Commit 9aeede6a authored by oroulet's avatar oroulet

port type_dict_builder to asyncio

parent 73502ac3
......@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ def _to_camel_case(name):
class OPCTypeDictionaryBuilder:
def __init__(self, idx_name):
def __init__(self, ns_urn):
:param idx_name: name of the name space
:param ns_urn: name of the name space
types in dict is created as opc:xxx, otherwise as tns:xxx
head_attributes = {'xmlns:xsi': '', 'xmlns:tns': idx_name,
head_attributes = {'xmlns:xsi': '', 'xmlns:tns': ns_urn,
'DefaultByteOrder': 'LittleEndian', 'xmlns:opc': '',
'xmlns:ua': '', 'TargetNamespace': idx_name}
'xmlns:ua': '', 'TargetNamespace': ns_urn}
self.etree = Et.ElementTree(Et.Element('opc:TypeDictionary', head_attributes))
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ class OPCTypeDictionaryBuilder:
if isinstance(type_name, Enum):
type_name =
if is_array:
self._add_array_field(type_name, variable_name, struct_name)
self._add_array_field(variable_name, type_name, struct_name)
self._add_field(type_name, variable_name, struct_name)
self._add_field(variable_name, type_name, struct_name)
def append_struct(self, name):
appended_struct = Et.SubElement(self.etree.getroot(), 'opc:StructuredType')
......@@ -120,16 +120,22 @@ def _reference_generator(source_id, target_id, reference_type, is_forward=True):
class DataTypeDictionaryBuilder:
def __init__(self, server, idx, idx_name, dict_name):
def __init__(self, server, idx, ns_urn, dict_name):
self._server = server
self._session_server = server.get_root_node().server
self._idx = idx
self.ns_urn = ns_urn
self.dict_name = dict_name
# Risk of bugs using a fixed number without checking
self._id_counter = 8000
self.dict_id = self._add_dictionary(dict_name)
self._type_dictionary = OPCTypeDictionaryBuilder(idx_name)
self.dict_id = None
self._type_dictionary = None
def _add_dictionary(self, name):
async def init(self):
self.dict_id = await self._add_dictionary(self.dict_name)
self._type_dictionary = OPCTypeDictionaryBuilder(self.ns_urn)
async def _add_dictionary(self, name):
dictionary_node_id = self._nodeid_generator()
node = ua.AddNodesItem()
node.RequestedNewNodeId = dictionary_node_id
......@@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ class DataTypeDictionaryBuilder:
attrs.Value = ua.Variant(None, ua.VariantType.Null)
attrs.ValueRank = -1
node.NodeAttributes = attrs
await self._session_server.add_nodes([node])
return dictionary_node_id
......@@ -153,7 +159,7 @@ class DataTypeDictionaryBuilder:
self._id_counter += 1
return ua.NodeId(self._id_counter, namespaceidx=self._idx, nodeidtype=ua.NodeIdType.Numeric)
def _link_nodes(self, linked_obj_node_id, data_type_node_id, description_node_id):
async def _link_nodes(self, linked_obj_node_id, data_type_node_id, description_node_id):
"""link the three node by their node ids according to UA standard"""
refs = [
# add reverse reference to BaseDataType -> Structure
......@@ -180,9 +186,9 @@ class DataTypeDictionaryBuilder:
# add reverse link to dictionary
_reference_generator(description_node_id, self.dict_id,
ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, 0), False)]
await self._session_server.add_references(refs)
def _create_data_type(self, type_name):
async def _create_data_type(self, type_name):
name = _to_camel_case(type_name)
# apply for new node id
data_type_node_id = self._nodeid_generator()
......@@ -228,22 +234,22 @@ class DataTypeDictionaryBuilder:
obj_attributes.EventNotifier = 0
obj_node.NodeAttributes = obj_attributes
self._session_server.add_nodes([dt_node, desc_node, obj_node])
self._link_nodes(bind_obj_node_id, data_type_node_id, description_node_id)
await self._session_server.add_nodes([dt_node, desc_node, obj_node])
await self._link_nodes(bind_obj_node_id, data_type_node_id, description_node_id)
return StructNode(self, data_type_node_id, type_name)
def create_data_type(self, type_name):
return self._create_data_type(type_name)
async def create_data_type(self, type_name):
return await self._create_data_type(type_name)
def add_field(self, type_name, variable_name, struct_name, is_array=False):
self._type_dictionary.add_field(type_name, variable_name, struct_name, is_array)
def set_dict_byte_string(self):
async def set_dict_byte_string(self):
dict_node = self._server.get_node(self.dict_id)
value = self._type_dictionary.get_dict_value()
dict_node.set_value(value, ua.VariantType.ByteString)
await dict_node.set_value(value, ua.VariantType.ByteString)
class StructNode:
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ class QualifiedName(FrozenClass):
def __init__(self, name=None, namespaceidx=0):
if not isinstance(namespaceidx, int):
raise UaError("namespaceidx must be an int")
raise UaError(f"namespaceidx must be an int not {namespaceidx} of type {type(namespaceidx)}")
self.NamespaceIndex = namespaceidx
self.Name = name
self._freeze = True
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