Commit bbb71550 authored by moongladestorm's avatar moongladestorm Committed by oroulet

use the correct field serializer for the Encoding field by looking up field...

use the correct field serializer for the Encoding field by looking up field type instead of hardcoded 'Byte'
parent 9a692cad
......@@ -277,18 +277,18 @@ def create_dataclass_serializer(dataclazz):
in enumerate(filter(lambda f: type_is_union(f.type), data_fields))
def serialize_encoding(obj):
def enc_value(obj):
enc = 0
for name, enc_val in union_fields_encodings:
if obj.__dict__[name] is not None:
enc |= enc_val
return Primitives.Byte.pack(enc)
return enc
encoding_functions = [(, field_serializer(f)) for f in data_fields]
def serialize(obj):
return b''.join(
serialize_encoding(obj) if name == 'Encoding'
serializer(enc_value(obj)) if name == 'Encoding'
else serializer(obj.__dict__[name])
for name, serializer in encoding_functions
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