard_address_space import StandardAddressSpaceTests
from tests_unit import TestUnit, TestMaskEnum
from tests_history import TestHistory, TestHistorySQL, TestHistoryLimits, TestHistorySQLLimits
from tests_crypto_connect import TestCryptoConnect
import unittest
import os.path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from opcua import ua
from opcua.server.address_space import AddressSpace
from opcua.server.address_space import NodeManagementService
from opcua.server.standard_address_space import standard_address_space
def find_elem(parent, name, ns = None):
if ns is None:
return parent.find(parent.tag[0:parent.tag.index('}')+1]+name)
except ValueError:
return parent.find(name)
return parent.find(ns+name)
def remove_elem(parent, name):
e = find_elem(parent, name)
if e is not None:
def try_apply(item, aliases):
attrib = item.attrib
for name in ('ReferenceType', 'DataType'):
value = attrib[name]
attrib[name] = aliases[value]
except KeyError:
def read_nodes(path):
tree = ET.parse(path)
root = tree.getroot()
aliases_elem = find_elem(root, 'Aliases')
aliases = dict( (a.attrib['Alias'], a.text) for a in aliases_elem)
any(try_apply(i, aliases) for i in root.iter())
remove_elem(root, "Models")
remove_elem(root, "NamespaceUris")
return dict((e.attrib['NodeId'],e) for e in root)
def get_refs(e):
return set((r.attrib['ReferenceType'], r.text, r.attrib.get('IsForward', 'true') == 'true') for r in find_elem(e, 'References'))
class StandardAddressSpaceTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.aspace = AddressSpace()
self.node_mgt_service = NodeManagementService(self.aspace)
def test_std_address_space_references(self):
std_nodes = read_nodes(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'schemas', 'Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml')))
for k in self.aspace.keys():
refs = set((r.ReferenceTypeId.to_string(), r.NodeId.to_string(), r.IsForward) for r in self.aspace[k].references)
xml_refs = set((r.attrib['ReferenceType'], r.text, r.attrib.get('IsForward', 'true') == 'true') for r in find_elem(std_nodes[k.to_string()], 'References'))
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